7 research outputs found

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot’s movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot’s movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot’s movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Hybrid Intelligent Optimization Methods for Engineering Problems

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    The purpose of optimization is to obtain the best solution under certain conditions. There are numerous optimization methods because different problems need different solution methodologies; therefore, it is difficult to construct patterns. Also mathematical modeling of a natural phenomenon is almost based on differentials. Differential equations are constructed with relative increments among the factors related to yield. Therefore, the gradients of these increments are essential to search the yield space. However, the landscape of yield is not a simple one and mostly multi-modal. Another issue is differentiability. Engineering design problems are usually nonlinear and they sometimes exhibit discontinuous derivatives for the objective and constraint functions. Due to these difficulties, non-gradient-based algorithms have become more popular in recent decades. Genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are popular, non-gradient based algorithms. Both are population-based search algorithms and have multiple points for initiation. A significant difference from a gradient-based method is the nature of the search methodologies. For example, randomness is essential for the search in GA or PSO. Hence, they are also called stochastic optimization methods. These algorithms are simple, robust, and have high fidelity. However, they suffer from similar defects, such as, premature convergence, less accuracy, or large computational time. The premature convergence is sometimes inevitable due to the lack of diversity. As the generations of particles or individuals in the population evolve, they may lose their diversity and become similar to each other. To overcome this issue, we studied the diversity concept in GA and PSO algorithms. Diversity is essential for a healthy search, and mutations are the basic operators to provide the necessary variety within a population. After having a close scrutiny of the diversity concept based on qualification and quantification studies, we improved new mutation strategies and operators to provide beneficial diversity within the population. We called this new approach as multi-frequency vibrational GA or PSO. They were applied to different aeronautical engineering problems in order to study the efficiency of these new approaches. These implementations were: applications to selected benchmark test functions, inverse design of two-dimensional (2D) airfoil in subsonic flow, optimization of 2D airfoil in transonic flow, path planning problems of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over a 3D terrain environment, 3D radar cross section minimization problem for a 3D air vehicle, and active flow control over a 2D airfoil. As demonstrated by these test cases, we observed that new algorithms outperform the current popular algorithms. The principal role of this multi-frequency approach was to determine which individuals or particles should be mutated, when they should be mutated, and which ones should be merged into the population. The new mutation operators, when combined with a mutation strategy and an artificial intelligent method, such as, neural networks or fuzzy logic process, they provided local and global diversities during the reproduction phases of the generations. Additionally, the new approach also introduced random and controlled diversity. Due to still being population-based techniques, these methods were as robust as the plain GA or PSO algorithms. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the variants of the present multi-frequency vibrational GA and PSO were efficient algorithms, since they successfully avoided all local optima within relatively short optimization cycles

    Control of free-ranging automated guided vehicles in container terminals

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    Container terminal automation has come to the fore during the last 20 years to improve their efficiency. Whereas a high level of automation has already been achieved in vertical handling operations (stacking cranes), horizontal container transport still has disincentives to the adoption of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) due to a high degree of operational complexity of vehicles. This feature has led to the employment of simple AGV control techniques while hindering the vehicles to utilise their maximum operational capability. In AGV dispatching, vehicles cannot amend ongoing delivery assignments although they have yet to receive the corresponding containers. Therefore, better AGV allocation plans would be discarded that can only be achieved by task reassignment. Also, because of the adoption of predetermined guide paths, AGVs are forced to deploy a highly limited range of their movement abilities while increasing required travel distances for handling container delivery jobs. To handle the two main issues, an AGV dispatching model and a fleet trajectory planning algorithm are proposed. The dispatcher achieves job assignment flexibility by allowing AGVs towards to container origins to abandon their current duty and receive new tasks. The trajectory planner advances Dubins curves to suggest diverse optional paths per origin-destination pair. It also amends vehicular acceleration rates for resolving conflicts between AGVs. In both of the models, the framework of simulated annealing was applied to resolve inherent time complexity. To test and evaluate the sophisticated AGV control models for vehicle dispatching and fleet trajectory planning, a bespoke simulation model is also proposed. A series of simulation tests were performed based on a real container terminal with several performance indicators, and it is identified that the presented dispatcher outperforms conventional vehicle dispatching heuristics in AGV arrival delay time and setup travel time, and the fleet trajectory planner can suggest shorter paths than the corresponding Manhattan distances, especially with fewer AGVs.Open Acces

    Mobile Robot Navigation in Static and Dynamic Environments using Various Soft Computing Techniques

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    The applications of the autonomous mobile robot in many fields such as industry, space, defence and transportation, and other social sectors are growing day by day. The mobile robot performs many tasks such as rescue operation, patrolling, disaster relief, planetary exploration, and material handling, etc. Therefore, an intelligent mobile robot is required that could travel autonomously in various static and dynamic environments. The present research focuses on the design and implementation of the intelligent navigation algorithms, which is capable of navigating a mobile robot autonomously in static as well as dynamic environments. Navigation and obstacle avoidance are one of the most important tasks for any mobile robots. The primary objective of this research work is to improve the navigation accuracy and efficiency of the mobile robot using various soft computing techniques. In this research work, Hybrid Fuzzy (H-Fuzzy) architecture, Cascade Neuro-Fuzzy (CN-Fuzzy) architecture, Fuzzy-Simulated Annealing (Fuzzy-SA) algorithm, Wind Driven Optimization (WDO) algorithm, and Fuzzy-Wind Driven Optimization (Fuzzy-WDO) algorithm have been designed and implemented to solve the navigation problems of a mobile robot in different static and dynamic environments. The performances of these proposed techniques are demonstrated through computer simulations using MATLAB software and implemented in real time by using experimental mobile robots. Furthermore, the performances of Wind Driven Optimization algorithm and Fuzzy-Wind Driven Optimization algorithm are found to be most efficient (in terms of path length and navigation time) as compared to rest of the techniques, which verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of these newly built techniques for mobile robot navigation. The results obtained from the proposed techniques are compared with other developed techniques such as Fuzzy Logics, Genetic algorithm (GA), Neural Network, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, etc. to prove the authenticity of the proposed developed techniques

    Hybrid approaches for mobile robot navigation

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    The work described in this thesis contributes to the efficient solution of mobile robot navigation problems. A series of new evolutionary approaches is presented. Two novel evolutionary planners have been developed that reduce the computational overhead in generating plans of mobile robot movements. In comparison with the best-performing evolutionary scheme reported in the literature, the first of the planners significantly reduces the plan calculation time in static environments. The second planner was able to generate avoidance strategies in response to unexpected events arising from the presence of moving obstacles. To overcome limitations in responsiveness and the unrealistic assumptions regarding a priori knowledge that are inherent in planner-based and a vigation systems, subsequent work concentrated on hybrid approaches. These included a reactive component to identify rapidly and autonomously environmental features that were represented by a small number of critical waypoints. Not only is memory usage dramatically reduced by such a simplified representation, but also the calculation time to determine new plans is significantly reduced. Further significant enhancements of this work were firstly, dynamic avoidance to limit the likelihood of potential collisions with moving obstacles and secondly, exploration to identify statistically the dynamic characteristics of the environment. Finally, by retaining more extensive environmental knowledge gained during previous navigation activities, the capability of the hybrid navigation system was enhanced to allow planning to be performed for any start point and goal point