5 research outputs found

    A Survey of Digital Systems Curriculum and Pedagogy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs

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    Digital Systems is one of the basic foundational courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering. One of the challenges in designing and modifying the curriculum for the course is the fast pace of technology change in the area. TTL chips that were in vogue with students building physical circuits, have given way to new paradigms like FPGA based synthesis with hardware description languages such as VHDL. However, updating a course is not as simple as just changing the book, and changing the syllabus. A large amount of work needs to be done in terms of selecting the book that will accommodate the course, the device that should be used, the laboratory content, and even how much time needs to be dedicated for every topic. All these issues, and many more makes it hard to take the decision of updating the course. For that reason, this paper surveys the pedagogy and methodology that is used to teach the digital systems curriculum at different universities. The goal is that it will serve as a resource for faculty looking to update or revamp their digital systems curricula. Within the document they will find a comparative study by electrical and computer engineering program, a list of textbooks, and the devices most commonly used.Cockrell School of Engineerin

    Embedded and Smart Systems Education and Laboratory in Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University

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    2000’li yıllarda başlayan teknolojik gelişmeler hepsi programlanabilen daha akıllı sistemlerin ev, iş ve endüstriyel ortamlardan, enerji üretim ve dağıtım alanlarına kadar çeşitli yerlerde yaygın olarak kullanılacağını göstermektedir. Her türlü akıllı nesneden veya sistemden veri alış verişinin, akıllı ortamlar üstünden akıllı şebekelere bağlanarak, taşınan ve kullanılan veri miktarında kısa sürede çok önemli artış olacağı görülmektedir. Ülkemizde bu alanda yetiştirilecek yani açığı kapatacak bir mühendis için kazandırılacak nitelikler ile teorik ve uygulama bilgi-becerisinin dikkatle belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. İş dünyasının üniversitelerden beklentisi, işyerine alacakları mühendislerin güncel teknolojik bilgi ve uygulama becerisi ile kolay uyum sağlaması, yeni teknolojileri araştırması ve geliştirmesi olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümündeki ders programı ile üst düzey teknolojiye sahip laboratuarlarda, Akıllı Sistemler, Akıllı Nesneler, Akıllı Ortamlar, Siber Fiziksel Sistemler, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Nesnelerin Webi gibi kavramlarla isimlendirilen teknolojilere ait teori-uygulama bilgi ve becerisinin kazandırıldığı öğretim yapımız açıklanacaktır. In the 2000s, starting with the technological advances, All Programmable and smarter systems for home, business and industrial environments, energy production and distribution so as to use the common areas of the various places. All kinds of smart object or system data is exchanged, over smart environments, connected through smart grids. The amount of data that is used in a short time would be very significant increase can be seen. In our country, will raise the deficit in this area, so an engineer for theoretical and application information-capability with the traits constituting will also carefully determination is required. New graduate engineers with up-to-date technology information and application ability to easily adapt to new technologies, to provide research and development capability would like to be. In this study, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Department of Computer Engineering in courses and senior tech laboratories, Intelligent Systems, Smart Objects, Smart Media, Cyber Physical Systems, the object of the Internet, the object of the Web with concepts such as naming the technologies related to the theory-practice knowledge and skills our teaching is imparted structure will be described

    Design of a learning environment for embedded system

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    Embedded systems have an everyday presence and direct impact in our lives. Therefore, Universities are continuously improving their courses in microprocessor and embedded programming. Although the diversity of curriculums, the availability of learning tools, where the student can practice and improve their skills, is a key factor to the success of the learning process. The platform developed and presented in this paper results from author’s experience in teaching embedded systems. From the analysis of teaching/learning needs, a learning environment based on the MSP430 family was designed. This tool can be expanded by modules and adjusted, at a specific time, to student's real needs. All modules can be interconnected by an I2C bus, allowing to expand the capabilities of the platform. The developed modules allow the practice of subjects related with digital IO, analog interface, user interface, wireless communications, and energy management and conservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La integración de las tecnologías electrónica, informática y comunicaciones: diseño del nuevo grado en ingeniería de sistemas TIC

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    La adaptación de las titulaciones al EEES ha supuesto un debate organizativo dentro de las universidades. En la EPSEM se decidió que uno de los grados que imparte fuera del ámbito TIC. Después de estudiar las necesidades de las empresas y el entorno industrial, el potencial interno de la escuela y los referentes externos, como pueden ser las recomendaciones de organizaciones profesionales y los grados impartidos por universidades extranjeras, se decidió apostar per un grado innovador y único en España: el grado en ingeniería de sistemas TIC. Este grado debería dar salida a titulados de un perfil generalista e integrador de las tecnologías electrónica, informática y de comunicaciones, dado que, hoy en día, ya no se conciben dispositivos que no integren al menos dos de estas tecnologías. La propuesta fue aprobada por la ANECA y el grado se ha empezado a impartir este curso con éxito.Postprint (published version