2,349 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Python Packages for Web Applications

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    This paper examines software vulnerabilities in common Python packages used particularly for web development. The empirical dataset is based on the PyPI package repository and the so-called Safety DB used to track vulnerabilities in selected packages within the repository. The methodological approach builds on a release-based time series analysis of the conditional probabilities for the releases of the packages to be vulnerable. According to the results, many of the Python vulnerabilities observed seem to be only modestly severe; input validation and cross-site scripting have been the most typical vulnerabilities. In terms of the time series analysis based on the release histories, only the recent past is observed to be relevant for statistical predictions; the classical Markov property holds.Comment: Forthcoming in: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2018), Nara, IEE

    A Closer Look at the Security Risks in the Rust Ecosystem

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    Rust is an emerging programming language designed for the development of systems software. To facilitate the reuse of Rust code, crates.io, as a central package registry of the Rust ecosystem, hosts thousands of third-party Rust packages. The openness of crates.io enables the growth of the Rust ecosystem but comes with security risks by severe security advisories. Although Rust guarantees a software program to be safe via programming language features and strict compile-time checking, the unsafe keyword in Rust allows developers to bypass compiler safety checks for certain regions of code. Prior studies empirically investigate the memory safety and concurrency bugs in the Rust ecosystem, as well as the usage of unsafe keywords in practice. Nonetheless, the literature lacks a systematic investigation of the security risks in the Rust ecosystem. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive investigation into the security risks present in the Rust ecosystem, asking ``what are the characteristics of the vulnerabilities, what are the characteristics of the vulnerable packages, and how are the vulnerabilities fixed in practice?''. To facilitate the study, we first compile a dataset of 433 vulnerabilities, 300 vulnerable code repositories, and 218 vulnerability fix commits in the Rust ecosystem, spanning over 7 years. With the dataset, we characterize the types, life spans, and evolution of the disclosed vulnerabilities. We then characterize the popularity, categorization, and vulnerability density of the vulnerable Rust packages, as well as their versions and code regions affected by the disclosed vulnerabilities. Finally, we characterize the complexity of vulnerability fixes and localities of corresponding code changes, and inspect how practitioners fix vulnerabilities in Rust packages with various localities.Comment: preprint of accepted TOSEM pape

    Exploring Security Commits in Python

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    Python has become the most popular programming language as it is friendly to work with for beginners. However, a recent study has found that most security issues in Python have not been indexed by CVE and may only be fixed by 'silent' security commits, which pose a threat to software security and hinder the security fixes to downstream software. It is critical to identify the hidden security commits; however, the existing datasets and methods are insufficient for security commit detection in Python, due to the limited data variety, non-comprehensive code semantics, and uninterpretable learned features. In this paper, we construct the first security commit dataset in Python, namely PySecDB, which consists of three subsets including a base dataset, a pilot dataset, and an augmented dataset. The base dataset contains the security commits associated with CVE records provided by MITRE. To increase the variety of security commits, we build the pilot dataset from GitHub by filtering keywords within the commit messages. Since not all commits provide commit messages, we further construct the augmented dataset by understanding the semantics of code changes. To build the augmented dataset, we propose a new graph representation named CommitCPG and a multi-attributed graph learning model named SCOPY to identify the security commit candidates through both sequential and structural code semantics. The evaluation shows our proposed algorithms can improve the data collection efficiency by up to 40 percentage points. After manual verification by three security experts, PySecDB consists of 1,258 security commits and 2,791 non-security commits. Furthermore, we conduct an extensive case study on PySecDB and discover four common security fix patterns that cover over 85% of security commits in Python, providing insight into secure software maintenance, vulnerability detection, and automated program repair.Comment: Accepted to 2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME

    An Analysis of Voter Fraud and Proposed Methodology for Recording Numerical Anomalies in Polling Data

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    Debate surrounding the security and accessibility of voting procedures in the United States has caused the matter of electoral integrity to become a point of contention. Confusion surrounding the Federal government\u27s response to allegations of fraud has decreased the population’s trust in the government and increased voter apathy. The context for an empirical methodology is established with a history of e-voting, voter security, and voter-fraud sensationalism. This research methodology is then described and implemented with a software application that analyzes the proximity of voters to polling locations to study the way people vote and how fraud may be committed at polling stations. The development cycle, design, and use cases of this software are described, and a variety of improvements are suggested as motivation for future application

    Malicious Source Code Detection Using Transformer

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    Open source code is considered a common practice in modern software development. However, reusing other code allows bad actors to access a wide developers' community, hence the products that rely on it. Those attacks are categorized as supply chain attacks. Recent years saw a growing number of supply chain attacks that leverage open source during software development, relaying the download and installation procedures, whether automatic or manual. Over the years, many approaches have been invented for detecting vulnerable packages. However, it is uncommon to detect malicious code within packages. Those detection approaches can be broadly categorized as analyzes that use (dynamic) and do not use (static) code execution. Here, we introduce Malicious Source code Detection using Transformers (MSDT) algorithm. MSDT is a novel static analysis based on a deep learning method that detects real-world code injection cases to source code packages. In this study, we used MSDT and a dataset with over 600,000 different functions to embed various functions and applied a clustering algorithm to the resulting vectors, detecting the malicious functions by detecting the outliers. We evaluated MSDT's performance by conducting extensive experiments and demonstrated that our algorithm is capable of detecting functions that were injected with malicious code with precision@k values of up to 0.909
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