11 research outputs found

    Implicitly extrapolated geometric multigrid on disk-like domains for the gyrokinetic Poisson equation from fusion plasma applications

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    The gyrokinetic Poisson equation arises as a subproblem of Tokamak fusion reactor simulations. It is often posed on disk-like cross sections of the Tokamak that are represented in generalized polar coordinates. On the resulting curvilinear anisotropic meshes, we discretize the differential equation by finite differences or low order finite elements. Using an implicit extrapolation technique similar to multigrid tau-extrapolation, the approximation order can be increased. This technique can be naturally integrated in a matrix-free geometric multigrid algorithm. Special smoothers are developed to deal with the mesh anisotropy arising from the curvilinear coordinate system and mesh grading

    Richardson Extrapolation-Based High Accuracy High Efficiency Computation for Partial Differential Equations

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    In this dissertation, Richardson extrapolation and other computational techniques are used to develop a series of high accuracy high efficiency solution techniques for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). A Richardson extrapolation-based sixth-order method with multiple coarse grid (MCG) updating strategy is developed for 2D and 3D steady-state equations on uniform grids. Richardson extrapolation is applied to explicitly obtain a sixth-order solution on the coarse grid from two fourth-order solutions with different related scale grids. The MCG updating strategy directly computes a sixth-order solution on the fine grid by using various combinations of multiple coarse grids. A multiscale multigrid (MSMG) method is used to solve the linear systems resulting from fourth-order compact (FOC) discretizations. Numerical investigations show that the proposed methods compute high accuracy solutions and have better computational efficiency and scalability than the existing Richardson extrapolation-based sixth order method with iterative operator based interpolation. Completed Richardson extrapolation is explored to compute sixth-order solutions on the entire fine grid. The correction between the fourth-order solution and the extrapolated sixth-order solution rather than the extrapolated sixth-order solution is involved in the interpolation process to compute sixth-order solutions for all fine grid points. The completed Richardson extrapolation does not involve significant computational cost, thus it can reach high accuracy and high efficiency goals at the same time. There are three different techniques worked with Richardson extrapolation for computing fine grid sixth-order solutions, which are the iterative operator based interpolation, the MCG updating strategy and the completed Richardson extrapolation. In order to compare the accuracy of these Richardson extrapolation-based sixth-order methods, truncation error analysis is conducted on solving a 2D Poisson equation. Numerical comparisons are also carried out to verify the theoretical analysis. Richardson extrapolation-based high accuracy high efficiency computation is extended to solve unsteady-state equations. A higher-order alternating direction implicit (ADI) method with completed Richardson extrapolation is developed for solving unsteady 2D convection-diffusion equations. The completed Richardson extrapolation is used to improve the accuracy of the solution obtained from a high-order ADI method in spatial and temporal domains simultaneously. Stability analysis is given to show the effects of Richardson extrapolation on stable numerical solutions from the underlying ADI method

    Energy-Minimizing, Symmetric Discretizations for Anisotropic Meshes and Energy Functional Extrapolation

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    Self-adjoint differential operators often arise from variational calculus on energy functionals. In this case, a direct discretization of the energy functional induces a discretization of the differential operator. Following this approach, the discrete equations are naturally symmetric if the energy functional was self-adjoint, a property that may be lost when using standard difference formulas on nonuniform meshes or when the differential operator has varying coefficients. Low order finite difference or finite element systems can be derived by this approach in a systematic way and on logically structured meshes they become compact difference formulas. Extrapolation formulas used on the discrete energy can then lead to higher oder approximations of the differential operator. A rigorous analysis is presented for extrapolation used in combination with nonstandard integration rules for finite elements. Extrapolation can likewise be applied on matrix-free finite difference stencils. In our applications, both schemes show up to quartic order of convergence

    Automated Analysis of Time-resolved X-ray data using Optical Flow Methods

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    We develop a general-purpose framework for analysis of time-resolved X-ray data based on optical flow. We perform a systematic evaluation of state-of-the-art optical flow techniques and their components. On the top of motion estimation we provide an extensive data analysis toolkit. All the devised techniques can be applied in 4D (3D + time). The implementation employs advanced numerical schemes and computations on GPU. We present the application of the optical flow methods to a number of scientific problems from various research fields