3,003 research outputs found

    FGO-ILNS: Tightly Coupled Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation System Based on Factor Graph Optimization for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Multi-sensor fusion is an effective way to enhance the positioning performance of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). However, underwater multi-sensor fusion faces challenges such as heterogeneous frequency and dynamic availability of sensors. Traditional filter-based algorithms suffer from low accuracy and robustness when sensors become unavailable. The factor graph optimization (FGO) can enable multi-sensor plug-and-play despite data frequency. Therefore, we present an FGO-based strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) and long baseline location (LBL) system tightly coupled navigation system (FGO-ILNS). Sensors such as Doppler velocity log (DVL), magnetic compass pilot (MCP), pressure sensor (PS), and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) can be tightly coupled with FGO-ILNS to satisfy different navigation scenarios. In this system, we propose a floating LBL slant range difference factor model tightly coupled with IMU preintegration factor to achieve unification of global position above and below water. Furthermore, to address the issue of sensor measurements not being synchronized with the LBL during fusion, we employ forward-backward IMU preintegration to construct sensor factors such as GNSS and DVL. Moreover, we utilize the marginalization method to reduce the computational load of factor graph optimization. Simulation and public KAIST dataset experiments have verified that, compared to filter-based algorithms like the extended Kalman filter and federal Kalman filter, as well as the state-of-the-art optimization-based algorithm ORB-SLAM3, our proposed FGO-ILNS leads in accuracy and robustness

    A Tightly-Coupled INS/GPS Integration Using a MEMS IMU

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    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology holds great promise for future navigation systems because of the reduced size and cost of MEMS inertial sensors relative to conventional devices. Current MEMS devices are much less accurate than standard inertial sensors, but they can still be useful. In this thesis, data was recorded from an inexpensive MEMS inertial measurement unit and integrated with GPS measurements using a tightly-coupled Kalman filter. The overall goal of this research is to investigate the usefulness of MEMS sensors for a small, real-time, low-cost INS/GPS integration. A golf cart was used to collect dynamic data, along with a commercial INS/GPS system to provide reference data. This data was then post-processed, and the filter\u27s performance in the position, velocity, and attitude outputs were evaluated by comparing them to the reference system. The important system features of system alignment, bias feedback, and INS resets are described, and the filter\u27s performance is analyzed using its estimate and covariance outputs and comparing them to the true error. Filter residuals are also shown and discussed. The final results show that, with adequate processing available, the INS/GPS filter using the MEMS instruments provides good position, velocity, and attitude results over a period of up to 15 minutes, as long as the data is at least somewhat dynamic. Without vehicle motion, the vehicle yaw state tends to wander excessively, due to the bias and noise of the MEMS gyroscopes. Over a long static period, the filter\u27s position outputs would most likely diverge and become unstable. Recommendations are made to combat this problem, among them to conduct more characterization of the MEMS sensors, and to add GPS velocity measurements as an input to the filter

    Accurate navigation applied to landing maneuvers on mobile platforms for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Drones are quickly developing worldwide and in Europe in particular. They represent the future of a high percentage of operations that are currently carried out by manned aviation or satellites. Compared to fixed-wing UAVs, rotary wing UAVs have as advantages the hovering, agile maneuvering and vertical take-off and landing capabilities, so that they are currently the most used aerial robotic platforms. In operations from ships and boats, the final approach and the landing maneuver are the phases of the operation that involves a higher risk and where it is required a higher level of precision in the position and velocity estimation, along with a high level of robustness in the operation. In the framework of the EC-SAFEMOBIL and the REAL projects, this thesis is devoted to the development of a guidance and navigation system that allows completing an autonomous mission from the take-off to the landing phase of a rotary-wing UAV (RUAV). More specifically, this thesis is focused on the development of new strategies and algorithms that provide sufficiently accurate motion estimation during the autonomous landing on mobile platforms without using the GNSS constellations. In one hand, for the phases of the flights where it is not required a centimetric accuracy solution, here it is proposed a new navigation approach that extends the current estimation techniques by using the EGNOS integrity information in the sensor fusion filter. This approach allows improving the accuracy of the estimation solution and the safety of the overall system, and also helps the remote pilot to have a more complete awareness of the operation status while flying the UAV In the other hand, for those flight phases where the accuracy is a critical factor in the safety of the operation, this thesis presents a precise navigation system that allows rotary-wing UAVs to approach and land safely on moving platforms, without using GNSS at any stage of the landing maneuver, and with a centimeter-level accuracy and high level of robustness. This system implements a novel concept where the relative position and velocity between the aerial vehicle and the landing platform can be calculated from a radio-beacon system installed in both the UAV and the landing platform or through the angles of a cable that physically connects the UAV and the landing platform. The use of a cable also incorporates several extra benefits, like increasing the precision in the control of the UAV altitude. It also facilitates to center the UAV right on top of the expected landing position and increases the stability of the UAV just after contacting the landing platform. The proposed guidance and navigation systems have been implemented in an unmanned rotorcraft and a large number of tests have been carried out under different conditions for measuring the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed solution. Results showed that the developed system allows landing with centimeter accuracy by using only local sensors and that the UAV is able to follow a mobile landing platform in multiple trajectories at different velocities

