11 research outputs found

    Exploiting Wireless Received Signal Strength Indicators to Detect Evil-Twin Attacks in Smart Homes

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    Proximity Detection with Single-Antenna IoT Devices

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    Providing secure communications between wireless devices that encounter each other on an ad-hoc basis is a challenge that has not yet been fully addressed. In these cases, close physical proximity among devices that have never shared a secret key is sometimes used as a basis of trust; devices in close proximity are deemed trustworthy while more distant devices are viewed as potential adversaries. Because radio waves are invisible, however, a user may believe a wireless device is communicating with a nearby device when in fact the user’s device is communicating with a distant adversary. Researchers have previously proposed methods for multi-antenna devices to ascertain physical proximity with other devices, but devices with a single antenna, such as those commonly used in the Internet of Things, cannot take advantage of these techniques. We present theoretical and practical evaluation of a method called SNAP – SiNgle Antenna Proximity – that allows a single-antenna Wi-Fi device to quickly determine proximity with another Wi-Fi device. Our proximity detection technique leverages the repeating nature Wi-Fi’s preamble and the behavior of a signal in a transmitting antenna’s near-field region to detect proximity with high probability; SNAP never falsely declares proximity at ranges longer than 14 cm

    Data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks: an overview and tutorial

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    Data science or "data-driven research" is a research approach that uses real-life data to gain insight about the behavior of systems. It enables the analysis of small, simple as well as large and more complex systems in order to assess whether they function according to the intended design and as seen in simulation. Data science approaches have been successfully applied to analyze networked interactions in several research areas such as large-scale social networks, advanced business and healthcare processes. Wireless networks can exhibit unpredictable interactions between algorithms from multiple protocol layers, interactions between multiple devices, and hardware specific influences. These interactions can lead to a difference between real-world functioning and design time functioning. Data science methods can help to detect the actual behavior and possibly help to correct it. Data science is increasingly used in wireless research. To support data-driven research in wireless networks, this paper illustrates the step-by-step methodology that has to be applied to extract knowledge from raw data traces. To this end, the paper (i) clarifies when, why and how to use data science in wireless network research; (ii) provides a generic framework for applying data science in wireless networks; (iii) gives an overview of existing research papers that utilized data science approaches in wireless networks; (iv) illustrates the overall knowledge discovery process through an extensive example in which device types are identified based on their traffic patterns; (v) provides the reader the necessary datasets and scripts to go through the tutorial steps themselves

    Device fingerprinting identification and authentication: A two-fold use in multi-factor access control schemes

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    Network security has always had an issue with secure authentication and identification. In the current mixed device network of today, the number of nodes on a network has expanded but these nodes are often unmanaged from a network security perspective. The solution proposed requires a paradigm shift, a recognition of what has already happened, identity is for sale across the internet. That identity is the users’ network ID, their behavior, and even their behavior in using the networks. Secondly a majority of the devices on the Internet have been fingerprinted. Use of device fingerprinting can help secure a network if properly understood and properly executed. The research into this area suggests a solution. Which is the use of device fingerprints including clock skews to identify the devices and a dual- authentication process targeted at authenticating the device and the user. Not only authenticating the identity presented but also combining them into a unified entity so failure to authenticate part of the entity means the whole is denied access to the network and its resources

    Detecting Impersonation Attacks in a Static WSN

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    The current state of security found in the IoT domain is highly flawed, a major problem being that the cryptographic keys used for authentication can be easily extracted and thus enable a myriad of impersonation attacks. In this MSc thesis a study is done of an authentication mechanism called device fingerprinting. It is a mechanism which can derive the identity of a device without relying on device identity credentials and thus detect credential-based impersonation attacks. A proof of concept has been produced to showcase how a fingerprinting system can be designed to function in a resource constrained IoT environment. A novel approach has been taken where several fingerprinting techniques have been combined through machine learning to improve the system’s ability to deduce the identity of a device. The proof of concept yields high performant results, indicating that fingerprinting techniques are a viable approach to achieve security in an IoT system

    Privacy in the Smart City - Applications, Technologies, Challenges and Solutions

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    Many modern cities strive to integrate information technology into every aspect of city life to create so-called smart cities. Smart cities rely on a large number of application areas and technologies to realize complex interactions between citizens, third parties, and city departments. This overwhelming complexity is one reason why holistic privacy protection only rarely enters the picture. A lack of privacy can result in discrimination and social sorting, creating a fundamentally unequal society. To prevent this, we believe that a better understanding of smart cities and their privacy implications is needed. We therefore systematize the application areas, enabling technologies, privacy types, attackers and data sources for the attacks, giving structure to the fuzzy term “smart city”. Based on our taxonomies, we describe existing privacy-enhancing technologies, review the state of the art in real cities around the world, and discuss promising future research directions. Our survey can serve as a reference guide, contributing to the development of privacy-friendly smart cities


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    This dissertation presents an extensive experimental characterization and empirical modelling of 802.11 temporal behavior. A detailed characterization of 802.11b/g/n homogeneous and heterogeneous network traffic patterns is featured, including idle time distribution and channel utilization. Duty cycle serves as a measure for spectrum busyness. Higher duty cycle levels directly impact transceivers using the spectrum, which either refrain from transmission or suffer from increased errors. Duty cycle results are provided for 802.11b, g and n Wi-Fi technologies at various throughput levels. Lower values are observed for 802.11b and g networks. Spectrum occupancy measurements are essential for wireless networks planning and deployment. Detailed characterization of 802.11g/n homogeneous and heterogeneous network traffic patterns, including activity and idle time distribution are presented. Distributions were obtained from time domain measurements and represent time fragment distributions for active and inactive periods during a specific test. This information can assist other wireless technologies in using the crowded ISM band more efficiently and achieve enhanced wireless coexistence. Empirical models of 802.11 networks in the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band are also presented. This information can assist other wireless technologies aiming to utilize the crowded ISM band more efficiently and achieve enhanced wireless coexistence. In this work models are derived for both homogeneous and heterogeneous 802.11 network idle time distribution. Additionally, two applications of 802.11 networks temporal characterization are presented. The first application investigates a novel method for identifying wireless technologies through the use of simple energy detection techniques to measure the channel temporal characteristics including activity and idle time probability distributions. In this work, a wireless technology identification algorithm was assessed experimentally. Temporal traffic pattern for 802.11b/g/n homogeneous and heterogeneous networks were measured and used as algorithm input. Identification accuracies of up to 96.83% and 85.9% are achieved for homogeneous and heterogeneous networks, respectively. The second application provides a case study using 802.15.4 ZigBee transmitter packet size on-line adjustments is also presented. Packet size is adaptively modified based on channel idle time distribution obtained using simple channel power measurements. Results demonstrate improved ZigBee performance and significant enhancement in throughput as a result of using adaptive packet size transmissions