584 research outputs found

    Interference Mitigation in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Advanced Physical-Layer Techniques

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    In my dissertation, we focus on the wireless network coexistence problem with advanced physical-layer techniques. For the first part, we study the problem of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)s coexisting with cross-technology interference (CTI). WBANs face the RF cross-technology interference (CTI) from non-protocol-compliant wireless devices. Werst experimentally characterize the adverse effect on BAN caused by the CTI sources. Then we formulate a joint routing and power control (JRPC) problem, which aims at minimizing energy consumption while satisfying node reachability and delay constraints. We reformulate our problem into a mixed integer linear programing problem (MILP) and then derive the optimal results. A practical JRPC protocol is then proposed. For the second part, we study the coexistence of heterogeneous multi-hop networks with wireless MIMO. We propose a new paradigm, called cooperative interference mitigation (CIM), which makes it possible for disparate networks to cooperatively mitigate the interference to/from each other to enhance everyone\u27s performance. We establish two tractable models to characterize the CIM behaviors of both networks by using full IC (FIC) and receiver-side IC (RIC) only. We propose two bi-criteria optimization problems aiming at maximizing both networks\u27 throughput, while cooperatively canceling the interference between them based on our two models. In the third and fourth parts, we study the coexistence problem with MIMO from a different point of view: the incentive of cooperation. We propose a novel two-round game framework, based on which we derive two networks\u27 equilibrium strategies and the corresponding closed-form utilities. We then extend our game-theoretical analysis to a general multi-hop case, specifically the coexistence problem between primary network and multi-hop secondary network in the cognitive radio networks domain. In the final part, we study the benefits brought by reconfigurable antennas (RA). We systematically exploit the pattern diversity and fast reconfigurability of RAs to enhance the throughput of MWNs. Werst propose a novel link-layer model that captures the dynamic relations between antenna pattern, link coverage and interference. Based on our model, a throughput optimization framework is proposed by jointly considering pattern selection and link scheduling, which is formulated as a mixed integer non-linear programming problem

    Performance of management solutions and cooperation approaches for vehicular delay-tolerant networks

