15 research outputs found

    ILP-based approaches to partitioning recurrent workloads upon heterogeneous multiprocessors

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    The problem of partitioning systems of independent constrained-deadline sporadic tasks upon heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms is considered. Several different integer linear program (ILP) formulations of this problem, offering different tradeoffs between effectiveness (as quantified by speedup bound) and running time efficiency, are presented

    EDF-schedulability of synchronous periodic task systems is coNP-hard

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    In the synchronous periodic task model, a set \tau_1,...,\tau_n of tasks is given, each releasing jobs of running time c_i with relative deadline d_i, at each integer multiple of the period p_i. It is a classical result that Earliest Deadline First (EDF) is an optimal preemptive uni-processor scheduling policy. For constrained deadlines, i.e. d_i = 0: \sum_{i=1}^n (floor(Q-d_i)/p_i) + 1) * c_i <= Q. Though an enormous amount of literature deals with this topic, the complexity status of this test has remained unknown. We prove that testing EDF-schedulability of such a task system is (weakly) coNP-hard. This solves Problem 2 from the survey "Open Problems in Real-time Scheduling" by Baruah & Pruhs. The hardness result is achieved by applying recent results on inapproximability of Diophantine approximation

    Cache Interference-aware Task Partitioning for Non-preemptive Real-time Multi-core Systems

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    Shared caches in multi-core processors introduce serious difficulties in providing guarantees on the real-time properties of embedded software due to the interaction and the resulting contention in the shared caches. Prior work has studied the schedulability analysis of global scheduling for real-time multi-core systems with shared caches. This article considers another common scheduling paradigm: partitioned scheduling in the presence of shared cache interference. To achieve this, we propose CITTA, a cache interference-aware task partitioning algorithm. We first analyze the shared cache interference between two programs for set-associative instruction and data caches. Then, an integer programming formulation is constructed to calculate the upper bound on cache interference exhibited by a task, which is required by CITTA. We conduct schedulability analysis of CITTA and formally prove its correctness. A set of experiments is performed to evaluate the schedulability performance of CITTA against global EDF scheduling and other greedy partition approaches such as First-fit and Worst-fit over randomly generated tasksets and realistic workloads in embedded systems. Our empirical evaluations show that CITTA outperforms global EDF scheduling and greedy partition approaches in terms of task sets deemed schedulable

    Preemptive Uniprocessor Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Sporadic Task Systems

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    Preemptive Uniprocessor Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Sporadic Task Systems

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    International audienceSystems in many safety-critical application domains are subject to certification requirements. For any given system, however, it may be the case that only a subset of its functionality is safety-critical and hence subject to certification; the rest of the functionality is non-safety-critical and does not need to be certified, or is certified to lower levels of assurance. The certification-cognizant runtime scheduling of such mixed-criticality systems is considered. An algorithm called EDF-VD (for Earliest Deadline First with Virtual Deadlines) is presented: this algorithm can schedule systems for which any number of criticality levels are defined. Efficient implementations of EDF-VD, as well as associated schedulability tests for determining whether a task system can be correctly scheduled using EDF-VD, are presented. For up to 13 criticality levels, analyses of EDF-VD, based on metrics such as processor speedup factor and utilization bounds, are derived, and conditions under which EDF-VD is optimal with respect to these metrics are identified. Finally, two extensions of EDF-VD are discussed that enhance its applicability. The extensions are aimed at scheduling a wider range of task sets, while preserving the favorable worst-case resource usage guarantees of the basic algorithm

    Tagungsband Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme 2005

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