561 research outputs found

    Text Categorization Model Based on Linear Support Vector Machine

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    Spam mails constitute a lot of nuisances in our electronic mail boxes, as they occupy huge spaces which could rather be used for storing relevant data. They also slow down network connection speed and make communication over a network slow. Attackers have often employed spam mails as a means of sending phishing mails to their targets in order to perpetrate data breach attacks and other forms of cybercrimes. Researchers have developed models using machine learning algorithms and other techniques to filter spam mails from relevant mails, however, some algorithms and classifiers are weak, not robust, and lack visualization models which would make the results interpretable by even non-tech savvy people. In this work, Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM) was used to develop a text categorization model for email texts based on two categories: Ham and Spam. The processes involved were dataset import, preprocessing (removal of stop words, vectorization), feature selection (weighing and selection), development of classification model (splitting data into train (80%) and test sets (20%), importing classifier, training classifier), evaluation of model, deployment of model and spam filtering application on a server (Heroku) using Flask framework. The Agile methodology was adopted for the system design; the Python programming language was implemented for model development. HTML and CSS was used for the development of the web application. The results from the system testing showed that the system had an overall accuracy of 98.56%, recall: 96.5%, F1-score: 97% and F-beta score of 96.23%. This study therefore could be beneficial to e-mail users, to data analysts, and to researchers in the field of NLP

    An Approach to Email Classification Using Bayesian Theorem

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    Email Classifiers based on Bayesian theorem have been very effective in Spam filtering due to their strong categorization ability and high precision. This paper proposes an algorithm for email classification based on Bayesian theorem. The purpose is to automatically classify mails into predefined categories. The algorithm assigns an incoming mail to its appropriate category by checking its textual contents. The experimental results depict that the proposed algorithm is reasonable and effective method for email classification

    Detecting spam e-mails using stop word TF-IDF and stemming algorithm with Naïve Bayes classifier on the multicore GPU

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    A spam filter is a program which is used to identify unwanted emails and prevents those messages from getting into a user's mail. The study was focused on how the algorithms can be applied on a number of e-mails consisting of both ham and spam e-mails. First, the working principle and steps which are followed for implementation of stop words, TF-IDF and stemming algorithm on NVIDIA’s Tesla P100 GPU are discussed and to verify the findings by executing of Naïve Bayes algorithm. After complete training and testing of the spam e-mails dataset taken from Kaggle by using the proposed method, we got a high training accuracy of 99.67% and got a testing accuracy of about 99.03% on the multicore GPU that boosted the speed of execution of training time period and testing time period which is improved of training and testing accuracy around 0.22% and 0.18% respectively when compared to that after applying only Naïve Bayes i.e. conventional method to the same dataset where we found training and testing accuracy to be 99.45% and 98.85% respectively. Also, we found that training time taken on GPU is 1.361 seconds which was about 1.49X faster than that taken on CPU which is 2.029 seconds. And the testing time taken on GPU is 1.978 seconds which was about 1.15X faster than that taken on CPU which is 2.280 seconds

    Using Text Mining to Analyze Quality Aspects of Unstructured Data: A Case Study for “stock-touting” Spam Emails

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    The growth in the utilization of text mining tools and techniques in the last decade has been primarily driven by the increase in the sheer volume of unstructured texts and the need to extract useful and more importantly, quality information from them. The impetus to analyse unstructured data efficiently and effectively as part of the decision making processes within an organization has further motivated the need to better understand how to use text mining tools and techniques. This paper describes a case study of a stock spam e-mail architecture that demonstrates the process of refining linguistic resources to extract relevant, high quality information including stock profile, financial key words, stock and company news (positive/negative), and compound phrases from stock spam e-mails. The context of such a study is to identify high quality information patterns that can be used to support relevant authorities in detecting and analyzing fraudulent activities

    ReP-ETD: A Repetitive Preprocessing technique for Embedded Text Detection from images in spam emails

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    Email service proves to be a convenient and powerful communication tool. As internet continues to grow, the type of information available to user has shifted from text only to multimedia enriched. Embedded text in multimedia content is one of the prevalent means for delivering messages to content viewers. With the increasing importance of emails and the incursions of internet marketers, spam has become a major problem and has given rise to unwanted mails. Spammers are continuously adopting new techniques to evade detection. Image spam is one such technique where in embedded text within images carries the main information of the spam message instead of text based spam. Currently, image spam is evaluated to be roughly 50% of all spam traffic and is still on the rise, thus a serious research issue. Filtering mails is one of the popular approaches used to block spam mails. This work proposes new model ReP-ETD (Repetitive Pre-processing technique for Embedded Text Detection) for efficiently and accurately detecting spam in email images. The performance of the proposed ReP-ETD model has been evaluated across the identified parameters and compared with other existing models. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model

    A Survey of Email Spam Filtering Methods

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    E-mail is one of the most secure medium for online communication and transferring data or messages through the web. An overgrowing increase in popularity, the number of unsolicited data has also increased rapidly. To filtering data, different approaches exist which automatically detect and remove these untenable messages. There are several numbers of email spam filtering technique such as Knowledge-based technique, Clustering techniques, Learning based technique, Heuristic processes and so on. This paper illustrates a survey of different existing email spam filtering system regarding Machine Learning Technique (MLT) such as Naive Bayes, SVM, K-Nearest Neighbor, Bayes Additive Regression, KNN Tree, and rules. However, here we present the classification, evaluation and comparison of different email spam filtering system Keywords: e-mail spam, spam filtering methods, machine learning technique, classification, SVM, AN

    Efficient and Trustworthy Review/Opinion Spam Detection

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    The most common mode for consumers to express their level of satisfaction with their purchases is through online ratings, which we can refer as Online Review System. Network analysis has recently gained a lot of attention because of the arrival and the increasing attractiveness of social sites, such as blogs, social networking applications, micro blogging, or customer review sites. The reviews are used by potential customers to find opinions of existing users before purchasing the products. Online review systems plays an important part in affecting consumers' actions and decision making, and therefore attracting many spammers to insert fake feedback or reviews in order to manipulate review content and ratings. Malicious users misuse the review website and post untrustworthy, low quality, or sometimes fake opinions, which are referred as Spam Reviews. In this study, we aim at providing an efficient method to identify spam reviews and to filter out the spam content with the dataset of gsmarena.com. Experiments on the dataset collected from gsmarena.com show that the proposed system achieves higher accuracy than the standard na?ve bayes