64 research outputs found

    Classification of Online Customer Reviews for Digital Product Innovation: A Motivation Perspective

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    With rapid technological advances, digital products are becoming increasingly prevalent. Although past studies have examined the contribution of online reviews extensively in the context of physical products, there is limited understanding of the contribution of online reviews in digital product innovation. To this end, this study reviews previous work related to online reviews of physical and digital products in an attempt to reclassify online reviews of digital products from the perspective of consumer motivation. Taking game-related app reviews as an example, we employed a topic modeling model to extract insights related to consumer motivation. An in depth appreciation of consumers’ motivation from analyzing online reviews can yield invaluable insights in driving digital product innovation

    Utilizing Geospatial Information in Cellular Data Usage for Key Location Prediction

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    Previous research on the identification of key locations (e.g., home and workplace) for a user largely relies on call detail records (CDRs). Recently, cellular data usage (i.e., mobile internet) is growing rapidly and offers fine-grained insights into various human behavior patterns. In this study, we introduce a novel dataset containing both voice and mobile data usage records of mobile users. We then construct a new feature based on the geospatial distribution of cell towers connected by mobile users and employ bivariate kernel density estimation to help predict users’ key locations. The evaluation results suggest that augmented features based on both voice and mobile data usage improve the prediction precision and recall


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    Mobile companies monetize their knowledge of messaging Apps. Therefore, service usage analytics in messaging Apps becomes crucial for business, because it can benefit understand in-Application behaviors of finish users, and so enables numerous applications. However, you will find emerging challenges for inspecting IP packet content. For instance, messaging Apps are more and more using unpredictable port figures. Also, customers may secure the information of packets. Particularly, we first segment Internet traffic from traffic-flow to sessions to dialogs by mixing hierarchical clustering in addition to thresholding heuristics. we use a trained HMM model for disaggregating mixed usage types. Our jobs are carefully connected within-Application usage analysis. In addition, we create a system, named CUMMA, for classifying service usages in mobile messaging Apps when using the suggested method. Given a string of packet lengths, we first know about minimum and maximum values of IP packet lengths. You have to split the quantity from minimum to maximum into K equal-sized sub ranges. our work has apparent benefits for enabling important applications in analyzing and improving buyer understanding about mobile phone applications. The experiments show whenever achievable correctly choose classifiers and precisely design highlights of Internet traffic, it could considerably boost the overall precision for in-Application behavior analytics

    The Relationship between Mobile Web and Mobile App Channels for Retailers

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    As smartphones and tablets are becoming ubiquitous, mobile ecommerce is also evolving rapidly. Consumers can shop on mobile devices in two ways; they either open a mobile browser and visit a retailer\u27s website, or download the retailer\u27s mobile app and shop within the app. However, it is unclear how retailers should manage these two emerging channels together. This proposed study aims to investigate the relationship between mobile web and mobile app channels by analyzing how a change to one channel affects the outcome in the other. To infer causality, we utilize an exogenous event in the mobile web channel to assess how it influences the demand of retailers\u27 mobile apps. The results could reveal whether these two mobile channels complement or substitute each other. This study contributes to the literature of multi-channel management in mobile commerce and provides important managerial implications for retailers to better leverage the growing mobile channels

    Understanding Moderators of Peer Influence for Engineering Viral Marketing Seeding Simulations and Strategies

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    Seeding as an emerging viral marketing strategy requires a better understanding on how various contextual factors that embedded in social networks affect peer influence and product diffusion. Realistic simulations for seeding need to incorporate empirical insights about the complexities (various moderators) and dynamics (temporal changes) of peer influence by analyzing real-world data. We analyze the impacts of peer influence moderators in a large-scale phone call network of 0.48 million customers with 364 million calls and 3.9 million video-on-demand purchases, to design empirical models and engineer data-driven simulations of product diffusion, as well as developing and evaluating seeding strategies. We intend to contribute to existing research by 1) enriching the theoretical and empirical understanding of peer influence moderators for stakeholders, 2) combining econometric models and analyses with data-driven simulations towards a complex system approach for devising and evaluating effective seeding strategies in different scenarios

