7 research outputs found

    Sequential vs. Integrated Algorithm Selection and Configuration: A Case Study for the Modular CMA-ES

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    When faced with a specific optimization problem, choosing which algorithm to use is always a tough task. Not only is there a vast variety of algorithms to select from, but these algorithms often are controlled by many hyperparameters, which need to be tuned in order to achieve the best performance possible. Usually, this problem is separated into two parts: algorithm selection and algorithm configuration. With the significant advances made in Machine Learning, however, these problems can be integrated into a combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization task, commonly known as the CASH problem. In this work we compare sequential and integrated algorithm selection and configuration approaches for the case of selecting and tuning the best out of 4608 variants of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) tested on the Black Box Optimization Benchmark (BBOB) suite. We first show that the ranking of the modular CMA-ES variants depends to a large extent on the quality of the hyperparameters. This implies that even a sequential approach based on complete enumeration of the algorithm space will likely result in sub-optimal solutions. In fact, we show that the integrated approach manages to provide competitive results at a much smaller computational cost. We also compare two different mixed-integer algorithm configuration techniques, called irace and Mixed-Integer Parallel Efficient Global Optimization (MIP-EGO). While we show that the two methods differ significantly in their treatment of the exploration-exploitation balance, their overall performances are very similar

    Using Automated Algorithm Configuration for Parameter Control

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    Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (DAC) tackles the question of how to automatically learn policies to control parameters of algorithms in a data-driven fashion. This question has received considerable attention from the evolutionary community in recent years. Having a good benchmark collection to gain structural understanding on the effectiveness and limitations of different solution methods for DAC is therefore strongly desirable. Following recent work on proposing DAC benchmarks with well-understood theoretical properties and ground truth information, in this work, we suggest as a new DAC benchmark the controlling of the key parameter λ\lambda in the (1+(λ,λ))(1+(\lambda,\lambda))~Genetic Algorithm for solving OneMax problems. We conduct a study on how to solve the DAC problem via the use of (static) automated algorithm configuration on the benchmark, and propose techniques to significantly improve the performance of the approach. Our approach is able to consistently outperform the default parameter control policy of the benchmark derived from previous theoretical work on sufficiently large problem sizes. We also present new findings on the landscape of the parameter-control search policies and propose methods to compute stronger baselines for the benchmark via numerical approximations of the true optimal policies.Comment: To appear in the Proc. of the ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA XVII

    Hyper-parameter tuning for the (1+ (λ, λ)) GA

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    It is known that the (1 + (λ, λ)) Genetic Algorithm (GA) with self-adjusting parameter choices achieves a linear expected optimization time on OneMax if its hyper-parameters are suitably chosen. However, it is not very well understood how the hyper-parameter settings influences the overall performance of the (1 + (λ, λ)) GA. Analyzing such multi-dimensional dependencies precisely is at the edge of what running time analysis can offer. To make a step forward on this question, we present an in-depth empirical study of the self-adjusting (1 + (λ, λ)) GA and its hyper-parameters. We show, among many other results, that a 15% reduction of the average running time is possible by a slightly different setup, which allows non-identical offspring population sizes of mutation and crossover phase, and more flexibility in the choice of mutation rate and crossover bias --- a generalization which may be of independent interest. We also show indication that the parametrization of mutation rate and crossover bias derived by theoretical means for the static variant of the (1 + (λ, λ)) GA extends to the non-static case.Postprin

    Real-time algorithm configuration

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    This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of algorithm configur- ation. In particular, we present an extension to the algorithm configuration problem, real-time algorithm configuration, where configuration occurs online on a stream of instances, without the need for prior training, and problem solutions are returned in the shortest time possible. We propose a framework for solving the real-time algorithm configuration problem, ReACT. With ReACT we demonstrate that by using the parallel computing architectures, commonplace in many systems today, and a robust aggregate ranking system, configuration can occur without any impact on performance from the perspective of the user. This is achieved by means of a racing procedure. We show two concrete instantiations of the framework, and show them to be on a par with or even exceed the state-of-the-art in offline algorithm configuration using empirical evaluations on a range of combinatorial problems from the literature. We discuss, assess, and provide justification for each of the components used in our framework instantiations. Specifically, we show that the TrueSkill ranking system commonly used to rank players’ skill in multiplayer games can be used to accurately es- timate the quality of an algorithm’s configuration using only censored results from races between algorithm configurations. We confirm that the order that problem instances arrive in influences the configuration performance and that the optimal selection of configurations to participate in races is dependent on the distribution of the incoming in- stance stream. We outline how to maintain a pool of quality configurations by removing underperforming configurations, and techniques to generate replacement configurations with minimal computational overhead. Finally, we show that the configuration space can be reduced using feature selection techniques from the machine learning literature, and that doing so can provide a boost in configuration performance

    An experimental study of adaptive capping in irace

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    The irace package is a widely used for automatic algorithm configuration and implements various iterated racing procedures. The original irace was designed for the optimisation of the solution quality reached within a given running time, a situation frequently arising when configuring algorithms such as stochastic local search procedures. However, when applied to configuration scenarios that involve minimising the running time of a given target algorithm, irace falls short of reaching the performance of other general-purpose configuration approaches, since it tends to spend too much time evaluating poor configurations. In this article, we improve the efficacy of irace in running time minimisation by integrating an adaptive capping mechanism into irace, inspired by the one used by ParamILS. We demonstrate that the resulting iracecap reaches performance levels competitive with those of state-of-the-art algorithm configurators that have been designed to perform well on running time minimisation scenarios. We also investigate the behaviour of iracecap in detail and contrast different ways of integrating adaptive capping.SCOPUS: cp.kinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe