1,159 research outputs found

    Focused Local Search for Random 3-Satisfiability

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    A local search algorithm solving an NP-complete optimisation problem can be viewed as a stochastic process moving in an 'energy landscape' towards eventually finding an optimal solution. For the random 3-satisfiability problem, the heuristic of focusing the local moves on the presently unsatisfiedclauses is known to be very effective: the time to solution has been observed to grow only linearly in the number of variables, for a given clauses-to-variables ratio α\alpha sufficiently far below the critical satisfiability threshold αc4.27\alpha_c \approx 4.27. We present numerical results on the behaviour of three focused local search algorithms for this problem, considering in particular the characteristics of a focused variant of the simple Metropolis dynamics. We estimate the optimal value for the ``temperature'' parameter η\eta for this algorithm, such that its linear-time regime extends as close to αc\alpha_c as possible. Similar parameter optimisation is performed also for the well-known WalkSAT algorithm and for the less studied, but very well performing Focused Record-to-Record Travel method. We observe that with an appropriate choice of parameters, the linear time regime for each of these algorithms seems to extend well into ratios α>4.2\alpha > 4.2 -- much further than has so far been generally assumed. We discuss the statistics of solution times for the algorithms, relate their performance to the process of ``whitening'', and present some conjectures on the shape of their computational phase diagrams.Comment: 20 pages, lots of figure

    Community Structure in Industrial SAT Instances

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    Modern SAT solvers have experienced a remarkable progress on solving industrial instances. Most of the techniques have been developed after an intensive experimental process. It is believed that these techniques exploit the underlying structure of industrial instances. However, there are few works trying to exactly characterize the main features of this structure. The research community on complex networks has developed techniques of analysis and algorithms to study real-world graphs that can be used by the SAT community. Recently, there have been some attempts to analyze the structure of industrial SAT instances in terms of complex networks, with the aim of explaining the success of SAT solving techniques, and possibly improving them. In this paper, inspired by the results on complex networks, we study the community structure, or modularity, of industrial SAT instances. In a graph with clear community structure, or high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect variables of the same community. In our analysis, we represent SAT instances as graphs, and we show that most application benchmarks are characterized by a high modularity. On the contrary, random SAT instances are closer to the classical Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph model, where no structure can be observed. We also analyze how this structure evolves by the effects of the execution of a CDCL SAT solver. In particular, we use the community structure to detect that new clauses learned by the solver during the search contribute to destroy the original structure of the formula. This is, learned clauses tend to contain variables of distinct communities

    A nonmonotone GRASP

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    A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is an itera- tive multistart metaheuristic for difficult combinatorial optimization problems. Each GRASP iteration consists of two phases: a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is produced, and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighborhood of the constructed solution is sought. Repeated applications of the con- struction procedure yields different starting solutions for the local search and the best overall solution is kept as the result. The GRASP local search applies iterative improvement until a locally optimal solution is found. During this phase, starting from the current solution an improving neighbor solution is accepted and considered as the new current solution. In this paper, we propose a variant of the GRASP framework that uses a new “nonmonotone” strategy to explore the neighborhood of the current solu- tion. We formally state the convergence of the nonmonotone local search to a locally optimal solution and illustrate the effectiveness of the resulting Nonmonotone GRASP on three classical hard combinatorial optimization problems: the maximum cut prob- lem (MAX-CUT), the weighted maximum satisfiability problem (MAX-SAT), and the quadratic assignment problem (QAP)

    Community structure in industrial SAT instances

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    Modern SAT solvers have experienced a remarkable progress on solving industrial instances. It is believed that most of these successful techniques exploit the underlying structure of industrial instances. Recently, there have been some attempts to analyze the structure of industrial SAT instances in terms of complex networks, with the aim of explaining the success of SAT solving techniques, and possibly improving them. In this paper, we study the community structure, or modularity, of industrial SAT instances. In a graph with clear community structure, or high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect variables of the same community. Representing SAT instances as graphs, we show that most application benchmarks are characterized by a high modularity. On the contrary, random SAT instances are closer to the classical Erdös-Rényi random graph model, where no structure can be observed. We also analyze how this structure evolves by the effects of the execution of a CDCL SAT solver, and observe that new clauses learned by the solver during the search contribute to destroy the original structure of the formula. Motivated by this observation, we finally present an application that exploits the community structure to detect relevant learned clauses, and we show that detecting these clauses results in an improvement on the performance of the SAT solver. Empirically, we observe that this improves the performance of several SAT solvers on industrial SAT formulas, especially on satisfiable instances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Criticality and Universality in the Unit-Propagation Search Rule

