7,189 research outputs found

    Data Clustering Analysis of the Factors Affecting Palestinian Customers’ Attitudes Towards SMS Advertising

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    The aim of this article is to identify the factors affecting customer attitudes toward SMS advertising in the Palestinian banking sector using data clustering. A survey questionnaire was designed and distributed to collect primary data. In total 412 usable questionnaires were analyzed using data clustering. The findings reveal that relevancy, entertainment, informativeness, and creditability have positive impact on the attitudes of the Palestinian customers towards the Banks’ SMS advertising. Data clustering, however, provided empirical evidence that most of the respondents are annoyed by the SMS advertising which requires developing policies and procedures at the bank level to get the customers consent (permission) to receive SMS advertisements prior to sending them to customers

    Contenido racional VS contenido emocional en la Publicidad a través del Móvil

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    Advertising tries to find its place in the new consumer-centered paradigm for media communication. Consumers no longer are a uniform group, passive and powerless. Mobile technology has set some specific conditions that determine this particular sender-receiver relationship. In this context, there is a need for evidence about the effectiveness of traditional advertising strategies in this rather new channel. This study explores the relationship between the relevance of rational or emotional mobile advertising contents and the product’s target cognitive and affective attitude components. An experiment was carried out in which two types of short messages (rational/emotional) advertising an eBook were sent to two groups of participants, and questions about its content were asked through an online questionnaire. Participants had been previously screened according their new role in the communication process. Results indicate that the cognitive processing component is significantly better rated than the affective component. Thus the rational strategy is more effective than the emotional one when talking about mobile advertising.La publicidad intenta encontrar su lugar en el nuevo paradigma comunicativo centrado en el consumidor. Este consumidor ha dejado de ser masivo, pasivo y sin poder. La tecnologĂ­a mĂłvil ha establecido unos condicionantes especĂ­ficos que determinan una relaciĂłn muy particular entre emisor y receptor. En este contexto, se precisan evidencias sobre la eficacia de las tradicionales estrategias de la publicidad en este nuevo medio. Este estudio explora la relaciĂłn entre la relevancia de los contenidos racionales o emocionales en la publicidad a travĂ©s del mĂłvil y su correlaciĂłn con los componentes cognitivos y actitudinales del target. Se llevĂł a cabo un experimento en el que dos tipos de mensajes (racional/emocional) publicitando un eBook fueron enviados a dos grupos de sujetos, a los que se les preguntĂł sobre su contenido mediante un cuestionario online. Los sujetos habĂ­an sido filtrados anteriormente de acuerdo a su nuevo rol en el proceso comunicativo. Los resultados indican que el componente de procesamiento cognitivo es puntuado significativamente mejor que el componente afectivo. Por lo tanto, la estrategia racional es mĂĄs efectiva que la emocional en la publicidad mĂłvil

    Mobile Ad Intrusiveness – The Effects of Message Type and Situation

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    This study addresses the effects of message type and situation on the perceived intrusiveness of mobile advertisements. Ad intrusiveness, as conceptualized by Li et al., is introduced to the field of mobile advertising and used as dependent variable in a 2x2 within-subjects factorial study design. Two message types (informative vs. entertaining) are combined with two different situations (low vs. high level of activity). Attitude towards advertising in general and ad relevance (here: product class involvement) are further variables assessed in order to test for a hypothesized impact on mobile ad intrusiveness. A survey approach was used for data collection (n=325). Main effects were analyzed with analysis of variance. Analysis of covariance and regression analysis were applied subsequently for analyzing further effects. While message type was not found to contribute significantly to the explanation of mobile ad intrusiveness, the situation type showed a highly significant effect. Three of the four assumed relationships were found in the data. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on mobile advertising effectiveness. Empirical evidence for the effects of the situational context on mobile advertising effectiveness has been found and discussed with possible implications for marketing practice

    Effects of Multimedia on Mobile Consumer Behavior: An Empirical Study of Location-Aware Advertising

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    Location-aware advertising is widely touted as the “killer-app” for mobile commerce to flourish. With the imminent rollout of third-generation mobile networks, advances in multimedia-enabled mobile devices and positioning technologies, its commercial viability is enormous. Location-aware advertising is primarily text- based at the present, but it is envisioned to allow the delivery of multimedia advertisements to geographically targeted consumers. This exploratory study empirically examines the effects of multimedia on consumer behavior in a simulated mobile commerce environment. A structural model was formulated to test the effects of multimedia on entertainment, informativeness, and irritation in the context of location-aware advertising. The results show that multimedia location-aware advertising messages lead to more favorable attitudes and increase the intention to reuse the mobile advertising service. Evidence also suggests that multimedia has a significant impact on purchase behavior

    Can ‘Mobile Platform’ and ‘Permission Marketing’ dance a tango to the consumers' tune? Modeling adoption of ‘SMS based Permission Advertising’

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    Many a times situation of advertising clutter is further aggrieved by the markers’ intrusive practices i.e. not asking for consumer’s explicit permission. It results in consumers’ alienation and reduced advertising effectiveness. Solution could be integration of Permission Marketing with an innovative advertising platform like Mobile. This study aimed to develop and validate a comprehensive model for understanding consumers’ adoption behavior towards SMS Based Permission Advertising (SBPA). For this, data was collected using systematic random sampling from 524 respondents and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Study revealed some critical variables along with complex relationships among such variables, in form of an empirically validated model. At last, study made some important implications for practitioners and researchers

    Investigating effective factors on multimedia advertising: A case study of travel agencies ,

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    Advertisement plays an important role on increasing sales and organizations normally spend significant amount of cost in an attempt to increase profitability. A productive advertisement normally involves various factors and we need to determine the most important ones, very carefully. In this paper, we use a questionnaire-based survey to find the most important factors influencing advertisement. In this paper, we focus on gathering information from the advertisement providers to assess each advertisement plan. The proposed study of this paper uses factor analysis to determine 15 most important factors, which include 42 variables

    Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile Advertising Intrusiveness

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    Consumers’ negative perceptions toward mobile advertising have been a major impediment to its wider acceptance. This study examines the effects of perceived value of the mobile advertising and consumer privacy violation would have on consumers’ perceived mobile advertising intrusiveness, as well as the relationships of intrusiveness with perceived ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior. Results from a survey of 103 Chinese mobile consumers suggest that informativeness of mobile advertising reduces perceived intrusiveness, consumer privacy concern positively affects intrusiveness, while a higher level of perceived intrusiveness positively impacts ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior

    Consumer Attitudes toward Mobile Advertising in India: The Role of Personalization

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    Mobile phones happen to be one of the gadgets that has attained rapid proliferation among people. Marketers have realized the immense potential this gadget possesses to reach their target consumers and have started using mobile phones as a medium to communicate with their customers. This study is carried out with an objective to examine the factors that affect the attitude of customers towards mobile advertising in India with particular emphasis on personalization. Data was collected from 200 respondents selected from all over India who were aged 18 years and above and use mobile phones. The results of regression and SEM analysis proved that personalization, entertainment, irritation and informativeness have significant influence on attitude and attitude, then, influences the intention to purchase. However, credibility was not found to have any significant influence on attitude
