97 research outputs found

    Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications

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    We introduce Sapienz, an approach to Android testing that uses multi-objective search-based testing to automatically explore and optimise test sequences, minimising length, while simultaneously maximising coverage and fault revelation. Sapienz combines random fuzzing, systematic and search-based exploration, exploiting seeding and multi-level instrumentation. Sapienz significantly outperforms (with large effect size) both the state-of-the-art technique Dynodroid and the widely-used tool, Android Monkey, in 7/10 experiments for coverage, 7/10 for fault detection and 10/10 for fault-revealing sequence length. When applied to the top 1, 000 Google Play apps, Sapienz found 558 unique, previously unknown crashes. So far we have managed to make contact with the developers of 27 crashing apps. Of these, 14 have confirmed that the crashes are caused by real faults. Of those 14, six already have developer-confirmed fixes

    Automating Software Development for Mobile Computing Platforms

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous in today\u27s computing landscape. These devices have ushered in entirely new populations of users, and mobile operating systems are now outpacing more traditional desktop systems in terms of market share. The applications that run on these mobile devices (often referred to as apps ) have become a primary means of computing for millions of users and, as such, have garnered immense developer interest. These apps allow for unique, personal software experiences through touch-based UIs and a complex assortment of sensors. However, designing and implementing high quality mobile apps can be a difficult process. This is primarily due to challenges unique to mobile development including change-prone APIs and platform fragmentation, just to name a few. in this dissertation we develop techniques that aid developers in overcoming these challenges by automating and improving current software design and testing practices for mobile apps. More specifically, we first introduce a technique, called Gvt, that improves the quality of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for mobile apps by automatically detecting instances where a GUI was not implemented to its intended specifications. Gvt does this by constructing hierarchal models of mobile GUIs from metadata associated with both graphical mock-ups (i.e., created by designers using photo-editing software) and running instances of the GUI from the corresponding implementation. Second, we develop an approach that completely automates prototyping of GUIs for mobile apps. This approach, called ReDraw, is able to transform an image of a mobile app GUI into runnable code by detecting discrete GUI-components using computer vision techniques, classifying these components into proper functional categories (e.g., button, dropdown menu) using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and assembling these components into realistic code. Finally, we design a novel approach for automated testing of mobile apps, called CrashScope, that explores a given android app using systematic input generation with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. The GUI-based input generation engine is driven by a combination of static and dynamic analyses that create a model of an app\u27s GUI and targets common, empirically derived root causes of crashes in android apps. We illustrate that the techniques presented in this dissertation represent significant advancements in mobile development processes through a series of empirical investigations, user studies, and industrial case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches and the benefit they provide developers

    Testing Nearby Peer-to-Peer Mobile Apps at Large

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    International audienceWhile mobile devices are widely adopted across the population, most of their remote interactions usually go through Internet. However, this indirect interaction model can be assumed as inefficient and sensitive when considering communications with neighboring devices. To leverage such weaknesses, nearby peer-to-peer(P2P) communications are now included in mobile devices to enable device-to-device communications over standard wireless technologies (WiFi, Bluetooth). While this capability supports the design of collaborative whiteboards, local multiplayer gaming, multi-screen gaming, offline file transfers and many other applications, mobile apps using P2P are still suffering from app crashes, battery issues, and bad user reviews and ranking in app stores. We believe that this lack of quality can be partly attributed to the lack of tool support for testing P2P mobile apps at large. In this paper, we introduce a testing framework that allows developers to automate reproducible testing of nearby P2P apps. Beyond the identification of P2P-related bugs, our approach also helps to estimate the discovery settings to optimize the deployment of P2P apps

    Program analysis for android security and reliability

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    The recent, widespread growth and adoption of mobile devices have revolutionized the way users interact with technology. As mobile apps have become increasingly prevalent, concerns regarding their security and reliability have gained significant attention. The ever-expanding mobile app ecosystem presents unique challenges in ensuring the protection of user data and maintaining app robustness. This dissertation expands the field of program analysis with techniques and abstractions tailored explicitly to enhancing Android security and reliability. This research introduces approaches for addressing critical issues related to sensitive information leakage, device and user fingerprinting, mobile medical score calculators, as well as termination-induced data loss. Through a series of comprehensive studies and employing novel approaches that combine static and dynamic analysis, this work provides valuable insights and practical solutions to the aforementioned challenges. In summary, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) precise identifier leak tracking via a novel algebraic representation of leak signatures, (2) identifier processing graphs (IPGs), an abstraction for extracting and subverting user-based and device-based fingerprinting schemes, (3) interval-based verification of medical score calculator correctness, and (4) identifying potential data losses caused by app termination

