5 research outputs found


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    Seiring meningkatkanya jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia, fenomena belanja online saatini juga semakin meningkat. Website belanja yang diakses oleh para pembeli online dituntutuntuk memiliki tingkat usabilitas yang tinggi agar memudahkan penggunanya dalam berbelanjaonline. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat usabilitas dari 3 website belanjaonline di Indonesia yaitu Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Shopee yang ditinjau dari 5 dimensiusabilitas menurut Nielsen yakni learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, dan satisfaction.Metode yang digunakan yakni thinking aloud yang melibatkan pengguna internet sebagairesponden dengan rentang usia 20-40 tahun sebanyak 42 orang, dimana responden tersebutterbagi dalam dua kategori user, yakni novice user dan casual user. Hasil akhir dari penelitianini berupa masukan dan rekomendasi perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkankepuasan konsumen bagi para pengembang website belanja online di Indonesia.  Kata kunci: thinking aloud, usabilitas, website belanja onlin

    Analisi dei siti web istituzionali dei musei statali italiani di proprietà del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali (MIBAC) nei capoluoghi di provincia

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    Today's society is increasingly devoted to the use of the network to find information and is often influenced by the viral and captivating disclosure of news, so websites and Facebook pages stand today as the main channels of communication. Especially the museums, should therefore focus a great deal on these channels in order to perform their marketing activities both for an endogenous improvement of their services, through the evaluation of users, and for an optimal fruition of their resources by visitors. This article, in this general framework, proposes the results of a field survey conducted to evaluate the digital and communicative skills of Italian museums, through the analysis of the relevant institutional websites and their official Facebook pages

    Elaboración y validación de métricas para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios Web de Comercio Electrónico

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    El continuo crecimiento de la internet ha permitido el desarrollo de diversos servicios digitalizados, entre ellos el de E-commerce, el cual proporciona a las empresas nuevas oportunidades para fidelizar y captar clientes, personalizando sus servicios, lo cual hace que el mercado tecnológico del comercio electrónico sea muy competitivo y variado por lo que las organizaciones buscan la manera de evaluar constantemente sus sitios web, con el fin de mejorarlos y ofrecer una mejor experiencia a sus clientes a través de ellos. No obstante, uno de los aspectos más importantes a considerar al momento de evaluar o construir un sitio web en el ámbito de comercio electrónico es la usabilidad. Una empresa que cuenta con un sitio web de E-commerce con un gran nivel de usabilidad obtiene una gran ventaja frente a los competidores, mientras que la falta de esta puede ocasionar que los clientes dejen de usar sus páginas, lo que se traduce como un fracaso tecnológico en este importante mercado. Existen normas estandarizadas como las ISO, siendo la ISO 9126 e ISO 25022-2503, las que permiten evaluar la calidad de estos a través de métricas. La presente tesis analiza la literatura referente a las métricas y aspectos de usabilidad existentes actualmente para sitios web de E-commerce para encontrar aspectos de usabilidad, métricas y métodos de evaluación para elaborar y evaluar la nueva propuesta de métricas de usabilidad para sitios web de E-commerce. Se desarrolló la nueva propuesta, con un total de 49 métricas nuevas y 25 métricas existentes en los documentos analizados, las cuales fueron validadas por expertos en el tema de usabilidad y a través de la comparación de los resultados con el método de evaluación propuesto del Dr. Toni Granollers, se pudo obtener resultados coherentes. Todo esto da como resultado una propuesta de métricas de usabilidad refinada y un proceso de evaluación que brinda resultados confiables, que pueden ser usados para que las empresas ofrezcan servicios transaccionales de calidad a sus clientes obteniendo una ventaja competitiva dentro del mercado de E-commerce

    A heuristic evaluation checklist for mobile shopping applications

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    Studies on issues related to mobile shopping applications are numerous, however, there is inadequacy in implementing the heuristic evaluation approach to identifying and documenting definite kinds of issues as far as their classifications for mobile shopping applications. Recent studies have shown that there is a deficiency of proper evaluation methods and suitable heuristics and subheuristics needed in recognizing mobile-specific usability issues since existing checklists are either web-centered or developed for general mobile applications such as social media mobile applications and utility mobile applications, and not for mobile shopping applications. These existing checklists are incapable of identifying usability issues of mobile shopping applications; hence, this study aims to address these issues by developing a heuristic evaluation checklist for mobile shopping applications. The strategy employed in the evaluation comprises four phases: identifying problems and objectives, heuristic identification, heuristic evaluation checklist development, and heuristic checklist evaluation. Twelve domain experts verified the proposed heuristic evaluation checklist and data collected was analysed using the Fuzzy Delphi Method. The study successfully identified suitable heuristics and subheuristics that made up the proposed heuristic evaluation checklist. Subsequently, a heuristic evaluation was conducted by six domain experts comprising usability experts, software and mobile application developers, as well as mobile shopping application designers, and the results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic evaluation checklist in identifying significant usability issues in Shopee mobile shopping applications. Through the heuristic evaluation checklist, usability experts and analysts can direct a dynamically exact evaluation of online shopping applications. In the same method, software and mobile application developers as well as mobile shopping designers can logically design a usable interface following a set of usability standards that will meet users' satisfaction

