101 research outputs found

    Shortest hop multipath algorithm for wireless sensor networks

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    AbstractShortest hop or distance path is one of the most common methods used for relaying messages in a wide variety of networks. It provides an efficient message relaying to destination in terms of energy and time. There are many algorithms for constructing shortest hop or distance path. However, according to our knowledge, no algorithm for constructing a shortest hop multipath for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has yet been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed shortest hop multipath algorithm for WSNs in order to generate energy efficient paths for data dissemination or routing. The proposed algorithm generates shortest hop braided multipath to be used for fault-tolerance or load-balancing. It guarantees the BFS tree and generates near optimal paths in O(V.D+V) message complexity and O(D2) time complexity regarding the communication costs towards the sink after termination of algorithm

    Source location privacy-aware data aggregation scheduling for wireless sensor networks

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    Source Location Privacy (SLP) is an important property for the class of asset monitoring problems in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). SLP aims to prevent an attacker from finding a valuable asset when a WSN node is broadcasting information due to the detection of the asset. Many different methods of protecting the location of a source have been devised for a variety of attacker models. Most common methods of providing SLP operate at the routing level of the network stack, imposing a high message overhead on the SLP-aware routing protocol. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the novel problem of utilising TDMA slot assignment schedules at the MAC layer in order to provide SLP. These schedules each give rise to different traffic patterns, manipulation of which can be used to divert an attacker away from the asset. Four main contributions are presented. First, a novel formalisation of a parameterised eavesdropping attacker model is created, allowing for comparison of attackers of different strengths. Second, a genetic algorithm is used to generate TDMA Data Aggregation Scheduling (DAS) schedules that contain a diversionary route that leads the attacker away from the source. Third, a distributed algorithm is created to perform the same task while operating online on a WSN. Finally, another distributed algorithm is presented that provides fault-tolerant guarantees with a minimal drop in performance

    Is Link-Layer Anycast Scheduling Relevant for IEEE802.15.4-TSCH Networks?

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    International audienceWith the wide adoption of low-power wireless transmissions , industrial networks have started to incorporate wireless devices in their communication infrastructure. Specifically, IEEE802.15.4-TSCH enables slow channel hopping to increase the robustness, and relies on a strict schedule of the transmissions to increase the energy efficiency. Anycast is a link-layer technique to improve the reliability when using lossy links. Several receivers are associated to a single transmission. That way, a transmission is considered erroneous when none of the receivers was able to decode and acknowledge it. Appropriately exploited by the routing layer, we can also increase the fault-tolerance. However, most of the anycast schemes have been evaluated by simulations, for a sake of simplicity. Besides, most evaluation models assume that packet drops are independent events, which may not be the case for packet drops due to e.g. external interference. Here, we use a large dataset obtained through an indoor testbed to assess the gain of using anycast in real conditions. We also propose a strategy to select the set of forwarding nodes: they must increase the reliability by providing the most independent packet losses. We demonstrate using our experimental dataset that anycast improves really the performance, but only when respecting a set of rules to select the next hops in the routing layer

    RamboNodes for the Metropolitan Ad Hoc Network

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    We present an algorithm to store data robustly in a large, geographically distributed network by means of localized regions of data storage that move in response to changing conditions. For example, data might migrate away from failures or toward regions of high demand. The PersistentNode algorithm provides this service robustly, but with limited safety guarantees. We use the RAMBO framework to transform PersistentNode into RamboNode, an algorithm that guarantees atomic consistency in exchange for increased cost and decreased liveness. In addition, a half-life analysis of RamboNode shows that it is robust against continuous low-rate failures. Finally, we provide experimental simulations for the algorithm on 2000 nodes, demonstrating how it services requests and examining how it responds to failures

    TRASA: TRaffic Aware Slot Assignment Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audienceIn data gathering applications which is a typical application paradigm in wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes may have different traffic demands. Assigning equal channel access to each node may lead to congestion, inefficient use of the bandwidth and decrease of the application performance. In this paper, we prove that the time slot assignment problem is NP-complete when p-hop nodes are not assigned the same slot, with 1 <= p <= h for any strictly positive integer h. We propose TRASA, a TRaffic Aware time Slot Assignment algorithm able to allocate slots to sensors proportionally to their demand. We evaluate the performance of TRASA for different heuristics and prove that it provides an optimized spatial reuse and a minimized cycle length

    Self-stabilizing leader election in dynamic networks

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    The leader election problem is one of the fundamental problems in distributed computing. It has applications in almost every domain. In dynamic networks, topology is expected to change frequently. An algorithm A is self-stabilizing if, starting from a completely arbitrary configuration, the network will eventually reach a legitimate configuration. Note that any self-stabilizing algorithm for the leader election problem is also an algorithm for the dynamic leader election problem, since when the topology of the network changes, we can consider that the algorithm is starting over again from an arbitrary state. There are a number of such algorithms in the literature which require large memory in each process, or which take O(n) time to converge, where n is size of the network. Given the need to conserve time, and possibly space, these algorithms may not be practical for the dynamic leader election problem. In this thesis, three silent self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed algorithms are given for the leader election problem in a dynamic network with unique IDs, using the composite model of computation. If topological changes to the network pause, a leader is elected for each component. A BFS tree is also constructed in each component, rooted at the leader. When another topological change occurs, leaders are then elected for the new components. This election takes O (Diam) rounds, where Diam is the maximum diameter of any component. The three algorithms differ in their leadership stability. The first algorithm, which is the fastest in the worst case, chooses an arbitrary process as the leader. The second algorithm chooses the process of highest priority in each component, where priority can be defined in a variety of ways. The third algorithm has the strictest leadership stability; if a component contains processes that were leaders before the topological change, one of those must be elected to be the new leader. Formal algorithms and their correctness proofs will be given

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)
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