6 research outputs found

    Is Information Systems Research Concerned with Societal Grand Challenges?

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    “Grand challenges” can provide an important orientation regarding whether research deals with societally relevant problems. Yet, many IS scholars have claimed that IS research is often dealing with issues that are of rather little relevance to societal grand challenges. In this “research-in-progress” study, we examine to which degree IS research is concerned with societal grand challenges. We approach this question by thus far analyzing 329 papers published in the leading AIS ‘Basket of Eight’ (AIS 8) IS journals in the year 2020. Using coding analysis rooted in justification theory to clarify why IS research was performed, we map the justifications given in those papers against the grand challenges as set out in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. The findings indicate that IS research seems to be contributing to some societal challenges (e.g., industrial innovation, economic growth or health), while neglecting many others (e.g., societal equality, environmental sustainability and challenges in developing countries)

    Selected Filipino Faculty Members' Online Shopping Experience in Manila's Online Marketplace

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    This study is current and applicable to the new norm of comprehending the experiences of online consumers on online marketplace pages. This study concentrated on the online shopping experiences and reactions of selected faculty members by identifying key observations, and consumer experiences on the web that emphasize browsing, purchasing, and online flow. The researchers used phenomenology as a qualitative research method to collect responses from twenty buyers who varied in consumer experience, gender, and age. The interview was tailored to each participant based on online information and a guide question. Results of the interviews revealed that some faculty members at a local university in Manila find online businesses to be both popular and convenient, while they can readily access online marketplaces. In addition, they purchase frequently using this platform due to the low prices, which is advantageous for them as consumers, although they are wary of con artists and fake buyers/sellers.  Meanwhile, the challenges encountered by buyers include product complexities and meet-up changes, as well as the central issues of online trust and social connection. Despite the fact that some product acquisitions are difficult, the study found that appropriateness, price setting, and seller connections kept customers purchasing on the online market. Despite offering valuable insights into the faculty members’ online purchasing experience, this research has a number of limitations. The study is predicated on a twenty-participant qualitative investigation that was conducted primarily in Manila. Consequently, future research should involve populations from different regions. Numerous opportunities exist for future research to build on these findings. The development of a typology of online encounters and circumstances is one of the suggested areas for future study

    Coordination in a Digital Platform Organization

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    A digital platform (DP) generates value by facilitating direct interactions between two or multiple platform sides. While previous studies have expounded upon how platform sides can be coordinated at a collective level (i.e., by pricing strategy and modular architecture), digital platform owners must not neglect the dynamics within the platform sides and their interactions. Through an in-depth case study of one of the largest e-commerce platforms worldwide, we develop a process model that explains digital platform coordination in terms of the mechanisms that describe the emergence of coordination issues as a result of the enactment of the platform sides’ agency and how these issues can be circumvented. This study makes two contributions. First, this study challenges the existing DP literature concerning the assumption of exogenous platform sides, highlighting the agency of the sides as a source of misalignment that must be managed. Second, the model complements the platform coordination literature focusing on enabling/constraining the actions of sides by conceptualizing a digital orienting mechanism. By adopting a meta-organizational view of digital platforms, this empirical work is among the few studies that report from the inside of a digital platform organization and adopt a processual account

    Strategic direction for DP International Services S.A.S.

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    Trabajo que compila los efectos positivos de un adecuado direccionamiento estratégico, no como requisito organizacional sino como el resultado de considerar estrategias sistemáticas orientadas al logro de los objetivos organizacionales; enmarcados en la situación identificada en DP International Services S.A.S., compañía de desarrollo de Software especializada en plataformas e-commerce para renta de autos, en la cual se evidenció mediante un diagnóstico inicial una ausencia de formalización de procesos en equipos netamente técnicos con ejecución empírica. Se propuso un direccionamiento estratégico basado en el mencionado análisis interno y externo como base para mantener e incrementar su posición en el mercado, preparación para nuevos mercados y fortalecimiento de su estructura administrativa y operacional. Se identificaron los referentes estratégicos para el direccionamiento a proponer y con el conocimiento obtenido del diagnóstico se formuló el mapa de procesos que posteriormente generó la propuesta de la estructuración formal de dichos procesos; con lo anterior se formuló el cuadro de mando integral y un modelo de marketing, que permita una visión clara de la propuesta, e implementable por DP International Services S.A.S. en el corto o mediano plazoThis work take the positive effects of good strategic direction, not as an organizational requirement but as the result of make systematic strategies to reach the organizational objectives; First, whit the identified situation in DP International Services S.A.S., a Software company specialized in e-commerce platforms, actually on the car rental market, was an absence of processes and purely technical teams with empirical execution. A strategic Direction based on the internal and external diagnosis was proposed for maintaining and increasing the market position, prepar for new markets and strengthening of the administrative and operational structure. The strategic references for the strategic direction were identified, the process map was formulated and after, the processes structuring was propose; the balanced scorecard and a marketing model were formulated, which allows a clear vision of the plan that can be implemented by DP International Services S.A.S. in a short or medium term.Magíster en Administración de Empresas - MBA – VirtualMaestrí