16 research outputs found

    An imaging system with calibrated color image acquisition for use in dermatology

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    Colorimetric calibration of images captured under unknown illuminants

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    In this paper the problem of acquiring colorimetrically-calibrated images under multiple uncontrolled illuminants is studied. One of the main applications is diagnosis of different injuries by skin colour analysis, these images would be captured in hospitals where lighting conditions are uncontrolled. To gain some control over illumination, a xenon flash has been used in an attempt to dominate the ambient illumination. A Macbeth ColorChecker DC has been required as a test target to make measurements of observed colour using a digital camera under various illumination conditions. A colorimetric calibration algorithm that allows to convert RGB values under unknown illuminant to RGB values under D50 illuminant is also presented. The use of this algorithm avoids pixel values dependence on lighting conditions

    Nonlinear RGB-to-XYZ Mapping for Device Calibration

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    We introduce a new non-linear method for RGB-to-XYZ color calibration based on the technique of thin plate splines. Originally, thin plate splines were designed for deformable matching between 2-dimensional images for object recognition. We use 3-dimensional thin plate splines to map between sets of RGB device coordinates and corresponding sets of CIE XYZ coordinates. Tests calibrating several displays as well as a camera show thin plate spline calibration to be more accurate than existing linear or non-linear calibration methods

    A Review of Wavelet Based Fingerprint Image Retrieval

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    A digital image is composed of pixels and information about brightness of image and RGB triples are used to encode color information. Image retrieval problem encountered when searching and retrieving images that is relevant to a user’s request from a database. In Content based image retrieval, input goes in the form of an image. In these images, different features are extracted and then the other images from database are retrieved accordingly. Biometric distinguishes the people by their physical or behavioral qualities. Fingerprints are viewed as a standout amongst the most solid for human distinguishment because of their uniqueness and ingenuity. To retrieve fingerprint images on the basis of their textural features,by using different wavelets. From the input fingerprint image, first of all center point area is selected and then its textural features are extracted and stored in database. When a query image comes then again its center point is selected and then its texture feature are extracted. Then these features are matched for similarity and then resultant image is displayed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15026

    Characterization of port wine stain skin erythema and melanin content using cross-polarized diffuse reflectance imaging

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    Background and objectivesObjective methods to assess quantitatively port wine stain (PWS) blanching in response to laser therapy are needed to improve laser therapeutic outcome. Previous studies have attempted to assess objectively PWS color based on point measurement devices. To date, these approaches have typically been limited by a number of factors such as small test area and need for contact. To address these issues, a cross-polarized diffuse reflectance imaging system and color image analysis method has been developed to evaluate quantitatively erythema and melanin content in PWS skin.Study design/materials and methodsA cross-polarized diffuse reflectance system has been constructed to acquire high resolution digital images while minimizing artifacts such as glare, shadowing, and nonuniform illumination effects that can compromise image fidelity. Furthermore, an image analysis algorithm has also been developed to analyze normal and PWS skin in terms of CIEL*a*b* color space parameters. Using the algorithm, images of color space intensity, L*, and saturation, a*, indices have been calculated to extract quantitative metrics of melanin and erythema, respectively.ResultsCompared to the cross-polarized diffuse reflectance image, the a* index image enhanced the contrast in regions of high and low erythema and seems to have quasi correlation with the L* index image. In the presented PWS patient example, the relative a* index difference (Deltaa*) image showed less erythema in PWS skin after laser treatment when compared to pre-treatment values.ConclusionsOur cross-polarized imaging system and color image analysis method is a simple, noncontact technique that can indirectly provide quantitative measurement of erythema and melanin content in PWS skin

    The CaliPhoto Method

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    International audienceWe propose an innovative method based on photography and image processing of interdisciplinary relevance, permitting the uncomplicated and inexpensive evaluation of material properties. This method-CaliPhoto-consists of using a dedicated colour plate with a specific design, placed in the field of view of a photograph of the material to be characterized. A specific image processing workflow is then applied to obtain colour vectors independent of illumination conditions. The method works using commercial colour cameras (e.g., smartphone cameras), and the colour plate can be printed on any colour printer. Herein, we describe the principle of the method and demonstrate that it can be used to describe and compare samples, identify materials or make relatively precise concentration measurements. The CaliPhoto method is highly complementary to any scientific research and may find applications across a range of domains, from planetary science to oceanography. The method may also be widely used in industry