    Testing GUI-based Software with Undetermined Input Spaces

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    Most software applications feature a Graphical User Interface (GUI) front-end as the main, and often the only, method for the user to interact with the software. System-testing a software application requires it to be tested as a whole through the GUI. Testers need to generate sequences of GUI events (e.g., mouse clicks and menu selections) to exercise various behaviors of the application. Because the input space of a typical GUI (i.e., the space of all possible GUI events and their interactions) is often enormous, manual GUI testing is impractical. Model-based testing is a new approach that automatically and systematically generates a large number of test cases by leveraging a formal model representing the GUI input space. Unfortunately, modern applications often have a ``context-sensitive reachability GUI,'' in which the GUI components are only reachable with some particular state or environment constraints. Thus, it is challenging to determine the GUI input space and and obtain a GUI model for automated GUI testing. This research proposes new testing techniques to tackle the challenges in model-based GUI testing. The central thesis is this: GUI-based applications can be effectively and efficiently tested by systematically and incrementally leveraging the application runtime execution observations. To explore the thesis, a novel model-based testing paradigm called Observer-Model-Exercise* (OME*) is developed. This paradigm relies on the opportunistic observations obtained during test case execution to incrementally explore the GUI input space and construct a GUI model for test case generation. To evaluate OME*, an open-source automated model-based GUI testing framework called GUITAR is developed. An empirical study with 8 widely-used open-source applications demonstrated that the OME* approach is feasible. Compared to previous model-based testing approaches, OME* was able to increase the GUI input space discovered by as much as 1,044%. As a result, 34 new faults were detected in the subject applications

    The Oracle Problem in Software Testing: A Survey

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    Testing involves examining the behaviour of a system in order to discover potential faults. Given an input for a system, the challenge of distinguishing the corresponding desired, correct behaviour from potentially incorrect behavior is called the “test oracle problem”. Test oracle automation is important to remove a current bottleneck that inhibits greater overall test automation. Without test oracle automation, the human has to determine whether observed behaviour is correct. The literature on test oracles has introduced techniques for oracle automation, including modelling, specifications, contract-driven development and metamorphic testing. When none of these is completely adequate, the final source of test oracle information remains the human, who may be aware of informal specifications, expectations, norms and domain specific information that provide informal oracle guidance. All forms of test oracles, even the humble human, involve challenges of reducing cost and increasing benefit. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of current approaches to the test oracle problem and an analysis of trends in this important area of software testing research and practice

    Feedback-Directed Model-Based GUI Test Case Generation

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    Most of today's software users interact with the software through a graphical user interfac (GUI), which is a representative of the broader class of event-driven software (EDS). As the correctness of the GUI is necessary to ensure the correctness of the overall software, its quality assurance (QA) is becoming increasingly important. During software testing, an important QA technique, test cases are created and executed on the software. For GUIs, test cases are modeled as sequences of user input events. Because each possible sequence of user events may potentially be a test case and because today's GUIs offer enormous flexibility to end users, in principle, GUI testing requires a prohibitively large number of test cases. Any practical test case generation technique must sample the vast GUI input space. Existing techniques are either extremely resource intensive or do not adequately model complex GUI behaviors, thereby limiting fault detection. This research develops new models, algorithms, and metrics for automated GUI test case generation. A novel aspect of this work is its use of software runtime information collected as feedback during GUI test case execution, and used to generate additional test cases that model complex GUI behaviors. One set of empirical studies show that the feedback directed technique significantly improves upon existing techniques and helps to identify serious problems in fielded GUIs. Another set of studies conducted on in-house software applications show that the test suites generated by the new technique outperform their coverage equivalent counterparts in terms of fault detection. Although the focus of this work is on the GUI domain, the techniques developed are general and are applicable to the broader class of EDS. In fact, this work has already had an impact on research and practice of testing other EDS. In particular, the work has been extended by other researchers to test web applications
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