429 research outputs found

    A static scheduling approach to enable safety-critical OpenMP applications

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    Parallel computation is fundamental to satisfy the performance requirements of advanced safety-critical systems. OpenMP is a good candidate to exploit the performance opportunities of parallel platforms. However, safety-critical systems are often based on static allocation strategies, whereas current OpenMP implementations are based on dynamic schedulers. This paper proposes two OpenMP-compliant static allocation approaches: an optimal but costly approach based on an ILP formulation, and a sub-optimal but tractable approach that computes a worst-case makespan bound close to the optimal one.This work is funded by the EU projects P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and HERCULES (H2020/ICT/2015/688860), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Particle-In-Cell Simulation using Asynchronous Tasking

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    Recently, task-based programming models have emerged as a prominent alternative among shared-memory parallel programming paradigms. Inherently asynchronous, these models provide native support for dynamic load balancing and incorporate data flow concepts to selectively synchronize the tasks. However, tasking models are yet to be widely adopted by the HPC community and their effective advantages when applied to non-trivial, real-world HPC applications are still not well comprehended. In this paper, we study the parallelization of a production electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) code for kinetic plasma simulations exploring different strategies using asynchronous task-based models. Our fully asynchronous implementation not only significantly outperforms a conventional, synchronous approach but also achieves near perfect scaling for 48 cores.Comment: To be published on the 27th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2021

    Architectural support for task dependence management with flexible software scheduling

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    The growing complexity of multi-core architectures has motivated a wide range of software mechanisms to improve the orchestration of parallel executions. Task parallelism has become a very attractive approach thanks to its programmability, portability and potential for optimizations. However, with the expected increase in core counts, finer-grained tasking will be required to exploit the available parallelism, which will increase the overheads introduced by the runtime system. This work presents Task Dependence Manager (TDM), a hardware/software co-designed mechanism to mitigate runtime system overheads. TDM introduces a hardware unit, denoted Dependence Management Unit (DMU), and minimal ISA extensions that allow the runtime system to offload costly dependence tracking operations to the DMU and to still perform task scheduling in software. With lower hardware cost, TDM outperforms hardware-based solutions and enhances the flexibility, adaptability and composability of the system. Results show that TDM improves performance by 12.3% and reduces EDP by 20.4% on average with respect to a software runtime system. Compared to a runtime system fully implemented in hardware, TDM achieves an average speedup of 4.2% with 7.3x less area requirements and significant EDP reductions. In addition, five different software schedulers are evaluated with TDM, illustrating its flexibility and performance gains.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R and TIN2016-81840-REDT), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671697 and No. 671610. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    OpenMP to CUDA graphs: a compiler-based transformation to enhance the programmability of NVIDIA devices

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    Heterogeneous computing is increasingly being used in a diversity of computing systems, ranging from HPC to the real-time embedded domain, to cope with the performance requirements. Due to the variety of accelerators, e.g., FPGAs, GPUs, the use of high-level parallel programming models is desirable to exploit the performance capabilities of them, while maintaining an adequate productivity level. In that regard, OpenMP is a well-known high-level programming model that incorporates powerful task and accelerator models capable of efficiently exploiting structured and unstructured parallelism in heterogeneous computing. This paper presents a novel compiler transformation technique that automatically transforms OpenMP code into CUDA graphs, combining the benefits of programmability of a high-level programming model such as OpenMP, with the performance benefits of a low-level programming model such as CUDA. Evaluations have been performed on two NVIDIA GPUs from the HPC and embedded domains, i.e., the V100 and the Jetson AGX respectively.This work has been supported by the EU H2020 project AMPERE under the grant agreement no. 871669.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the benefits of tasking with OpenMP

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    Tasking promises a model to program parallel applications that provides intuitive semantics. In the case of tasks with dependences, it also promises better load balancing by removing global synchronizations (barriers), and potential for improved locality. Still, the adoption of tasking in production HPC codes has been slow. Despite OpenMP supporting tasks, most codes rely on worksharing-loop constructs alongside MPI primitives. This paper provides insights on the benefits of tasking over the worksharing-loop model by reporting on the experience of taskifying an adaptive mesh refinement proxy application: miniAMR. The performance evaluation shows the taskified implementation being 15–30% faster than the loop-parallel one for certain thread counts across four systems, three architectures and four compilers thanks to better load balancing and system utilization. Dynamic scheduling of loops narrows the gap but still falls short of tasking due to serial sections between loops. Locality improvements are incidental due to the lack of locality-aware scheduling. Overall, the introduction of asynchrony with tasking lives up to its promises, provided that programmers parallelize beyond individual loops and across application phases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Unleashing Fine-Grained Parallelism on Embedded Many-Core Accelerators with Lightweight OpenMP Tasking

