805 research outputs found

    A Quantitative Analysis of Open Source Software Code Quality: Insights from Metric Distributions

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    Code quality is a crucial construct in open-source software (OSS) with three dimensions: maintainability, reliability, and functionality. To accurately measure them, we divide 20 distinct metrics into two types: 1) threshold-type metrics that influence code quality in a monotonic manner; 2) non-threshold-type metrics that lack a monotonic relationship to evaluate. We propose a distribution-based method to provide scores for metrics, which demonstrates great explainability on OSS adoption. Our empirical analysis includes more than 36,460 OSS projects and their raw metrics from SonarQube and CK. Our work contributes to the understanding of the multi-dimensional construct of code quality and its metric measurements

    "My GitHub Sponsors profile is live!" Investigating the Impact of Twitter/X Mentions on GitHub Sponsors

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    GitHub Sponsors was launched in 2019, enabling donations to open-source software developers to provide financial support, as per GitHub's slogan: "Invest in the projects you depend on". However, a 2022 study on GitHub Sponsors found that only two-fifths of developers who were seeking sponsorship received a donation. The study found that, other than internal actions (such as offering perks to sponsors), developers had advertised their GitHub Sponsors profiles on social media, such as Twitter (also known as X). Therefore, in this work, we investigate the impact of tweets that contain links to GitHub Sponsors profiles on sponsorship, as well as their reception on Twitter/X. We further characterize these tweets to understand their context and find that (1) such tweets have the impact of increasing the number of sponsors acquired, (2) compared to other donation platforms such as Open Collective and Patreon, GitHub Sponsors has significantly fewer interactions but is more visible on Twitter/X, and (3) developers tend to contribute more to open-source software during the week of posting such tweets. Our findings are the first step toward investigating the impact of social media on obtaining funding to sustain open-source software


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    Open source software (OSS) is one of the emerging areas in software engineering, and is gaining the interest of the software development community. OSS was started as a movement, and for many years software developers contributed to it as their hobby (non commercial purpose). Now, OSS components are being reused in CBSD (commercial purpose). However, recently, the use of OSS in SPL is envisioned recently by software engineering researchers, thus bringing it into a new arena. Being an emerging research area, it demands exploratory study to explore the dimensions of this phenomenon. Furthermore, there is a need to assess the reusability of OSS which is the focal point of these disciplines (CBSE, SPL, and OSS). In this research, a mixed method based approach is employed which is specifically 'partially mixed sequential dominant study'. It involves both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative phases (survey and experiment). During the qualitative phase seven respondents were involved, sample size of survey was 396, and three experiments were conducted. The main contribution of this study is results of exploration of the phenomenon 'reuse of OSS in reuse intensive software development'. The findings include 7 categories and 39 dimensions. One of the dimension factors affecting reusability was carried to the quantitative phase (survey and experiment). On basis of the findings, proposal for reusability attribute model was presented at class and package level. Variability is one of the newly identified attribute of reusability. A comprehensive theoretical analysis of variability implementation mechanisms is conducted to propose metrics for its assessment. The reusability attribute model is validated by statistical analysis of I 03 classes and 77 packages. An evolutionary reusability analysis of two open source software was conducted, where different versions of software are analyzed for their reusability. The results show a positive correlation between variability and reusability at package level and validate the other identified attributes. The results would be helpful to conduct further studies in this area

    Who is the Real Hero? Measuring Developer Contribution via Multi-dimensional Data Integration

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    Proper incentives are important for motivating developers in open-source communities, which is crucial for maintaining the development of open-source software healthy. To provide such incentives, an accurate and objective developer contribution measurement method is needed. However, existing methods rely heavily on manual peer review, lacking objectivity and transparency. The metrics of some automated works about effort estimation use only syntax-level or even text-level information, such as changed lines of code, which lack robustness. Furthermore, some works about identifying core developers provide only a qualitative understanding without a quantitative score or have some project-specific parameters, which makes them not practical in real-world projects. To this end, we propose CValue, a multidimensional information fusion-based approach to measure developer contributions. CValue extracts both syntax and semantic information from the source code changes in four dimensions: modification amount, understandability, inter-function and intra-function impact of modification. It fuses the information to produce the contribution score for each of the commits in the projects. Experimental results show that CValue outperforms other approaches by 19.59% on 10 real-world projects with manually labeled ground truth. We validated and proved that the performance of CValue, which takes 83.39 seconds per commit, is acceptable to be applied in real-world projects. Furthermore, we performed a large-scale experiment on 174 projects and detected 2,282 developers having inflated commits. Of these, 2,050 developers did not make any syntax contribution; and 103 were identified as bots

    Identification-method research for open-source software ecosystems

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    In recent years, open-source software (OSS) development has grown, with many developers around the world working on different OSS projects. A variety of open-source software ecosystems have emerged, for instance, GitHub, StackOverflow, and SourceForge. One of the most typical social-programming and code-hosting sites, GitHub, has amassed numerous open-source-software projects and developers in the same virtual collaboration platform. Since GitHub itself is a large open-source community, it hosts a collection of software projects that are developed together and coevolve. The great challenge here is how to identify the relationship between these projects, i.e., project relevance. Software-ecosystem identification is the basis of other studies in the ecosystem. Therefore, how to extract useful information in GitHub and identify software ecosystems is particularly important, and it is also a research area in symmetry. In this paper, a Topic-based Project Knowledge Metrics Framework (TPKMF) is proposed. By collecting the multisource dataset of an open-source ecosystem, project-relevance analysis of the open-source software is carried out on the basis of software-ecosystem identification. Then, we used our Spectral Clustering algorithm based on Core Project (CP-SC) to identify software-ecosystem projects and further identify software ecosystems. We verified that most software ecosystems usually contain a core software project, and most other projects are associated with it. Furthermore, we analyzed the characteristics of the ecosystem, and we also found that interactive information has greater impact on project relevance. Finally, we summarize the Topic-based Project Knowledge Metrics Framework

    Analysing BitTorrent's seeding strategies

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    BitTorrent is a typical peer-to-peer (P2P) file distribution application that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. A considerable amount of research exists regarding BitTorrent’s choking algorithm, which has proved to be effective in preventing freeriders. However, the effect of the seeding strategy on the resistance to freeriders in BitTorrent has been largely overlooked. In addition to this, a category of selfish leechers (termed exploiters), who leave the overlay immediately after completion, has never been taken into account in the previous research. In this paper two popular seeding strategies, the Original Seeding Strategy (OSS) and the Time- based Seeding Strategy (TSS), are chosen and we study via mathematical models and simulation their effects on freeriders and exploiters in BitTorrent networks. The mathematical model is verified and we discover that both freeriders and exploiters impact on system performance, despite the seeding strategy that is employed. However, a selfish-leechers threshold is identified; once the threshold is exceeded, we find that TSS outperforms OSS – that is, TSS reduces the negative impact of selfish lechers more effectively than OSS. Based on these results we discuss the choice of seeding strategy and speculate as to how more effective BitTorrent-based file distribu- tion applications can be built
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