5,417 research outputs found

    An Improved Observation Model for Super-Resolution under Affine Motion

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    Super-resolution (SR) techniques make use of subpixel shifts between frames in an image sequence to yield higher-resolution images. We propose an original observation model devoted to the case of non isometric inter-frame motion as required, for instance, in the context of airborne imaging sensors. First, we describe how the main observation models used in the SR literature deal with motion, and we explain why they are not suited for non isometric motion. Then, we propose an extension of the observation model by Elad and Feuer adapted to affine motion. This model is based on a decomposition of affine transforms into successive shear transforms, each one efficiently implemented by row-by-row or column-by-column 1-D affine transforms. We demonstrate on synthetic and real sequences that our observation model incorporated in a SR reconstruction technique leads to better results in the case of variable scale motions and it provides equivalent results in the case of isometric motions

    Super-resolution Using Adaptive Wiener Filters

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    The spatial sampling rate of an imaging system is determined by the spacing of the detectors in the focal plane array (FPA). The spatial frequencies present in the image on the focal plane are band-limited by the optics. This is due to diffraction through a finite aperture. To guarantee that there will be no aliasing during image acquisiton, the Nyquist criterion dictates that the sampling rate must be greater than twice the cut-off frequency of the optics. However, optical designs involve a number of trade-offs and typical imaging systems are designed with some level of aliasing. We will refer to such systems as detector limited, as opposed to optically limited. Furthermore, with or without aliasing, imaging systems invariably suffer from diffraction blur, optical abberations, and noise. Multiframe super-resolution (SR) processing has proven to be successful in reducing aliasing and enhancing the resolution of images from detector limited imaging systems

    Super resolution and dynamic range enhancement of image sequences

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    Camera producers try to increase the spatial resolution of a camera by reducing size of sites on sensor array. However, shot noise causes the signal to noise ratio drop as sensor sites get smaller. This fact motivates resolution enhancement to be performed through software. Super resolution (SR) image reconstruction aims to combine degraded images of a scene in order to form an image which has higher resolution than all observations. There is a demand for high resolution images in biomedical imaging, surveillance, aerial/satellite imaging and high-definition TV (HDTV) technology. Although extensive research has been conducted in SR, attention has not been given to increase the resolution of images under illumination changes. In this study, a unique framework is proposed to increase the spatial resolution and dynamic range of a video sequence using Bayesian and Projection onto Convex Sets (POCS) methods. Incorporating camera response function estimation into image reconstruction allows dynamic range enhancement along with spatial resolution improvement. Photometrically varying input images complicate process of projecting observations onto common grid by violating brightness constancy. A contrast invariant feature transform is proposed in this thesis to register input images with high illumination variation. Proposed algorithm increases the repeatability rate of detected features among frames of a video. Repeatability rate is increased by computing the autocorrelation matrix using the gradients of contrast stretched input images. Presented contrast invariant feature detection improves repeatability rate of Harris corner detector around %25 on average. Joint multi-frame demosaicking and resolution enhancement is also investigated in this thesis. Color constancy constraint set is devised and incorporated into POCS framework for increasing resolution of color-filter array sampled images. Proposed method provides fewer demosaicking artifacts compared to existing POCS method and a higher visual quality in final image

    Robust Super-resolution by Fusion of Interpolated Frames for Color and Grayscale Images

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    Multi-frame super-resolution (SR) processing seeks to overcome undersampling issues that can lead to undesirable aliasing artifacts in imaging systems. A key factor in effective multi-frame SR is accurate subpixel inter-frame registration. Accurate registration is more difficult when frame-to-frame motion does not contain simple global translation and includes locally moving scene objects. SR processing is further complicated when the camera captures full color by using a Bayer color filter array (CFA). Various aspects of these SR challenges have been previously investigated. Fast SR algorithms tend to have difficulty accommodating complex motion and CFA sensors. Furthermore, methods that can tolerate these complexities tend to be iterative in nature and may not be amenable to real-time processing. In this paper, we present a new fast approach for performing SR in the presence of these challenging imaging conditions. We refer to the new approach as Fusion of Interpolated Frames (FIF) SR. The FIF SR method decouples the demosaicing, interpolation, and restoration steps to simplify the algorithm. Frames are first individually demosaiced and interpolated to the desired resolution. Next, FIF uses a novel weighted sum of the interpolated frames to fuse them into an improved resolution estimate. Finally, restoration is applied to improve any degrading camera effects. The proposed FIF approach has a lower computational complexity than many iterative methods, making it a candidate for real-time implementation. We provide a detailed description of the FIF SR method and show experimental results using synthetic and real datasets in both constrained and complex imaging scenarios. Experiments include airborne grayscale imagery and Bayer CFA image sets with affine background motion plus local motion

    Robust Super-resolution by Fusion of Interpolated Frames for Color and Grayscale Images

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    Multi-frame super-resolution (SR) processing seeks to overcome undersampling issues that can lead to undesirable aliasing artifacts in imaging systems. A key factor in effective multi-frame SR is accurate subpixel inter-frame registration. Accurate registration is more difficult when frame-to-frame motion does not contain simple global translation and includes locally moving scene objects. SR processing is further complicated when the camera captures full color by using a Bayer color filter array (CFA). Various aspects of these SR challenges have been previously investigated. Fast SR algorithms tend to have difficulty accommodating complex motion and CFA sensors. Furthermore, methods that can tolerate these complexities tend to be iterative in nature and may not be amenable to real-time processing. In this paper, we present a new fast approach for performing SR in the presence of these challenging imaging conditions. We refer to the new approach as Fusion of Interpolated Frames (FIF) SR. The FIF SR method decouples the demosaicing, interpolation, and restoration steps to simplify the algorithm. Frames are first individually demosaiced and interpolated to the desired resolution. Next, FIF uses a novel weighted sum of the interpolated frames to fuse them into an improved resolution estimate. Finally, restoration is applied to improve any degrading camera effects. The proposed FIF approach has a lower computational complexity than many iterative methods, making it a candidate for real-time implementation. We provide a detailed description of the FIF SR method and show experimental results using synthetic and real datasets in both constrained and complex imaging scenarios. Experiments include airborne grayscale imagery and Bayer CFA image sets with affine background motion plus local motion
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