    Kinematic State Estimation using Multiple DGPS/MEMS-IMU Sensors

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    Animals have evolved over billions of years and understanding these complex and intertwined systems have potential to advance the technology in the field of sports science, robotics and more. As such, a gait analysis using Motion Capture (MOCAP) technology is the subject of a number of research and development projects aimed at obtaining quantitative measurements. Existing MOCAP technology has limited the majority of studies to the analysis of the steady-state locomotion in a controlled (indoor) laboratory environment. MOCAP systems such as the optical, non-optical acoustic and non-optical magnetic MOCAP systems require predefined capture volume and controlled environmental conditions whilst the non-optical mechanical MOCAP system impedes the motion of the subject. Although the non-optical inertial MOCAP system allows MOCAP in an outdoor environment, it suffers from measurement noise and drift and lacks global trajectory information. The accuracy of these MOCAP systems are known to decrease during the tracking of the transient locomotion. Quantifying the manoeuvrability of animals in their natural habitat to answer the question “Why are animals so manoeuvrable?” remains a challenge. This research aims to develop an outdoor MOCAP system that will allow tracking of the steady-state as well as the transient locomotion of an animal in its natural habitat outside a controlled laboratory condition. A number of researchers have developed novel MOCAP systems with the same aim of creating an outdoor MOCAP system that is aimed at tracking the motion outside a controlled laboratory (indoor) environment with unlimited capture volume. These novel MOCAP systems are either not validated against the commercial MOCAP systems or do not have comparable sub-millimetre accuracy as the commercial MOCAP systems. The developed DGPS/MEMS-IMU multi-receiver fusion MOCAP system was assessed to have global trajectory accuracy of _0:0394m, relative limb position accuracy of _0:006497m. To conclude the research, several recommendations are made to improve the developed MOCAP system and to prepare for a field-testing with a wild animal from a family of a terrestrial megafauna

    Optimization of two GPS/MEMS-IMU integration strategies with application to sports

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    The application of low-cost L1 GPS receivers integrated with micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) inertial measurement units (IMU) allows the continuous observation of position, velocity and orientation which opens new possibilities for comparison orf athletes' performance throughout a racecourse. In this paper, we compare loosely and closely coupled integration strategies under realistic racing scenarios when GPS is partially or completely masked. The study reveals that both integration approaches have a similar performance when the satellite constellation is completed or the outages are short. However, for less than four satellites, the closely coupled strategy clearly outperforms the loosely coupled approach. The second part of the paper is devoted to the important problem of system initialization, because the conventional GPS/IMU alignment methods are no longer applicable when using MEMS-IMU. We introduce a modified coarse alignment method and a quaternion estimation method for the computation of the initial orientation. Simulations and practical experiments reveal that both methods are numerically stable for any initial orientation of the sensors with the error characteristics of MEMS-IMU's. Throughout the paper, our findings are supported by racing experiments with references provided in both, the measurement and the navigation domain

    Deep-Sea Model-Aided Navigation Accuracy for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Online Calibrated Dynamic Models

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    In this work, the accuracy of inertial-based navigation systems for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in typical mapping and exploration missions up to 5000m depth is examined. The benefit of using an additional AUV motion model in the navigation is surveyed. Underwater navigation requires acoustic positioning sensors. In this work, so-called Ultra-Short-Baseline (USBL) devices were used allowing the AUV to localize itself relative to an opposite device attached to a (surface) vehicle. Despite their easy use, the devices\u27 absolute positioning accuracy decreases proportional to range. This makes underwater navigation a sophisticated estimation task requiring integration of multiple sensors for inertial, orientation, velocity and position measurements. First, error models for the necessary sensors are derived. The emphasis is on the USBL devices due to their key role in navigation - besides a velocity sensor based on the Doppler effect. The USBL model is based on theoretical considerations and conclusions from experimental data. The error models and the navigation algorithms are evaluated on real-world data collected during field experiments in shallow sea. The results of this evaluation are used to parametrize an AUV motion model. Usually, such a model is used only for model-based motion control and planning. In this work, however, besides serving as a simulation reference model, it is used as a tool to improve navigation accuracy by providing virtual measurements to the navigation algorithm (model-aided navigation). The benefit of model-aided navigation is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulation in a deep-sea exploration mission. The final and main contributions of this work are twofold. First, the basic expected navigation accuracy for a typical deep-sea mission with USBL and an ensemble of high-quality navigation sensors is evaluated. Secondly, the same setting is examined using model-aided navigation. The model-aiding is activated after the AUV gets close to sea-bottom. This reflects the case where the motion model is identified online which is only feasible if the velocity sensor is close to the ground (e.g. 100m or closer). The results indicate that, ideally, deep-sea navigation via USBL can be achieved with an accuracy in range of 3-15m w.r.t. the expected root-mean-square error. This also depends on the reference vehicle\u27s position at the surface. In case the actual estimation certainty is already below a certain threshold (ca. <4m), the simulations reveal that the model-aided scheme can improve the navigation accuracy w.r.t. position by 3-12%

    Theoretical framework for In-Car Navigation based on Integrated GPS/IMU Technologies

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    In this report the problem of vehicular navigation based on the integration of the global positioning system and an inertial navigation system is tackled. After analysing some fundamental technical issues about reference systems, vehicle modelling and sensors, a novel solution, combining extended Kalman filtering with particle filltering, is developed. This solution allows to embed highly non-linear constraints originating from digital maps in the position estimation process and is expected to be implementable on commercial hardware platforms equipped with low cost inertial sensorsJRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

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    Accurate determination of the mobile position constitutes the basis of many new applications. This book provides a detailed account of wireless systems for positioning, signal processing, radio localization techniques (Time Difference Of Arrival), performances evaluation, and localization applications. The first section is dedicated to Satellite systems for positioning like GPS, GNSS. The second section addresses the localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. Some techniques are introduced for localization systems, especially for indoor positioning, such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), WIFI. The last section is dedicated to Coupled GPS and other sensors. Some results of simulations, implementation and tests are given to help readers grasp the presented techniques. This is an ideal book for students, PhD students, academics and engineers in the field of Communication, localization & Signal Processing, especially in indoor and outdoor localization domains