502 research outputs found

    Improved Image Security in Internet of Thing (IOT) Using Multiple Key AES

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    الصورة هي معلومات رقمية مهمة تستخدم في العديد من تطبيقات إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) مثل النقل والرعاية الصحية والزراعة والتطبيقات العسكرية والمركبات والحياة البرية .. إلخ. كذلك تتميز الصورة بسمات مهمة جدًا مثل الحجم الكبير والارتباط القوي والتكرار الهائل وبالتالي  تشفيرها باستخدام معيار التشفير المتقدم (AES) بمفتاح واحد من خلال تقنيات اتصالات إنترنت الأشياء تجعله عرضة للعديد من التهديدات. مساهمة هذا العمل هي لزيادة أمن الصورة المنقولة. لذلك اقترحت هذه الورقة خوارزمية AES متعددةالمفاتيح (MECCAES) لتحسين الأمان للصورة المرسلة من خلال إنترنت الأشياء. يتم تقييم هذا النهج من خلال تطبيقه على صور RGB bmp وتحليل النتائج باستخدام المقاييس القياسية مثل الإنتروبيا( Entropy ) ،المدرج التكراري histogram) )، الارتباط( correlation ) ، مقاييس نسبة الذروة للأشارة إلى الضوضاء (PSNR) ومتوسط ​​ مربع خطأ (MES). تظهر نتائج التجارب أن الطريقة المقترحة تحقق مستوى عالي من السرية كما أنها واعدة باستخدامها بشكل فعال في مجالات واسعة من تشفير الصور في إنترنت الأشياء.  Image is an important digital information that used in many internet of things (IoT) applications such as transport, healthcare, agriculture, military, vehicles and wildlife. etc. Also, any image has very important characteristic such as large size, strong correlation and huge redundancy, therefore, encrypting it by using single key Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) through IoT communication technologies makes it vulnerable to many threats, thus, the pixels that have the same values will be encrypted to another pixels that have same values when they use the same key. The contribution of this work is to increase the security of transferred image. This paper proposed multiple key AES algorithm (MECCAES) to improve the security of the transmitted image through IoT. This approach is evaluated via applying it on RGB bmp images and analyzing the results using standard metrics such as entropy, histogram, correlation, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MES) metrics. Also, the time for encryption and decryption for the proposed MECCAES is the same time consumed by original single key AES is 12 second(the used image size is 12.1MB therefore time is long). The performance experiments show that this scheme achieves confidentiality also it encourages to use effectively in a wide IoTs fields to secure transmitted image

    Securing Our Future Homes: Smart Home Security Issues and Solutions

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    The Internet of Things, commonly known as IoT, is a new technology transforming businesses, individuals’ daily lives and the operation of entire countries. With more and more devices becoming equipped with IoT technology, smart homes are becoming increasingly popular. The components that make up a smart home are at risk for different types of attacks; therefore, security engineers are developing solutions to current problems and are predicting future types of attacks. This paper will analyze IoT smart home components, explain current security risks, and suggest possible solutions. According to “What is a Smart Home” (n.d.), a smart home is a home that always operates in consideration of security, energy, efficiency and convenience, whether anyone is home or not

    An Optimized Node Level Lightweight Security Algorithm for Cloud Assisted-IoT

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    The fastest-evolving technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), will advance the fields of agriculture, defense, and medical electronics. IoT is focused on giving every object a purpose. IoT with cloud assistance offers a potential remedy for the issue of data expansion for individual objects with restricted capabilities. With the increasing use of cloud technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has encountered additional security hurdles when it comes to exchanging data between two parties. To address this issue, a thorough investigation was conducted into a secure cloud-assisted strategy for managing IoT data, which ensures the safety of data during its collection, storage, and retrieval via the cloud, while also considering the growing number of users. To achieve this, a lightweight security mechanism that is optimized at the node level is implemented in the proposed system. By utilizing our technology, a secure IoT infrastructure can be established to prevent the majority of data confidentiality threats posed by both insiders and outsiders. Using a heartbeat sensor and a node MCU, we create a heartbeat monitoring system. At the node MCU level, giving security to the patient's health data and preventing unauthorized users from attacking it. Smaller key sizes and lightweight security techniques for IoT devices with minimal power, lower power and memory consumption and Execution time, transmission capacity reserve is used to achieve security. In order to achieve this. The performance of the RSA and ECC algorithms in terms of execution time, power consumption, and memory use have been tabulated for this experimental arrangement. The ECC method occurs to produce the best results in tiny devices