    Exploring the Relationship between Social Networks and Health Behaviour Change

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    This study intends to enlighten the significant effect of social associations on people's wellbeing related choices and activities. It digs into the complicated connection between interpersonal organizations and changes in wellbeing conduct, utilizing a complex way to deal with disentangle the cycles through which relational connections can either work with or upset changes in wellbeing conduct. Perceiving the unavoidable impact of informal communities on shaping human way of behaving, particularly in the domain of wellbeing, our exploration investigates designs that highlight the meaning of these organizations as channels for wellbeing data, emotionally supportive networks, and wellsprings of social impact. By leading a careful evaluation of existing writing and experimental investigation, we recognize bunches inside interpersonal organizations showing different examples of wellbeing conduct. This comprehensive request envelops different wellbeing ways of behaving, including way of life decisions like nourishment and exercise, as well as adherence to clinical suggestions and preventive measures. Using information from a delegate test, we perceive the job of organization structure in one or the other cultivating or obstructing the movement of wellbeing related changes. Besides, our examination dives into the fleeting elements of social effect, taking into account how the advancement of informal communities after some time lines up with the improvement of enhancements in wellbeing related ways of behaving. The experiences got from this study are urgent for planning designated intercessions that influence interpersonal organizations as impetuses for positive wellbeing results. Upgrading the viability of general wellbeing endeavors and mediations is reachable through a comprehensive way to deal with further developing populace wellbeing and prosperity. This involves figuring out the mind boggling connection between interpersonal organizations and the change of wellbeing ways of behaving

    A Model of Hybrid Media for Publishing Industry

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    Supported by the wide diffusion of mobile technologies, internet-based media risk to become a popular alternative to traditional print media. The ubiquitous connection to the internet enables to reach a multitude of virtual contents such as videos, images, 3d representations and hypertexts. Moreover internet-based media enable the direct interaction between user and publisher: the user can provide feedback, express preferences and receive related recommendations. Motivated by the necessity to modify the traditional paradigm of print media to face the competition of internet-based media, we show a perspective oriented to integrate paper medium and internet-based contents. This approach finds expression in the core results of our research: the ontology model of a general mixed reality (MR) environment for hybrid media, which is adopted to describe our system, and the integration of a recommender system into a MR environment, which is possible through the development of an automated app creation proces

    Designing Effective Performance Feedback Notification Systems to Stimulate Content Contribution: Evidence from a Crowdsourcing Recipe Platform

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    This study investigates whether and how a platform’s provision of performance feedback to users about their prior content contributions can help to stimulate users’ subsequent contributions. We draw on social value orientation theory to hypothesize how different framings may impact users’ likelihood of producing additional content. We partnered with a major mobile crowdsourcing recipe platform based in China to conduct a randomized field experiment involving the delivery of feedback messages with randomly determined framings, via mobile push notifications. We find that feedback framed either pro-socially or pro-self has a positive effect on content contributions, whereas feedback framed competitively has no such effect. Additionally, we observe differences across genders, such that the positive effects of pro-socially framed feedback are significantly stronger for female users. In contrast, competitively framed feedback is only effective for male users. Our findings provide implications for the design of platform-provided performance feedback to stimulate users\u27 content contribution

    The Channel Strategy of Social Commerce-Based Business Model Innovation

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    社会化商务应用正成为企业开展商务模式(商业模式)创新活动、应对经济增速放缓、竞争加剧等严峻挑战的重要手段。社会化商务应用企业通常需要考虑如何在微博、人际交往等应用渠道中做出适合的选择、如何在所选的渠道中开展促销活动。为此,本文对社会化商务模式创新的渠道选择策略、渠道促销策略进行了探讨。在分析社会化商务参与者行为、用户与应用企业价值创造、提出社会化商务狭义、广义概念的基础上,结合广义评论行为、产品价值理性评价程度、广义虚拟经济理论中的使用价值、虚拟价值等,本文就社会化商务应用企业、用户所组成的社会经济复杂系统,运用基于主体的计算实验方法构建了营销领域的社会化商务应用模型,开展了社会化商务模式创新...For the decreasing economy growth rate, low growth rate of demand and more intense competition become the serious challenges of companies in many industries. Social commerce which has the advantages of huge users, low cost and high efficiency is one of what the companies should focus on in business model innovation. The adopter of social commerce often needs to decide how to select suitable social...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_技术经济及管理学号:1772011015357