93 research outputs found

    An efficient tree decomposition method for permanents and mixed discriminants

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    We present an efficient algorithm to compute permanents, mixed discriminants and hyperdeterminants of structured matrices and multidimensional arrays (tensors). We describe the sparsity structure of an array in terms of a graph, and we assume that its treewidth, denoted as ω, is small. Our algorithm requires Õ(n2[superscript ω]) arithmetic operations to compute permanents, and Õ(n[superscript 2] + n3[superscript ω]) for mixed discriminants and hyperdeterminants. We finally show that mixed volume computation continues to be hard under bounded treewidth assumptions. Keywords: Permanent; Structured array; Mixed discriminant; Treewidth; HyperdeterminantUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-11-1-0305

    On the expressive power of permanents and perfect matchings of matrices of bounded pathwidth/cliquewidth

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    Some 25 years ago Valiant introduced an algebraic model of computation in order to study the complexity of evaluating families of polynomials. The theory was introduced along with the complexity classes VP and VNP which are analogues of the classical classes P and NP. Families of polynomials that are difficult to evaluate (that is, VNP-complete) includes the permanent and hamiltonian polynomials. In a previous paper the authors together with P. Koiran studied the expressive power of permanent and hamiltonian polynomials of matrices of bounded treewidth, as well as the expressive power of perfect matchings of planar graphs. It was established that the permanent and hamiltonian polynomials of matrices of bounded treewidth are equivalent to arithmetic formulas. Also, the sum of weights of perfect matchings of planar graphs was shown to be equivalent to (weakly) skew circuits. In this paper we continue the research in the direction described above, and study the expressive power of permanents, hamiltonians and perfect matchings of matrices that have bounded pathwidth or bounded cliquewidth. In particular, we prove that permanents, hamiltonians and perfect matchings of matrices that have bounded pathwidth express exactly arithmetic formulas. This is an improvement of our previous result for matrices of bounded treewidth. Also, for matrices of bounded weighted cliquewidth we show membership in VP for these polynomials.Comment: 21 page

    Counting Euler Tours in Undirected Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We show that counting Euler tours in undirected bounded tree-width graphs is tractable even in parallel - by proving a #SAC1\#SAC^1 upper bound. This is in stark contrast to #P-completeness of the same problem in general graphs. Our main technical contribution is to show how (an instance of) dynamic programming on bounded \emph{clique-width} graphs can be performed efficiently in parallel. Thus we show that the sequential result of Espelage, Gurski and Wanke for efficiently computing Hamiltonian paths in bounded clique-width graphs can be adapted in the parallel setting to count the number of Hamiltonian paths which in turn is a tool for counting the number of Euler tours in bounded tree-width graphs. Our technique also yields parallel algorithms for counting longest paths and bipartite perfect matchings in bounded-clique width graphs. While establishing that counting Euler tours in bounded tree-width graphs can be computed by non-uniform monotone arithmetic circuits of polynomial degree (which characterize #SAC1\#SAC^1) is relatively easy, establishing a uniform #SAC1\#SAC^1 bound needs a careful use of polynomial interpolation.Comment: 17 pages; There was an error in the proof of the GapL upper bound claimed in the previous version which has been subsequently remove

    On the expressive power of CNF formulas of bounded tree- and clique-width

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    AbstractWe study representations of polynomials over a field K from the point of view of their expressive power. Three important examples for the paper are polynomials arising as permanents of bounded tree-width matrices, polynomials given via arithmetic formulas, and families of so called CNF polynomials. The latter arise in a canonical way from families of Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form. To each such CNF formula there is a canonically attached incidence graph. Of particular interest to us are CNF polynomials arising from formulas with an incidence graph of bounded tree- or clique-width.We show that the class of polynomials arising from families of polynomial size CNF formulas of bounded tree-width is the same as those represented by polynomial size arithmetic formulas, or permanents of bounded tree-width matrices of polynomial size. Then, applying arguments from communication complexity we show that general permanent polynomials cannot be expressed by CNF polynomials of bounded tree-width. We give a similar result in the case where the clique-width of the incidence graph is bounded, but for this we need to rely on the widely believed complexity theoretic assumption #P⊈FP/poly

