1,970 research outputs found

    Design, analysis, and control of a cable-driven parallel platform with a pneumatic muscle active support

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The neck is an important part of the body that connects the head to the torso, supporting the weight and generating the movement of the head. In this paper, a cable-driven parallel platform with a pneumatic muscle active support (CPPPMS) is presented for imitating human necks, where cable actuators imitate neck muscles and a pneumatic muscle actuator imitates spinal muscles, respectively. Analyzing the stiffness of the mechanism is carried out based on screw theory, and this mechanism is optimized according to the stiffness characteristics. While taking the dynamics of the pneumatic muscle active support into consideration as well as the cable dynamics and the dynamics of the Up-platform, a dynamic modeling approach to the CPPPMS is established. In order to overcome the flexibility and uncertainties amid the dynamic model, a sliding mode controller is investigated for trajectory tracking, and the stability of the control system is verified by a Lyapunov function. Moreover, a PD controller is proposed for a comparative study. The results of the simulation indicate that the sliding mode controller is more effective than the PD controller for the CPPPMS, and the CPPPMS provides feasible performances for operations under the sliding mode control

    Natural oscillations of underactuated cable-driven parallel robots

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    Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPR) employ a number of cables smaller than the degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the end-effector (EE) that they control. As a consequence, the EE is underconstrained and preserves some freedoms even when all actuators are locked, which may lead to undesirable oscillations. This paper proposes a methodology for the computation of the EE natural oscillation frequencies, whose knowledge has proven to be convenient for control purposes. This procedure, based on the linearization of the system internal dynamics about equilibrium con_gurations, can be applied to a generic robot suspended by any number of cables comprised between 2 and 5. The kinematics, dynamics, stability and stiffness of the robot free motion are investigated in detail. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated by experiments on 6-DoF prototypes actuated by 2, 3, and 4 cables. Additionally, in order to highlight the interest in a robotic context, this modelling strategy is applied to the trajectory planning of a 6-DoF 4-cable CDPR by means of a frequency-based method (multi-mode input shaping), and the latter is experimentally compared with traditional non-frequency-based motion planners

    Rest-to-Rest Trajectory Planning for Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

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    This article studies the trajectory planning for underactuated cable-driven parallel robots (CDPRs) in the case of rest-to-rest motions, when both the motion time and the path geometry are prescribed. For underactuated manipulators, it is possible to prescribe a control law only for a subset of the generalized coordinates of the system. However, if an arbitrary trajectory is prescribed for a suitable subset of these coordinates, the constraint deficiency on the end-effector leads to the impossibility of bringing the system at rest in a prescribed time. In addition, the behavior of the system may not be stable, that is, unbounded oscillatory motions of the end-effector may arise. In this article, we propose a novel trajectory-planning technique that allows the end effector to track a constrained geometric path in a specified time, and allows it to transition between stable static poses. The design of such a motion is based on the solution of a boundary value problem, aimed at a finding solution to the differential equations of motion with constraints on position and velocity at start and end times. To prove the effectiveness of such a method, the trajectory planning of a six-degrees-of-freedom spatial CDPR suspended by three cables is investigated. Trajectories of a reference point on the moving platform are designed so as to ensure that the assigned path is tracked accurately, and the system is brought to a static condition in a prescribed time. Experimental validation is presented and discussed

    Geometry-aware Manipulability Learning, Tracking and Transfer

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    Body posture influences human and robots performance in manipulation tasks, as appropriate poses facilitate motion or force exertion along different axes. In robotics, manipulability ellipsoids arise as a powerful descriptor to analyze, control and design the robot dexterity as a function of the articulatory joint configuration. This descriptor can be designed according to different task requirements, such as tracking a desired position or apply a specific force. In this context, this paper presents a novel \emph{manipulability transfer} framework, a method that allows robots to learn and reproduce manipulability ellipsoids from expert demonstrations. The proposed learning scheme is built on a tensor-based formulation of a Gaussian mixture model that takes into account that manipulability ellipsoids lie on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices. Learning is coupled with a geometry-aware tracking controller allowing robots to follow a desired profile of manipulability ellipsoids. Extensive evaluations in simulation with redundant manipulators, a robotic hand and humanoids agents, as well as an experiment with two real dual-arm systems validate the feasibility of the approach.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Intl. Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR). Website: https://sites.google.com/view/manipulability. Code: https://github.com/NoemieJaquier/Manipulability. 24 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables, 4 appendice


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    This paper deals with the analysis and synthesis of a newly selected Cable-suspended Parallel Robot configuration, named CPR-D system. The camera carrier workspace has the shape of a parallelepiped. The CPR-D system has a unique Jacobian matrix that maps the relationship between internal and external coordinates. This geometric relationship is a key solution for the definition of the system kinematic and dynamic models. Because of the CPR-D system complexity, the Lagrange principle of virtual work has been adapted. Two significant Examples have been used for the CPR-D system analysis and validation

    Robot Assisted Shoulder Rehabilitation: Biomechanical Modelling, Design and Performance Evaluation

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    The upper limb rehabilitation robots have made it possible to improve the motor recovery in stroke survivors while reducing the burden on physical therapists. Compared to manual arm training, robot-supported training can be more intensive, of longer duration, repetitive and task-oriented. To be aligned with the most biomechanically complex joint of human body, the shoulder, specific considerations have to be made in the design of robotic shoulder exoskeletons. It is important to assist all shoulder degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) when implementing robotic exoskeletons for rehabilitation purposes to increase the range of motion (ROM) and avoid any joint axes misalignments between the robot and human’s shoulder that cause undesirable interaction forces and discomfort to the user. The main objective of this work is to design a safe and a robotic exoskeleton for shoulder rehabilitation with physiologically correct movements, lightweight modules, self-alignment characteristics and large workspace. To achieve this goal a comprehensive review of the existing shoulder rehabilitation exoskeletons is conducted first to outline their main advantages and disadvantages, drawbacks and limitations. The research has then focused on biomechanics of the human shoulder which is studied in detail using robotic analysis techniques, i.e. the human shoulder is modelled as a mechanism. The coupled constrained structure of the robotic exoskeleton connected to a human shoulder is considered as a hybrid human-robot mechanism to solve the problem of joint axes misalignments. Finally, a real-scale prototype of the robotic shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton was built to test its operation and its ability for shoulder rehabilitation
