8 research outputs found

    Feng-Rao decoding of primary codes

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    We show that the Feng-Rao bound for dual codes and a similar bound by Andersen and Geil [H.E. Andersen and O. Geil, Evaluation codes from order domain theory, Finite Fields Appl., 14 (2008), pp. 92-123] for primary codes are consequences of each other. This implies that the Feng-Rao decoding algorithm can be applied to decode primary codes up to half their designed minimum distance. The technique applies to any linear code for which information on well-behaving pairs is available. Consequently we are able to decode efficiently a large class of codes for which no non-trivial decoding algorithm was previously known. Among those are important families of multivariate polynomial codes. Matsumoto and Miura in [R. Matsumoto and S. Miura, On the Feng-Rao bound for the L-construction of algebraic geometry codes, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E83-A (2000), pp. 926-930] (See also [P. Beelen and T. H{\o}holdt, The decoding of algebraic geometry codes, in Advances in algebraic geometry codes, pp. 49-98]) derived from the Feng-Rao bound a bound for primary one-point algebraic geometric codes and showed how to decode up to what is guaranteed by their bound. The exposition by Matsumoto and Miura requires the use of differentials which was not needed in [Andersen and Geil 2008]. Nevertheless we demonstrate a very strong connection between Matsumoto and Miura's bound and Andersen and Geil's bound when applied to primary one-point algebraic geometric codes.Comment: elsarticle.cls, 23 pages, no figure. Version 3 added citations to the works by I.M. Duursma and R. Pellikaa

    Distance bounds for algebraic geometric codes

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    Various methods have been used to obtain improvements of the Goppa lower bound for the minimum distance of an algebraic geometric code. The main methods divide into two categories and all but a few of the known bounds are special cases of either the Lundell-McCullough floor bound or the Beelen order bound. The exceptions are recent improvements of the floor bound by Guneri-Stichtenoth-Taskin, and Duursma-Park, and of the order bound by Duursma-Park and Duursma-Kirov. In this paper we provide short proofs for all floor bounds and most order bounds in the setting of the van Lint and Wilson AB method. Moreover, we formulate unifying theorems for order bounds and formulate the DP and DK order bounds as natural but different generalizations of the Feng-Rao bound for one-point codes.Comment: 29 page

    Two-point AG codes from one of the Skabelund maximal curves

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    In this paper, we investigate two-point Algebraic Geometry codes associated to the Skabelund maximal curve constructed as a cyclic cover of the Suzuki curve. In order to estimate the minimum distance of such codes, we make use of the generalized order bound introduced by P. Beelen and determine certain two-point Weierstrass semigroups of the curve.Comment: 15 page

    An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry codes

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    We present an introduction to the theory of algebraic geometry codes. Starting from evaluation codes and codes from order and weight functions, special attention is given to one-point codes and, in particular, to the family of Castle codes


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    The order bound for the minimum distance of algebraic geometry codes was originally defined for the duals of one-point codes and later generalized for arbitrary algebraic geometry codes. Another bound of order type for the minimum distance of general linear codes, and for codes from order domains in particular, was given in [1]. Here we investigate in detail the application of that bound to one-point algebraic geometry codes, obtaining a bound d* for the minimum distance of these codes. We establish a connection between d* and the order bound and its generalizations. We also study the improved code constructions based on d*. Finally we extend d* to all generalized Hamming weights.53489504Danish National Science Research Council [FNV-21040368]Danish FNU [272-07-0266]Junta de CyL [VA065A07]Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology [MTM-2007-66842-C02-01, MTM 2007-64704]Aalborg UniversityThe Technical University of DenmarkDanish National Science Research Council [FNV-21040368]Danish FNU [272-07-0266]Junta de CyL [VA065A07]Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology [MTM-2007-66842-C02-01, MTM 2007-64704

    Pesos de Hamming de c贸digos Castillo

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    C贸digos Castillo son c贸digos algebraico geom茅tricos unipuntuales sobre curvas Castillo. Esta Familia contiene algunos de los c贸digos AG m谩s importantes entre los estudiados en la literatura hasta la fecha. En esta tesis se obtiene una caracterizaci贸n expl铆cita sobre las estimaciones de la distancia m铆nima y los pesos de Hamming generalizados de los c贸digos Castillo.Departamento de Algebra, An谩lisis Matem谩tico, Geometr铆a y Topolog铆