5,640 research outputs found

    Javan yksikkö- ja integraatiotestaus: JVM:n käyttäytymisvetoiset testaustyökalut vastaan JUnit

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    This master’s thesis studied how do Behavior-Driven Development testing frameworks change the testing of Java-code compared to JUnit. The research was done as a case study. The case study was conducted in industry context at Vincit Plc, were two projects changed new unit and integration tests classes to use a new BDD-testing framework instead of JUnit. Before designing the study methods, related research and their findings were reviewed to guide the study to inspect problematic areas found in unit testing. Case study data collection methods included surveys, interviews and test code analysis. Case study provided promising results for problematic areas highlighted by earlier research. To summarize the developer practice changes, the collected data displayed an increase in unit test case granularity. Results also displayed unanimously that BDD-testing frameworks guide to write more self-documenting tests than JUnit. The structure of BDD tests highlighted better the different parts of the test. Study also revealed that the majority of participants had easier time understanding tests and removing repetition from test code. Developer perception changes in testing included the majority of study participants enjoying writing of tests more than with JUnit. The same majority also perceived that BDD-testing frameworks promote in writing higher quality test code than JUnit. Generally new test code was perceived more understandable and maintainable than tests with JUnit, although this was not unanimous. Learning curve to be effective varied between studied frameworks. Tool support of BDD-testing frameworks for testing Java Spring Framework were found ranging from adequate to good. In conclusion, this thesis results provide small scale evidence that BDD-testing frameworks could potentially ease the maintainability and readability of unit and integration tests while same time rising the enjoyment in testing.Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin, kuinka käyttäytymisvetoiset testisovelluskehykset muuttavat Java-koodin testausta verrattuna JUnit:iin. Tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksen menetelmin Vincit Oy:ssa. Tutkimukseen valittiin kaksi projektia, joissa uudet yksikkö- ja integraatiotestausluokat kirjoitettiin käyttäytymisvetoisilla testaussovelluskehyksillä JUnit:in sijaan. Työhön liittyvät aiempien tutkimusten havainnot ohjasivat työtä tarkastelemaan näissä löydettyjä ongelmallisia alueita. Tiedonkeruukeinoina käytettiin kyselyitä, haastatteluita sekä testikoodin analyysia. Työn tulokset osoittautuivat lupaaviksi ratkaisuksi aiemmin löydettyihin ongelmallisiin seikkoihin. Kokonaisuudessaan sovelluskehittäjien testauskäytännöissä löytyi useita muutoksia. Yksikkötestien rakenne ohjautui aiempaa hienojakoisemmaksi. Tulokset osoittivat myös yksimielisesti, että käyttäytymisvetoiset testaussovelluskehykset ohjaavat kirjoittamaan aiempaa paremmin itseänsä dokumentoivia testejä. Myös testin eri loogiset osat olivat uusien testien rakenteesta helpommin luettavissa. Suurimmalla osalla tutkimukseen osallistuneista testit olivat aiempaa helpompia ymmärtää sekä niistä oli helpompi poistaa toistoa. Suurin osa koki testien kirjoittamisen myös aiempaa nautittavampana. Valtaosa vastaajista koki uusien menetelmien ohjaavan kirjoittamaan laadukkaampaa testikoodia kuin aiemmin. Yleisesti ottaen uutta testikoodia pidettiin ymmärrettävämpänä ja ylläpidettävämpänä kuin JUnit testejä, tosin ei täysin yksimielisesti. Oppimiskäyrä uusien testauskehyksien parissa vaihteli tutkittujen kehysten välillä. Java Spring-sovelluskehyksen testaustuki vaihteli riittävästä tuesta hyvään tukeen. Kokonaisuudessaan työ tarjosi pienessä skaalassa näyttöä siitä, että käyttäytymisvetoiset testaussovelluskehykset voivat mahdollisesti helpottaa yksikkö- ja integraatiotestien ylläpidettävyyttä, luettavuutta sekä koettua nautintoa näiden parissa

    What to Fix? Distinguishing between design and non-design rules in automated tools

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    Technical debt---design shortcuts taken to optimize for delivery speed---is a critical part of long-term software costs. Consequently, automatically detecting technical debt is a high priority for software practitioners. Software quality tool vendors have responded to this need by positioning their tools to detect and manage technical debt. While these tools bundle a number of rules, it is hard for users to understand which rules identify design issues, as opposed to syntactic quality. This is important, since previous studies have revealed the most significant technical debt is related to design issues. Other research has focused on comparing these tools on open source projects, but these comparisons have not looked at whether the rules were relevant to design. We conducted an empirical study using a structured categorization approach, and manually classify 466 software quality rules from three industry tools---CAST, SonarQube, and NDepend. We found that most of these rules were easily labeled as either not design (55%) or design (19%). The remainder (26%) resulted in disagreements among the labelers. Our results are a first step in formalizing a definition of a design rule, in order to support automatic detection.Comment: Long version of accepted short paper at International Conference on Software Architecture 2017 (Gothenburg, SE

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Reconfigurability Function Deployment in Software Development

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    In the forthcoming highly dynamic and complex business environment high-speed and cost-effective development of software applications for targeting a precise, unique and momentary set of requirements (no more-no less) associated to a customized business case will bring sig-nificant benefits both for producers and users. This requires a life cycle change-oriented ap-proach in software development. In this respect, designing software with intrinsic evolutionary resources for reconfiguration represents the sound approach. A methodology for concurrent deployment of reconfigurability characteristics in software applications is introduced in this paper. Its potential is exemplified in a case study dealing with web-based software tools to support systematic product innovation projects.Reconfigurability, Software Development, Innovation, TRIZ, RAD