269 research outputs found

    An implementation of the look-ahead Lanczos algorithm for non-Hermitian matrices

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    The nonsymmetric Lanczos method can be used to compute eigenvalues of large sparse non-Hermitian matrices or to solve large sparse non-Hermitian linear systems. However, the original Lanczos algorithm is susceptible to possible breakdowns and potential instabilities. An implementation is presented of a look-ahead version of the Lanczos algorithm that, except for the very special situation of an incurable breakdown, overcomes these problems by skipping over those steps in which a breakdown or near-breakdown would occur in the standard process. The proposed algorithm can handle look-ahead steps of any length and requires the same number of matrix-vector products and inner products as the standard Lanczos process without look-ahead

    A biconjugate gradient type algorithm on massively parallel architectures

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    The biconjugate gradient (BCG) method is the natural generalization of the classical conjugate gradient algorithm for Hermitian positive definite matrices to general non-Hermitian linear systems. Unfortunately, the original BCG algorithm is susceptible to possible breakdowns and numerical instabilities. Recently, Freund and Nachtigal have proposed a novel BCG type approach, the quasi-minimal residual method (QMR), which overcomes the problems of BCG. Here, an implementation is presented of QMR based on an s-step version of the nonsymmetric look-ahead Lanczos algorithm. The main feature of the s-step Lanczos algorithm is that, in general, all inner products, except for one, can be computed in parallel at the end of each block; this is unlike the other standard Lanczos process where inner products are generated sequentially. The resulting implementation of QMR is particularly attractive on massively parallel SIMD architectures, such as the Connection Machine

    QMR: A Quasi-Minimal Residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems

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    The biconjugate gradient (BCG) method is the natural generalization of the classical conjugate gradient algorithm for Hermitian positive definite matrices to general non-Hermitian linear systems. Unfortunately, the original BCG algorithm is susceptible to possible breakdowns and numerical instabilities. A novel BCG like approach is presented called the quasi-minimal residual (QMR) method, which overcomes the problems of BCG. An implementation of QMR based on a look-ahead version of the nonsymmetric Lanczos algorithm is proposed. It is shown how BCG iterates can be recovered stably from the QMR process. Some further properties of the QMR approach are given and an error bound is presented. Finally, numerical experiments are reported

    An implementation of the look-ahead Lanczos algorithm for non-Hermitian matrices, part 2

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    It is shown how the look-ahead Lanczos process (combined with a quasi-minimal residual QMR) approach) can be used to develop a robust black box solver for large sparse non-Hermitian linear systems. Details of an implementation of the resulting QMR algorithm are presented. It is demonstrated that the QMR method is closely related to the biconjugate gradient (BCG) algorithm; however, unlike BCG, the QMR algorithm has smooth convergence curves and good numerical properties. We report numerical experiments with our implementation of the look-ahead Lanczos algorithm, both for eigenvalue problem and linear systems. Also, program listings of FORTRAN implementations of the look-ahead algorithm and the QMR method are included

    Conjugate gradient type methods for linear systems with complex symmetric coefficient matrices

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    We consider conjugate gradient type methods for the solution of large sparse linear system Ax equals b with complex symmetric coefficient matrices A equals A(T). Such linear systems arise in important applications, such as the numerical solution of the complex Helmholtz equation. Furthermore, most complex non-Hermitian linear systems which occur in practice are actually complex symmetric. We investigate conjugate gradient type iterations which are based on a variant of the nonsymmetric Lanczos algorithm for complex symmetric matrices. We propose a new approach with iterates defined by a quasi-minimal residual property. The resulting algorithm presents several advantages over the standard biconjugate gradient method. We also include some remarks on the obvious approach to general complex linear systems by solving equivalent real linear systems for the real and imaginary parts of x. Finally, numerical experiments for linear systems arising from the complex Helmholtz equation are reported

    Krylov Subspace Methods for Complex Non-Hermitian Linear Systems

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    We consider Krylov subspace methods for the solution of large sparse linear systems Ax = b with complex non-Hermitian coefficient matrices. Such linear systems arise in important applications, such as inverse scattering, numerical solution of time-dependent Schrodinger equations, underwater acoustics, eddy current computations, numerical computations in quantum chromodynamics, and numerical conformal mapping. Typically, the resulting coefficient matrices A exhibit special structures, such as complex symmetry, or they are shifted Hermitian matrices. In this paper, we first describe a Krylov subspace approach with iterates defined by a quasi-minimal residual property, the QMR method, for solving general complex non-Hermitian linear systems. Then, we study special Krylov subspace methods designed for the two families of complex symmetric respectively shifted Hermitian linear systems. We also include some results concerning the obvious approach to general complex linear systems by solving equivalent real linear systems for the real and imaginary parts of x. Finally, numerical experiments for linear systems arising from the complex Helmholtz equation are reported

    Many Masses on One Stroke: Economic Computation of Quark Propagators

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    The computational effort in the calculation of Wilson fermion quark propagators in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics can be considerably reduced by exploiting the Wilson fermion matrix structure in inversion algorithms based on the non-symmetric Lanczos process. We consider two such methods: QMR (quasi minimal residual) and BCG (biconjugate gradients). Based on the decomposition M/κ=1/κ−DM/\kappa={\bf 1}/\kappa-D of the Wilson mass matrix, using QMR, one can carry out inversions on a {\em whole} trajectory of masses simultaneously, merely at the computational expense of a single propagator computation. In other words, one has to compute the propagator corresponding to the lightest mass only, while all the heavier masses are given for free, at the price of extra storage. Moreover, the symmetry γ5 M=M† γ5\gamma_5\, M= M^{\dagger}\,\gamma_5 can be used to cut the computational effort in QMR and BCG by a factor of two. We show that both methods then become---in the critical regime of small quark masses---competitive to BiCGStab and significantly better than the standard MR method, with optimal relaxation factor, and CG as applied to the normal equations.Comment: 17 pages, uuencoded compressed postscrip

    Recent advances in Lanczos-based iterative methods for nonsymmetric linear systems

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    In recent years, there has been a true revival of the nonsymmetric Lanczos method. On the one hand, the possible breakdowns in the classical algorithm are now better understood, and so-called look-ahead variants of the Lanczos process have been developed, which remedy this problem. On the other hand, various new Lanczos-based iterative schemes for solving nonsymmetric linear systems have been proposed. This paper gives a survey of some of these recent developments
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