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    The probability Psuccess(alpha, N) that stochastic greedy algorithms successfully solve the random SATisfiability problem is studied as a function of the ratio alpha of constraints per variable and the number N of variables. These algorithms assign variables according to the unit-propagation (UP) rule in presence of constraints involving a unique variable (1-clauses), to some heuristic (H) prescription otherwise. In the infinite N limit, Psuccess vanishes at some critical ratio alpha\_H which depends on the heuristic H. We show that the critical behaviour is determined by the UP rule only. In the case where only constraints with 2 and 3 variables are present, we give the phase diagram and identify two universality classes: the power law class, where Psuccess[alpha\_H (1+epsilon N^{-1/3}), N] ~ A(epsilon)/N^gamma; the stretched exponential class, where Psuccess[alpha\_H (1+epsilon N^{-1/3}), N] ~ exp[-N^{1/6} Phi(epsilon)]. Which class is selected depends on the characteristic parameters of input data. The critical exponent gamma is universal and calculated; the scaling functions A and Phi weakly depend on the heuristic H and are obtained from the solutions of reaction-diffusion equations for 1-clauses. Computation of some non-universal corrections allows us to match numerical results with good precision. The critical behaviour for constraints with >3 variables is given. Our results are interpreted in terms of dynamical graph percolation and we argue that they should apply to more general situations where UP is used.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Improving WalkSAT for Random 3-SAT Problems

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    Stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms are well known for their ability to efficiently find models of random instances of the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems. One of the most famous SLS algorithms for SAT is called WalkSAT, which has wide influence and performs well on most of random 3-SAT instances. However, the performance of WalkSAT lags far behind on random 3-SAT instances equal to or greater than the phase transition ratio. Motivated by this limitation, in the present work, firstly an allocation strategy is introduced and utilized in WalkSAT to determine the initial assignment, leading to a new algorithm called WalkSATvav. The experimental results show that WalkSATvav significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art SLS solvers on random 3-SAT instances at the phase transition for SAT Competition 2017. However, WalkSATvav cannot rival its competitors on random 3-SAT instances greater than the phase transition ratio. Accordingly, WalkSATvav is further improved for such instances by utilizing a combination of an improved genetic algorithm and an improved ant colony algorithm, which complement each other in guiding the search direction. The resulting algorithm, called WalkSATga, is far better than WalkSAT and significantly outperforms some previous known SLS solvers on random 3-SAT instances greater than the phase transition ratio from SAT Competition 2017. Finally, a new SAT solver called WalkSATlg, which combines WalkSATvav and WalkSATga, is proposed, which is competitive with the winner of random satisfiable category of SAT competition 2017 on random 3-SAT problem

    Cakewalk Sampling

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    We study the task of finding good local optima in combinatorial optimization problems. Although combinatorial optimization is NP-hard in general, locally optimal solutions are frequently used in practice. Local search methods however typically converge to a limited set of optima that depend on their initialization. Sampling methods on the other hand can access any valid solution, and thus can be used either directly or alongside methods of the former type as a way for finding good local optima. Since the effectiveness of this strategy depends on the sampling distribution, we derive a robust learning algorithm that adapts sampling distributions towards good local optima of arbitrary objective functions. As a first use case, we empirically study the efficiency in which sampling methods can recover locally maximal cliques in undirected graphs. Not only do we show how our adaptive sampler outperforms related methods, we also show how it can even approach the performance of established clique algorithms. As a second use case, we consider how greedy algorithms can be combined with our adaptive sampler, and we demonstrate how this leads to superior performance in k-medoid clustering. Together, these findings suggest that our adaptive sampler can provide an effective strategy to combinatorial optimization problems that arise in practice.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper by AAAI-2020 (oral presentation