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    A wide range of daily-life applications supported by vehicular networks attracted the interest, not only from the research community, but also from governments and the automotive industry. For example, they can be used to enable services that assist drivers on the roads (e.g., road safety, traffic monitoring), to spread commercial and entertainment contents (e.g., publicity), or to enable communications on remote or rural regions where it is not possible to have a common network infrastructure. Nonetheless, the unique properties of vehicular networks raise several challenges that greatly impact the deployment of these networks. Most of the challenges faced by vehicular networks arise from the highly dynamic network topology, which leads to short and sporadic contact opportunities, disruption, variable node density, and intermittent connectivity. This situation makes data dissemination an interesting research topic within the vehicular networking area, which is addressed by this study. The work described along this thesis is motivated by the need to propose new solutions to deal with data dissemination problems in vehicular networking focusing on vehicular delay-tolerant networks (VDTNs). To guarantee the success of data dissemination in vehicular networks scenarios it is important to ensure that network nodes cooperate with each other. However, it is not possible to ensure a fully cooperative scenario. This situation makes vehicular networks suitable to the presence of selfish and misbehavior nodes, which may result in a significant decrease of the overall network performance. Thus, cooperative nodes may suffer from the overwhelming load of services from other nodes, which comprises their performance. Trying to solve some of these problems, this thesis presents several proposals and studies on the impact of cooperation, monitoring, and management strategies on the network performance of the VDTN architecture. The main goal of these proposals is to enhance the network performance. In particular, cooperation and management approaches are exploited to improve and optimize the use of network resources. It is demonstrated the performance gains attainable in a VDTN through both types of approaches, not only in terms of bundle delivery probability, but also in terms of wasted resources. The results and achievements observed on this research work are intended to contribute to the advance of the state-of-the-art on methods and strategies for overcome the challenges that arise from the unique characteristics and conceptual design of vehicular networks.O vasto número de aplicações e cenários suportados pelas redes veiculares faz com que estas atraiam o interesse não só da comunidade científica, mas também dos governos e da indústria automóvel. A título de exemplo, estas podem ser usadas para a implementação de serviços e aplicações que podem ajudar os condutores dos veículos a tomar decisões nas estradas, para a disseminação de conteúdos publicitários, ou ainda, para permitir que existam comunicações em zonas rurais ou remotas onde não é possível ter uma infraestrutura de rede convencional. Contudo, as propriedades únicas das redes veiculares fazem com que seja necessário ultrapassar um conjunto de desafios que têm grande impacto na sua aplicabilidade. A maioria dos desafios que as redes veiculares enfrentam advêm da grande mobilidade dos veículos e da topologia de rede que está em constante mutação. Esta situação faz com que este tipo de rede seja suscetível de disrupção, que as oportunidades de contacto sejam escassas e de curta duração, e que a ligação seja intermitente. Fruto destas adversidades, a disseminação dos dados torna-se um tópico de investigação bastante promissor na área das redes veiculares e por esta mesma razão é abordada neste trabalho de investigação. O trabalho descrito nesta tese é motivado pela necessidade de propor novas abordagens para lidar com os problemas inerentes à disseminação dos dados em ambientes veiculares. Para garantir o sucesso da disseminação dos dados em ambientes veiculares é importante que este tipo de redes garanta a cooperação entre os nós da rede. Contudo, neste tipo de ambientes não é possível garantir um cenário totalmente cooperativo. Este cenário faz com que as redes veiculares sejam suscetíveis à presença de nós não cooperativos que comprometem seriamente o desempenho global da rede. Por outro lado, os nós cooperativos podem ver o seu desempenho comprometido por causa da sobrecarga de serviços que poderão suportar. Para tentar resolver alguns destes problemas, esta tese apresenta várias propostas e estudos sobre o impacto de estratégias de cooperação, monitorização e gestão de rede no desempenho das redes veiculares com ligações intermitentes (Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks - VDTNs). O objetivo das propostas apresentadas nesta tese é melhorar o desempenho global da rede. Em particular, as estratégias de cooperação e gestão de rede são exploradas para melhorar e optimizar o uso dos recursos da rede. Ficou demonstrado que o uso deste tipo de estratégias e metodologias contribui para um aumento significativo do desempenho da rede, não só em termos de agregados de pacotes (“bundles”) entregues, mas também na diminuição do volume de recursos desperdiçados. Os resultados observados neste trabalho procuram contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias que visam ultrapassar alguns dos desafios que advêm das propriedades e desenho conceptual das redes veiculares