    Polynomial systems : graphical structure, geometry, and applications

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 199-208).Solving systems of polynomial equations is a foundational problem in computational mathematics, that has several applications in the sciences and engineering. A closely related problem, also prevalent in applications, is that of optimizing polynomial functions subject to polynomial constraints. In this thesis we propose novel methods for both of these tasks. By taking advantage of the graphical and geometrical structure of the problem, our methods can achieve higher efficiency, and we can also prove better guarantees. Various problems in areas such as robotics, power systems, computer vision, cryptography, and chemical reaction networks, can be modeled by systems of polynomial equations, and in many cases the resulting systems have a simple sparsity structure. In the first part of this thesis we represent this sparsity structure with a graph, and study the algorithmic and complexity consequences of this graphical abstraction. Our main contribution is the introduction of a novel data structure, chordal networks, that always preserves the underlying graphical structure of the system. Remarkably, many interesting families of polynomial systems admit compact chordal network representations (of size linear in the number of variables), even though the number of components is exponentially large. Our methods outperform existing techniques by orders of magnitude in applications from algebraic statistics and vector addition systems. We then turn our attention to the study of graphical structure in the computation of matrix permanents, a classical problem from computer science. We provide a novel algorithm that requires Õ(n 2[superscript w]) arithmetic operations, where [superscript w] is the treewidth of its bipartite adjacency graph. We also investigate the complexity of some related problems, including mixed discriminants, hyperdeterminants, and mixed volumes. Although seemingly unrelated to polynomial systems, our results have natural implications on the complexity of solving sparse systems. The second part of this thesis focuses on the problem of minimizing a polynomial function subject to polynomial equality constraints. This problem captures many important applications, including Max-Cut, tensor low rank approximation, the triangulation problem, and rotation synchronization. Although these problems are nonconvex, tractable semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have been proposed. We introduce a methodology to derive more efficient (smaller) relaxations, by leveraging the geometrical structure of the underlying variety. The main idea behind our method is to describe the variety with a generic set of samples, instead of relying on an algebraic description. Our methods are particularly appealing for varieties that are easy to sample from, such as SO(n), Grassmannians, or rank k tensors. For arbitrary varieties we can take advantage of the tools from numerical algebraic geometry. Optimization problems from applications usually involve parameters (e.g., the data), and there is often a natural value of the parameters for which SDP relaxations solve the (polynomial) problem exactly. The final contribution of this thesis is to establish sufficient conditions (and quantitative bounds) under which SDP relaxations will continue to be exact as the parameter moves in a neighborhood of the original one. Our results can be used to show that several statistical estimation problems are solved exactly by SDP relaxations in the low noise regime. In particular, we prove this for the triangulation problem, rotation synchronization, rank one tensor approximation, and weighted orthogonal Procrustes.by Diego Cifuentes.Ph. D

    Finding Long Directed Cycles Is Hard Even When DFVS Is Small or Girth Is Large

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    We study the parameterized complexity of two classic problems on directed graphs: Hamiltonian Cycle and its generalization Longest Cycle. Since 2008, it is known that Hamiltonian Cycle is W[1]-hard when parameterized by directed treewidth [Lampis et al., ISSAC\u2708]. By now, the question of whether it is FPT parameterized by the directed feedback vertex set (DFVS) number has become a longstanding open problem. In particular, the DFVS number is the largest natural directed width measure studied in the literature. In this paper, we provide a negative answer to the question, showing that even for the DFVS number, the problem remains W[1]-hard. As a consequence, we also obtain that Longest Cycle is W[1]-hard on directed graphs when parameterized multiplicatively above girth, in contrast to the undirected case. This resolves an open question posed by Fomin et al. [ACM ToCT\u2721] and Gutin and Mnich [arXiv:2207.12278]. Our hardness results apply to the path versions of the problems as well. On the positive side, we show that Longest Path parameterized multiplicatively above girth belongs to the class XP
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