148 research outputs found

    An attribute-based framework for secure communications in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    In this paper, we introduce an attribute-based framework to achieve secure communications in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), which enjoys several advantageous features. The proposed framework employs attribute-based signature (ABS) to achieve message authentication and integrity and protect vehicle privacy, which greatly mitigates the overhead caused by pseudonym/private key change or update in the existing solutions for VANETs based on symmetric key, asymmetric key, and identity-based cryptography and group signature. In addition, we extend a standard ABS scheme with traceability and revocation mechanisms and seamlessly integrate them into the proposed framework to support vehicle traceability and revocation by a trusted authority, and thus, the resulting scheme for vehicular communications does not suffer from the anonymity misuse issue, which has been a challenge for anonymous credential-based vehicular protocols. Finally, we implement the proposed ABS scheme using a rapid prototyping tool called Charm to evaluate its performance

    A new revocable and re-delegable proxy signature and its application

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    With the popularity of cloud computing and mobile Apps, on-demand services such as on-line music or audio streaming and vehicle booking are widely available nowadays. In order to allow efficient delivery and management of the services, for large-scale on-demand systems, there is usually a hierarchy where the service provider can delegate its service to a top-tier (e.g., countrywide) proxy who can then further delegate the service to lower level (e.g., region-wide) proxies. Secure (re-)delegation and revocation are among the most crucial factors for such systems. In this paper, we investigate the practical solutions for achieving re-delegation and revocation utilizing proxy signature. Although proxy signature has been extensively studied in the literature, no previous solution can achieve both properties. To fill the gap, we introduce the notion of revocable and re-delegable proxy signature that supports efficient revocation and allows a proxy signer to re-delegate its signing right to other proxy signers without the interaction with the original signer. We define the formal security models for this new primitive and present an efficient scheme that can achieve all the security properties. We also present a secure on-line revocable and re-delegate vehicle ordering system (RRVOS) as one of the applications of our proposed scheme

    Secure Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs)

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    In the last decade, there has been growing interest in Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks (VANETs). Today car manufacturers have already started to equip vehicles with sophisticated sensors that can provide many assistive features such as front collision avoidance, automatic lane tracking, partial autonomous driving, suggestive lane changing, and so on. Such technological advancements are enabling the adoption of VANETs not only to provide safer and more comfortable driving experience but also provide many other useful services to the driver as well as passengers of a vehicle. However, privacy, authentication and secure message dissemination are some of the main issues that need to be thoroughly addressed and solved for the widespread adoption/deployment of VANETs. Given the importance of these issues, researchers have spent a lot of effort in these areas over the last decade. We present an overview of the following issues that arise in VANETs: privacy, authentication, and secure message dissemination. Then we present a comprehensive review of various solutions proposed in the last 10 years which address these issues. Our survey sheds light on some open issues that need to be addressed in the future

    SPATA: Strong Pseudonym based AuthenTicAtion in Intelligent Transport System

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    Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is generally deployed to improve road safety, comfort, security, and traffic efficiency. A robust mechanism of authentication and secure communication is required to protect privacy and conditional resolution of pseudonyms to revoke malicious vehicles. In a typical ITS framework, a station can be a vehicle, Road Side Unit (RSU), or a server that can participate in communication. During authentication, the real identity of an Intelligent Transport System-Station (ITSS), referred to as a vehiclečň should not be revealed in order to preserve its privacy. In this paper, we propose a Strong Pseudonym based AutenTicAtion (SPATA) framework for preserving the real identity of vehicles. The distributed architecture of SPATA allows vehicles to generate pseudonyms in a very private and secure way. In the absence of a distributed architecture, the privacy cannot be preserved by storing information regarding vehicles in a single location. Therefore, the concept of linkability of certificates based on single authority is eliminated. This is done by keeping the real identity to pseudonym mappings distributed. Furthermore, the size of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is kept small, as only the most recent revoked communication pseudonyms are kept in the CRL. The privacy of the vehicle is preserved during the revocation and resolution phase through the distributed mechanism. Empirical results show that SPATA is a lightweight framework with low computational overhead, average latency, overhead ratio, and stable delivery ratio, in both sparse and dense network scenarios

    Flexible fair and collusion resistant pseudonym providing system

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    In service providing systems, user authentication is required for different purposes such as billing, restricting unauthorized access, etc., to protect the privacy of users, their real identities should not be linked to the services that they use during authentication. A good solution is to use pseudonyms as temporary identities. On the other hand, it may also be required to have a backdoor in pseudonym systems for identity revealing that can be used by law enforcement agencies for legal reasons. Existing systems that retain a backdoor are either punitive (full user anonymity is revealed), or they are restrictive by revealing only current pseudonym identity of. In addition to that, existing systems are designed for a particular service and may not fit into others. In this paper, we address this gap and we propose a novel pseudonym providing and management system. Our system is flexible and can be tuned to fit into services for different service providers. The system is privacy-preserving and guarantees a level of anonymity for a particular number of users. Trust in our system is distributed among all system entities instead of centralizing it into a single trusted third party. More importantly, our system is highly resistant to collusions among the trusted entities. Our system also has the ability to reveal user identity fairly in case of a request by law enforcement. Analytical and simulation based performance evaluation showed that Collusion Resistant Pseudonym Providing System (CoRPPS) provides high level of anonymity with strong resistance against collusion attacks