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    In recent years, programmable many-core accelerators (PMCAs) have been introduced in embedded systems to satisfy stringent performance/Watt requirements. This has increased the urge for programming models capable of effectively leveraging hundreds to thousands of processors. Task-based parallelism has the potential to provide such capabilities, offering high-level abstractions to outline abundant and irregular parallelism in embedded applications. However, efficiently supporting this programming paradigm on embedded PMCAs is challenging, due to the large time and space overheads it introduces. In this paper we describe a lightweight OpenMP tasking runtime environment (RTE) design for a state-of-the-art embedded PMCA, the Kalray MPPA 256. We provide an exhaustive characterization of the costs of our RTE, considering both synthetic workload and real programs, and we compare to several other tasking RTEs. Experimental results confirm that our solution achieves near-ideal parallelization speedups for tasks as small as 5K cycles, and an average speedup of 12 × for real benchmarks, which is 60% higher than what we observe with the original Kalray OpenMP implementation

    Taskgraph: A Low Contention OpenMP Tasking Framework

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    OpenMP is the de-facto standard for shared memory systems in High-Performance Computing (HPC). It includes a task-based model that offers a high-level of abstraction to effectively exploit highly dynamic structured and unstructured parallelism in an easy and flexible way. Unfortunately, the run-time overheads introduced to manage tasks are (very) high in most common OpenMP frameworks (e.g., GCC, LLVM), which defeats the potential benefits of the tasking model, and makes it suitable for coarse-grained tasks only. This paper presents taskgraph, a framework that uses a task dependency graph (TDG) to represent a region of code implemented with OpenMP tasks in order to reduce the run-time overheads associated with the management of tasks, i.e., contention and parallel orchestration, including task creation and synchronization. The TDG avoids the overheads related to the resolution of task dependencies and greatly reduces those deriving from the accesses to shared resources. Moreover, the taskgraph framework introduces in OpenMP the record-and-replay execution model that accelerates the taskgraph region from its second execution. Overall, the multiple optimizations presented in this paper allow exploiting fine-grained OpenMP tasks to cope with the trend in current applications pointing to leverage massive on-node parallelism, fine-grained and dynamic scheduling paradigms. The framework is implemented on LLVM 15.0. Results show that the taskgraph implementation outperforms the vanilla OpenMP system in terms of performance and scalability, for all structured and unstructured parallelism, and considering coarse and fine grained tasks. Furthermore, the proposed framework considerably reduces the performance gap between the task and the thread models of OpenMP

    Barcelona OpenMP tasks suite: a set of benchmarks targeting the exploitation of task parallelism in OpenMP

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    Traditional parallel applications have exploited regular parallelism, based on parallel loops. Only a few applications exploit sections parallelism. With the release of the new OpenMP specification (3.0), this programming model supports tasking. Parallel tasks allow the exploitation of irregular parallelism, but there is a lack of benchmarks exploiting tasks in OpenMP. With the current (and projected) multicore architectures that offer many more alternatives to execute parallel applications than traditional SMP machines, this kind of parallelism is increasingly important. And so, the need to have some set of benchmarks to evaluate it. In this paper, we motivate the need of having such a benchmarks suite, for irregular and/or recursive task parallelism. We present our proposal, the Barcelona OpenMP Tasks Suite (BOTS), with a set of applications exploiting regular and irregular parallelism, based on tasks. We present an overall evaluation of the BOTS benchmarks in an Altix system and we discuss some of the different experiments that can be done with the different compilation and runtime alternatives of the benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluating Performance of OpenMP Tasks in a Seismic Stencil Application

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    Simulations based on stencil computations (widely used in geosciences) have been dominated by the MPI+OpenMP programming model paradigm. Little effort has been devoted to experimenting with task-based parallelism in this context. We address this by introducing OpenMP task parallelism into the kernel of an industrial seismic modeling code, Minimod. We observe that even for these highly regular stencil computations, taskified kernels are competitive with traditional OpenMP-augmented loops, and in some experiments tasks even outperform loop parallelism. This promising result sets the stage for more complex computational patterns. Simulations involve more than just the stencil calculation: a collection of kernels is often needed to accomplish the scientific objective (e.g., I/O, boundary conditions). These kernels can often be computed simultaneously; however, implementing this simultaneous computation with traditional programming models is not trivial. The presented approach will be extended to cover simultaneous execution of several kernels, where we expect to fully exploit the benefits of task-based programming