1,381 research outputs found

    Exploring Eye Tracking Data on Source Code via Dual Space Analysis

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    Eye tracking is a frequently used technique to collect data capturing users\u27 strategies and behaviors in processing information. Understanding how programmers navigate through a large number of classes and methods to find bugs is important to educators and practitioners in software engineering. However, the eye tracking data collected on realistic codebases is massive compared to traditional eye tracking data on one static page. The same content may appear in different areas on the screen with users scrolling in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Hierarchically structured content and fluid method position compose the two major challenges for visualization. We present a dual-space analysis approach to explore eye tracking data by leveraging existing software visualizations and a new graph embedding visualization. We use the graph embedding technique to quantify the distance between two arbitrary methods, which offers a more accurate visualization of distance with respect to the inherent relations, compared with the direct software structure and the call graph. The visualization offers both naturalness and readability showing time-varying eye movement data in both the content space and the embedded space, and provides new discoveries in developers\u27 eye tracking behaviors. Adviser: Hongfeng Y

    Gaze collaboration patterns of successful and unsuccessful programming pairs using cross-recurrence quantification analysis

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    A dual eye tracking experiment was performed on pairs of novice programmers as they traced and debugged fragments of code. These programming pairs were categorized into successful and unsuccessful pairs based on their debugging scores. Cross-recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA), an analysis using cross-recurrence plots (CRP), was used to determine whether there are significant differences in the gaze collaboration patterns between these pair categories. Results showed that successful and unsuccessful pairs can be characterized distinctively based on their CRPs and CRQA metrics. This study also attempted to interpret the CRQA metrics in relation to how the pairs collaborated in order to provide a somewhat clear picture of their relevance and meaning. The analysis results could serve as a precursor in helping us understand what makes a programming pair more successful over other pairs and what behaviors exhibited by unsuccessful pairs that should be avoided

    Early childhood preservice teachers' debugging block-based programs: An eye tracking study

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    Learning computational skills such as programming and debugging is very important for K-12 students given the increasing need of workforce proficient in computing technologies. Programming is an intricate cognitive task that entails iteratively creating and revising programs to create an artifact. Central to programming is debugging, which consists of systematically identifying and fixing program errors. Given its central role, debugging should be explicitly taught to early childhood preservice teachers so they can support their future students’ learning to program and debug errors. In this study, we propose using eye-tracking data and cued retrospective reporting to assess preservice teachers’ cognitive strategies while debugging. Several eye-tracking studies have investigated learners’ debugging strategies though the literature lacks studies (a) conducted with early childhood preservice teachers and (b) that focus on block-based programming languages, such as Scratch. The present study addresses this gap in the literature. This study used mixed methods to triangulate quantitative findings from eye movement analysis and qualitative findings about employed debugging strategies into the creation of descriptive themes. Results showed that participants developed strategies such as simultaneous review of output and code, use of beacons to narrow down the area to be debugged, and eye fixation on output to form hypotheses. But most often, debugging was not informed by a hypothesis, which led to trial and error. Study limitations and directions for future research are discussed.&nbsp

    Representational Learning Approach for Predicting Developer Expertise Using Eye Movements

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    The thesis analyzes an existing eye-tracking dataset collected while software developers were solving bug fixing tasks in an open-source system. The analysis is performed using a representational learning approach namely, Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). The novel aspect of the analysis is the introduction of a new feature engineering method based on the eye-tracking data. This is then used to predict developer expertise on the data. The dataset used in this thesis is inherently more complex because it is collected in a very dynamic environment i.e., the Eclipse IDE using an eye-tracking plugin, iTrace. Previous work in this area only worked on short code snippets that do not represent how developers usually program in a realistic setting. A comparative analysis between representational learning and non-representational learning (Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and Random Forest) is also presented. The results are obtained from an extensive set of experiments (with an 80/20 training and testing split) which show that representational learning (MLP) works well on our dataset reporting an average higher accuracy of 30% more for all tasks. Furthermore, a state-of-the-art method for feature engineering is proposed to extract features from the eye-tracking data. The average accuracy on all the tasks is 93.4% with a recall of 78.8% and an F1 score of 81.6%. We discuss the implications of these results on the future of automated prediction of developer expertise. Adviser: Bonita Shari

    Variability Bugs::Program and Programmer Perspective

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    Operationalizing Machine Learning: An Interview Study

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    Organizations rely on machine learning engineers (MLEs) to operationalize ML, i.e., deploy and maintain ML pipelines in production. The process of operationalizing ML, or MLOps, consists of a continual loop of (i) data collection and labeling, (ii) experimentation to improve ML performance, (iii) evaluation throughout a multi-staged deployment process, and (iv) monitoring of performance drops in production. When considered together, these responsibilities seem staggering -- how does anyone do MLOps, what are the unaddressed challenges, and what are the implications for tool builders? We conducted semi-structured ethnographic interviews with 18 MLEs working across many applications, including chatbots, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Our interviews expose three variables that govern success for a production ML deployment: Velocity, Validation, and Versioning. We summarize common practices for successful ML experimentation, deployment, and sustaining production performance. Finally, we discuss interviewees' pain points and anti-patterns, with implications for tool design.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Eye movements in code reading:relaxing the linear order

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    Abstract—Code reading is an important skill in programming. Inspired by the linearity that people exhibit while natural lan-guage text reading, we designed local and global gaze-based mea-sures to characterize linearity (left-to-right and top-to-bottom) in reading source code. Unlike natural language text, source code is executable and requires a specific reading approach. To validate these measures, we compared the eye movements of novice and expert programmers who were asked to read and comprehend short snippets of natural language text and Java programs. Our results show that novices read source code less linearly than natural language text. Moreover, experts read code less linearly than novices. These findings indicate that there are specific differences between reading natural language and source code, and suggest that non-linear reading skills increase with expertise. We discuss the implications for practitioners and educators. I
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