    Data Dissemination And Information Diffusion In Social Networks

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    Data dissemination problem is a challenging issue in social networks, especially in mobile social networks, which grows rapidly in recent years worldwide with a significant increasing number of hand-on mobile devices such as smart phones and pads. Short-range radio communications equipped in mobile devices enable mobile users to access their interested contents not only from access points of Internet but also from other mobile users. Through proper data dissemination among mobile users, the bandwidth of the short-range communications can be better utilized and alleviate the stress on the bandwidth of the cellular networks. In this dissertation proposal, data dissemination problem in mobile social networks is studied. Before data dissemination emerges in the research of mobile social networks, routing protocol of finding efficient routing path in mobile social networks was the focus, which later became the pavement for the study of the efficient data dissemination. Data dissemination priorities on packet dissemination from multiple sources to multiple destinations while routing protocol simply focus on finding routing path between two ends in the networks. The first works in the literature of data dissemination problem were based on the modification and improvement of routing protocols in mobile social networks. Therefore, we first studied and proposed a prediction-based routing protocol in delay tolerant networks. Delay tolerant network appears earlier than mobile social networks. With respect to delay tolerant networks, mobile social networks also consider social patterns as well as mobility patterns. In our work, we simply come up with the prediction-based routing protocol through analysis of user mobility patterns. We can also apply our proposed protocol in mobile social networks. Secondly, in literature, efficient data dissemination schemes are proposed to improve the data dissemination ratio and with reasonable overhead in the networks. However, the overhead may be not well controlled in the existing works. A social-aware data dissemination scheme is proposed in this dissertation proposal to study efficient data dissemination problem with controlled overhead in mobile social networks. The data dissemination scheme is based on the study on both mobility patterns and social patterns of mobile social networks. Thirdly, in real world cases, an efficient data dissemination in mobile social networks can never be realized if mobile users are selfish, which is true unfortunately in fact. Therefore, how to strengthen nodal cooperation for data dissemination is studied and a credit-based incentive data dissemination protocol is also proposed in this dissertation. Data dissemination problem was primarily researched on mobile social networks. When consider large social networks like online social networks, another similar problem was researched, namely, information diffusion problem. One specific problem is influence maximization problem in online social networks, which maximize the result of information diffusion process. In this dissertation proposal, we proposed a new information diffusion model, namely, sustaining cascading (SC) model to study the influence maximization problem and based on the SC model, we further plan our research work on the information diffusion problem aiming at minimizing the influence diffusion time with subject to an estimated influence coverage

    Security and Energy Efficiency in Resource-Constrained Wireless Multi-hop Networks

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    In recent decades, there has been a huge improvement and interest from the research community in wireless multi-hop networks. Such networks have widespread applications in civil, commercial and military applications. Paradigms of this type of networks that are critical for many aspects of human lives are mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, which are used for monitoring buildings and large agricultural areas, and vehicular networks with applications in traffic monitoring and regulation. Internet of Things (IoT) is also envisioned as a multi-hop network consisting of small interconnected devices, called ``things", such as smart meters, smart traffic lights, thermostats etc. Wireless multi-hop networks suffer from resource constraints, because all the devices have limited battery, computational power and memory. Battery level of these devices should be preserved in order to ensure reliability and communication across the network. In addition, these devices are not a priori designed to defend against sophisticated adversaries, which may be deployed across the network in order to disrupt network operation. In addition, the distributed nature of this type of networks introduces another limitation to protocol performance in the presence of adversaries. Hence, the inherit nature of this type of networks poses severe limitations on designing and optimizing protocols and network operations. In this dissertation, we focus on proposing novel techniques for designing more resilient protocols to attackers and more energy efficient protocols. In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate the scenario of multiple adversaries deployed across the network, which reduce significantly the network performance. We adopt a component-based and a cross-layer view of network protocols to make protocols secure and resilient to attacks and to utilize our techniques across existing network protocols. We use the notion of trust between network entities to propose lightweight defense mechanisms, which also satisfy performance requirements. Using cryptographic primitives in our network scenario can introduce significant computational overhead. In addition, behavioral aspects of entities are not captured by cryptographic primitives. Hence, trust metrics provide an efficient security metric in these scenarios, which can be utilized to introduce lightweight defense mechanisms applicable to deployed network protocols. In the second part of the dissertation, we focus on energy efficiency considerations in this type of networks. Our motivation for this work is to extend network lifetime, but at the same time maintain critical performance requirements. We propose a distributed sleep management framework for heterogeneous machine-to-machine networks and two novel energy efficient metrics. This framework and the routing metrics are integrated into existing routing protocols for machine-to-machine networks. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach in terms of increasing network lifetime and maintaining packet delivery ratio. Furthermore, we propose a novel multi-metric energy efficient routing protocol for dynamic networks (i.e. mobile ad-hoc networks) and illustrate its performance in terms of network lifetime. Finally, we investigate the energy-aware sensor coverage problem and we propose a novel game theoretic approach to capture the tradeoff between sensor coverage efficiency and energy consumption

    Power Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks

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