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    With the advent of e-commerce, it has become extremely essential to tackle the sensitive issues of affording data security, especially in the ever-blooming open network environment of the modern era. The encrypting technologies of the time-honored cryptography are generally employed to shelter data safety extensively. The term ‘cryptography’ refers to the process of safeguarding the secret data against access by unscrupulous persons in scenarios where it is humanly impossible to furnish physical protection. It deals with the methods which convert the data between intelligible and unintelligible forms by encryption/decryption functions with the management of key(s). Nowadays cryptographic key management issues that arise due to the distributed nature of IT resources, as well the distributed nature of their control. Recently these issues are solved by optimization algorithms utilized in the cryptographic algorithms. The purpose of this paper is to give a survey of optimal cryptographic keys that can be developed with the help of optimization algorithms, and to address their merits to the real-worldscenarios.AbstractWith the advent of e-commerce, it has become extremely essential to tackle the sensitive issues of affording data security, especially in the ever-blooming open network environment of the modern era. The encrypting technologies of the time-honored cryptography are generally employed to shelter data safety extensively. The term ‘cryptography’ refers to the process of safeguarding the secret data against access by unscrupulous persons in scenarios where it is humanly impossible to furnish physical protection. It deals with the methods which convert the data between intelligible and unintelligible forms by encryption/decryption functions with the management of key(s). Nowadays cryptographic key management issues that arise due to the distributed nature of IT resources, as well the distributed nature of their control. Recently these issues are solved by optimization algorithms utilized in the cryptographic algorithms. The purpose of this paper is to give a survey of optimal cryptographic keys that can be developed with the help of optimization algorithms, and to address their merits to the real-worldscenarios. Keywords:Cryptography; Encryption; Decryption; Key Management; Optimization algorithm

    Comparison between RSA and CAST-128 with Adaptive Key for Video Frames Encryption with Highest Average Entropy

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    يقوم تشفير البيانات بترجمة البيانات إلى شكل أو رمز آخر يتيح للأشخاص فقط الوصول إلى المفتاح السري أو يمكن قراءة كلمة المرور. يشار إلى البيانات المشفرة عمومًا باسم النص المشفر، بينما يمكن أن تُعرف البيانات غير المشفرة النص الصريح. يمكن استخدام الإنتروبيا كمقياس يعطي عدد البتات التي يمكن أن تكون مطلوبة لتشفير بيانات الصورة. نظرًا لأن قيم البكسل داخل الصورة يتم توزيعها من خلال مستويات رمادية أخرى ، فإن الانتروبيا تزداد. الهدف من هذا البحث هو المقارنة بين طرق التشفير CAST-128 و RSA لإطارات الفيديو لتحديد الطريقة الأكثر دقة مع أعلى إنتروبيا. يتم تحقيق الطريقة الأولى من خلال تطبيق "طريقة CAST-128" ويتم تحقيق الطريقة الثانية من خلال تطبيق "طريقة RSA". يستخدم CAST-128 زوجًا من المفاتيح الفرعية لكل دوره كمقدار من خمسة بتات تم استخدامها كمفتاح دوران لكل دوره وكمية 32 (بت) تم استخدامها كمفتاح إخفاء في الدوره. يمكن استخراج المفتاح المتكيف المقترح ذات 128 بت من القطر الرئيسي لكل إطار قبل التشفير RSA هي تقنية تشفير ذات مفتاح علم يمكن أن تُعرف باسم التشفير (غير المتماثل). يعتمد عدم تناسق المفتاح على تحليل حاصل ضرب قيمتين أوليتين كبيرتين. تم تطبيق المقارنة على العديد من مقاطع الفيديو وأظهرت النتائج أن طريقة CAST-128 أثبتت أعلى درجة من الانتروبيا حتى لو كانت الإطارات تحتوي على الكثير من البيانات المشوهة أو وحدات بكسل الصورة غير الواضحة. على سبيل المثال، قيمة الانتروبيا لعينة فيديو فتاة هي 2581.921 عند استخدام طريقة CAST-128، بينما تكون 2271.329 عند استخدام RSA؛ كما أن قيمة الانتروبيا لعينة فيديو سكوتر هي 2569.814 عند استخدام CAST-128 ، بينما تبلغ 2282.844 عند استخدام RSA.Encryption of data is translating data to another shape or symbol which enables people only with an access to the secret key or a password that can read it. The data which are encrypted are generally referred to as cipher text, while data which are unencrypted are known plain text. Entropy can be used as a measure which gives the number of bits that are needed for coding the data of an image. As the values of pixel within an image are dispensed through further gray-levels, the entropy increases. The aim of this research is to compare between CAST-128 with proposed adaptive key and RSA encryption methods for video frames to determine the more accurate method with highest entropy. The first method is achieved by applying the "CAST-128" and the second is achieved by applying the "RSA ". CAST-128 utilizes a pair of sub-keys for each round as a quantum of  five bits that was utilized as a key of rotation for each round and a quantum of 32 (bits) was utilized as a key of masking into a round . The proposed adaptive 128-bits key can be extracted from the main diagonal of each frame before encryption. RSA is a public-key cryptographic technique which can be known as (asymmetric) cryptography. An asymmetry of a key depends on factoring a product of two big prime values. A comparison was applied on several videos and the results showed that CAST-128 method proved the highest degree of entropy even if the frames have lots of distorted data or unclear image pixels. For example, the entropy value of a sample of a girl video is 2581.921 when using CAST-128, while it is 2271.329 when using the RSA; also the entropy value of a sample of a scooter video is 2569.814 when using the CAST-128, while it is 2282.844 when using RSA