    Uma avaliação do impacto da estratégia de marketing digital de uma DMO: o caso do centro de Portugal

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    O turismo é claramente um setor de importância extrema naquilo que é o contexto europeu e mundial, possuindo também uma relevância muito grande no panorama nacional, sendo um fator de dinamismo e produção de riqueza. A associação do setor com o marketing digital é indiscutível, e existe uma clara interligação entre os dois conceitos, num mundo cada vez mais dinâmico. Deste modo, as organizações de gestão de destinos devem conseguir atingir todos aqueles que pretendem visitar a região que as mesmas gerem no meio digital, orientando as suas ações para o desenvolvimento de estratégias consolidadas, tanto para o plano nacional como internacional, promovendo a criação de awareness através de conteúdo apelativo e extremamente informativo, difundindo a noção no turista de que o meio mais fiável para a angariação de informação será através da organização que gere o destino para o qual o mesmo pretende viajar. A verdade é que poucos estudos visam contribuir para a avaliação do impacto das estratégias definidas sobre o turista, de maneira a perceber se os mesmos utilizam os canais de marketing digital do destino, e se se encontram otimizados para serem utilizados como principal ponto de informação, com níveis de usabilidade otimizados e conteúdo apelativo. Como tal, esta pesquisa possuiu como objetivo fundamental a avaliação do impacto da estratégia de marketing digital das DMO responsáveis pelo Centro de Portugal e a otimização da mesma ao nível de usabilidade e conteúdo, de maneira a percecionar se, de facto, a estratégia possui um impacto relevante nos turistas que procuram informação sobre o destino na fase pré-viagem e no próprio destino, mas também se a mesma estratégia, com o principal canal em destaque, se encontra preparada e otimizada para os receber. Através de uma metodologia especialmente concebida para o projeto, foram desenvolvidas conclusões sólidas, permitindo a perceção se, de facto, os canais de marketing digital oficiais do destino Centro de Portugal se encontram preparados para receber todos aqueles que os visitam, e se os turistas os visitam com o intuito de recolher informaçãoTourism is clearly a sector of extreme importance in what is the European and global context. It’s also important to note that it is a key factor on the national scene, being a factor of dynamism and production of wealth. The association of the sector with digital marketing is indisputable, and there is a clear interconnection between the two concepts in an increasingly dynamic world. In consequence of this, destination management organizations should be able to reach all those who intend to visit the region they manage in the digital environment, directing their actions towards the development of consolidated strategies, both nationally and internationally, promoting the creation of awareness through appealing and extremely informative content, disseminating the notion to the tourist that the most reliable means for collecting information will be through the organization that manages the destination to which he or she intends to travel. The truth is that few studies aim to contribute to the evaluation of the impact of the strategies defined on the tourist, in order to understand if they use the destination's digital marketing channels, and whether they are optimized to be used as the main point of information, with optimized levels of usability and appealing content. As such, the main goal of this research was to assess the impact of the digital marketing strategy of the DMOs responsible for the Centre of Portugal and to optimize it in terms of usability and content, in order to understand whether, in fact, the strategy has a relevant impact on tourists seeking information on the destination in the pre-trip phase and at the destination itself, but also whether the same strategy, with the main channel in focus, is prepared and optimized to receive them. Through a methodology specially designed for the project, solid conclusions were developed, allowing the perception of whether, in fact, the official digital marketing channels of the destination Centro de Portugal are prepared to receive all those who visit them, and whether tourists visit them in order to gather informatioTourism is clearly a sector of extreme importance in what is the European and global context. It’s also important to note that it is a key factor on the national scene, being a factor of dynamism and production of wealth. The association of the sector with digital marketing is indisputable, and there is a clear interconnection between the two concepts in an increasingly dynamic world. In consequence of this, destination management organizations should be able to reach all those who intend to visit the region they manage in the digital environment, directing their actions towards the development of consolidated strategies, both nationally and internationally, promoting the creation of awareness through appealing and extremely informative content, disseminating the notion to the tourist that the most reliable means for collecting information will be through the organization that manages the destination to which he or she intends to travel. The truth is that few studies aim to contribute to the evaluation of the impact of the strategies defined on the tourist, in order to understand if they use the destination's digital marketing channels, and whether they are optimized to be used as the main point of information, with optimized levels of usability and appealing content. As such, the main goal of this research was to assess the impact of the digital marketing strategy of the DMOs responsible for the Centre of Portugal and to optimize it in terms of usability and content, in order to understand whether, in fact, the strategy has a relevant impact on tourists seeking information on the destination in the pre-trip phase and at the destination itself, but also whether the same strategy, with the main channel in focus, is prepared and optimized to receive them. Through a methodology specially designed for the project, solid conclusions were developed, allowing the perception of whether, in fact, the official digital marketing channels of the destination Centro de Portugal are prepared to receive all those who visit them, and whether tourists visit them in order to gather informatioMestrado em Gestão e Planeamento em Turism