    Formal Analysis of V2X Revocation Protocols

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    Research on vehicular networking (V2X) security has produced a range of security mechanisms and protocols tailored for this domain, addressing both security and privacy. Typically, the security analysis of these proposals has largely been informal. However, formal analysis can be used to expose flaws and ultimately provide a higher level of assurance in the protocols. This paper focusses on the formal analysis of a particular element of security mechanisms for V2X found in many proposals: the revocation of malicious or misbehaving vehicles from the V2X system by invalidating their credentials. This revocation needs to be performed in an unlinkable way for vehicle privacy even in the context of vehicles regularly changing their pseudonyms. The REWIRE scheme by Forster et al. and its subschemes BASIC and RTOKEN aim to solve this challenge by means of cryptographic solutions and trusted hardware. Formal analysis using the TAMARIN prover identifies two flaws with some of the functional correctness and authentication properties in these schemes. We then propose Obscure Token (OTOKEN), an extension of REWIRE to enable revocation in a privacy preserving manner. Our approach addresses the functional and authentication properties by introducing an additional key-pair, which offers a stronger and verifiable guarantee of successful revocation of vehicles without resolving the long-term identity. Moreover OTOKEN is the first V2X revocation protocol to be co-designed with a formal model.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Contributions to the security and privacy of electronic ticketing systems

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    Un bitllet electrònic és un contracte en format digital entre dues parts, l'usuari i el proveïdor de serveis, on hi queda reflectit l'acord entre ambdós per tal que l'usuari rebi el servei que desitja per part del proveïdor. Els bitllets són emprats en diferents tipus de serveis, com esdeveniments lúdics o esportius, i especialment en l'àmbit del transport. En aquest cas permet reduir costos donat l'alt volum d'usuaris, a més de facilitar la identificació del flux de viatges. Aquesta informació permet preveure i planificar els sistemes de transport de forma més dinàmica. La seguretat dels bitllets electrònics és clau perquè es despleguin a l'entorn real, com també ho és la privadesa dels seus usuaris. La privadesa inclou tant l'anonimitat dels usuaris, és a dir, una acció no s'ha de poder atribuir fàcilment a un determinat usuari, com també la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments d'un determinat usuari. En aquesta tesi proposem protocols de bitllets electrònics que mantinguin les propietats dels bitllets en paper juntament amb els avantatges dels bitllets digitals. Primerament fem un estat de l'art amb les propostes relacionades, analitzant-ne els requisits de seguretat que compleixen. Presentem un protocol de bitllets electrònics que incorpora els nous requisits de seguretat d'exculpabilitat i reutilització, diferents dels que haviem analitzat, tot complint també la privadesa pels usuaris. Posteriorment, presentem una proposta de bitllets electrònics adaptada als sistemes de pagament depenent de l'ús, bàsicament enfocat al transport, que incorpora tant l'anonimat pels usuaris, com també la enllaçabilitat a curt termini, és a dir, complint la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments del mateix usuari, però permetent la enllaçabilitat de les accions relacionades amb el mateix trajecte (p.ex. entrada i sortida). Finalment, mitjançant una evolució de la mateixa tècnica criptogràfica utilitzada en el sistema de pagament per ús, millorant-ne el temps de verificació per a múltiples bitllets alhora (verificació en ``batch''), presentem una proposta que pot ser útil per a varis sistemes de verificació massiva de missatges, posant com a cas d'ús l'aplicació a sistemes de xarxes vehiculars.An electronic ticket is a digital contract between two parties, that is, the user and the service provider. An agreement between them is established in order that the user can receive the desired service. These tickets are used in different types of services, such as sports or entertainment events, especially in the field of transport. In the case of transport, costs can be reduced due to the high volume of users, and the identification of the travel flow is facilitated. This information allows the forecast and planification of transport systems more dynamically. The security of electronic tickets is very important to be deployed in the real scenarios, as well as the privacy for their users. Privacy includes both the anonymity of users, which implies that an action cannot be easily attributed to a particular user, and also the unlinkability of the different movements of that user. This thesis presents protocols which keep the same security requirements of paper tickets while offering the advantages of digital tickets. Firstly, we perform a state of the art with the related proposals, by analysing the security requirements considered. We then present an electronic ticketing system that includes the security requirements of exculpability and reusability, thus guaranteeing the privacy for users. We later present a proposal of electronic ticketing systems adapted to use-dependant payment systems, especially focused on transport, which includes both the anonymity of users and the short-term linkability of their movements. The related actions of a journey of a determined user can be linkable between them (i.e. entrance and exit of the system) but not with other movements that the user performs. Finally, as an extension of the previous use-dependant payment system solution, we introduce the case of mass-verification systems, where many messages have to be verified in short time, and we present a proposal as a vehicular network use case that guarantees privacy for users with short-term linkability and can verify these messages efficiently