    Secure-Medishare: A Comprehensive Secure Medical Data-Sharing System Using Blockchain, Watermarking, Steganography, And Optimized Hybrid Cryptography

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    Medical data plays a crucial role in healthcare, enabling accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and research. However, the secure sharing of sensitive medical data and images remains a significant challenge. Existing techniques often fall short in terms of protecting data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity. To address these limitations, this paper introduces Secure-Medishare, a novel secure medical data-sharing system that integrates blockchain technology, watermarking, steganography, and enhanced cryptography. The proposed Secure-Medishare system aims to provide robust security mechanisms for medical data sharing. Unlike centralized systems, which are susceptible to single points of failure and unauthorized access, Secure-Medishare utilizes blockchain technology to ensure decentralized and tamper-resistant storage and sharing of medical data. Secure-Medishare employs watermarking for data integrity and authentication and steganography for confidential transmission of metadata, ensuring authenticity, privacy, and confidentiality of medical data. Furthermore, an optimized hybrid cryptography technique is implemented to secure the transmission and storage of medical data, safeguarding confidentiality and privacy. Secure-Medishare offers several advantages over existing techniques. It provides enhanced security and privacy protection, efficient data sharing and retrieval, and improved trust among healthcare providers. The system ensures the integrity and authenticity of medical data, preventing unauthorized modifications or tampering. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology reduces the risk of data breaches and single points of failure. Experimental results show that Secure-Medishare generates hashes quickly, taking only 65 milliseconds for 100 blocks. Optimized hybrid cryptography used in Secure-Medishare also outperforms other cryptography combinations, with encryption and decryption times of 5.635 seconds for 96-bit data. These findings highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of Secure-Medishare for secure medical data and image sharing. The experimental evaluation confirms that Secure-Medishare is a reliable and robust solution for secure medical data sharing in healthcare environments

    Artificial intelligence and quantum cryptography

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    The technological advancements made in recent times, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, have brought about significant changes in technology. These advancements have profoundly impacted quantum cryptography, a field where AI methodologies hold tremendous potential to enhance the efficiency and robustness of cryptographic systems. However, the emergence of quantum computers has created a new challenge for existing security algorithms, commonly called the ‘quantum threat’. Despite these challenges, there are promising avenues for integrating neural network-based AI in cryptography, which has significant implications for future digital security paradigms. This summary highlights the key themes in the intersection of AI and quantum cryptography, including the potential benefits of AI-driven cryptography, the challenges that need to be addressed, and the prospects of this interdisciplinary research area

    A New Hybrid Embedding Method in Iris Biometric System

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    The challenging part in achieving high security biometrics data is viewed from the engineering perspective which includes security, accuracy, speeds and application size. The objective of this paper is to increase the accuracy through an embedding technique. A combination of modified pixel value differencing and wavelet decomposition techniques were used in this study. The pixels were scanned in a new direction embedded with the wavelet difference matrix. The system is developed using both eyes and each eye is enrolled with 10 snaps. The embedding process creates the embedded iris feature and the reverse process of embedding is known as de-embedding. Two thousands iris from CASIA database are used. The application is developed using MATLAB and executed for 5-20 iterations. The new hybrid system shows better performance in accuracy in terms of False Acceptance Rate (FAR), embedding capacity and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values as benchmarked with the existing method. The finding shows that the output of the embedding capacity is 743801 and 41.10dB of PSNR. The good PSNR value is between 40-50 dB. The implication of this study contributes to a higher accuracy in iris biometric security. Future work should focus on the genetic algorithm to recognize human iris in biometric system


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    The tremendous development of digital technology, it is mandatory to address the security while transmitting information over network in a way that observer couldn’t depict it. Measures to be taken to provide the security by establishing hidden communication using steganography principle which is help to camouflage the secret information in some carrier file such as text, image, audio and video. In this era of hidden data communication, image becoming an effective tool on account of their frequency, capability and accuracy. Image steganography uses an image as a carrier medium to hide the secret data. The main motive of this article is that the uses the combination of frequency domain and optimization method inorder to increasing in robustness. In this article, Integer Wavelet transform is performed into the host image and coefficients have been transformed. ACO optimization algorithm is used to find the optimal coefficients where to hide the data. Furthermore, sample images and information having been demonstrated which proved the increased robustness as well as high level of data embedding capacity