48,508 research outputs found

    Object recognition and localisation from 3D point clouds by maximum likelihood estimation

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    We present an algorithm based on maximum likelihood analysis for the automated recognition of objects, and estimation of their pose, from 3D point clouds. Surfaces segmented from depth images are used as the features, unlike ‘interest point’ based algorithms which normally discard such data. Compared to the 6D Hough transform it has negligible memory requirements, and is computationally efficient compared to iterative closest point (ICP) algorithms. The same method is applicable to both the initial recognition/pose estimation problem as well as subsequent pose refinement through appropriate choice of the dispersion of the probability density functions. This single unified approach therefore avoids the usual requirement for different algorithms for these two tasks. In addition to the theoretical description, a simple 2 degree of freedom (DOF) example is given, followed by a full 6 DOF analysis of 3D point cloud data from a cluttered scene acquired by a projected fringe-based scanner, which demonstrated an rms alignment error as low as 0:3 mm

    Differentiable algorithms with data-driven parameterization in 3D vision

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    This thesis is concerned with designing and analyzing efficient differentiable data flow for representations in the field of 3D vision and applying it to different 3D vision tasks. To this end, the topic is looked upon from the perspective of differentiable algorithms, a more general variant of Deep Learning, utilizing the recently emerged tools in the field of differentiable programming. Contributions are made in the subfields of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), differentiable matrix decompositions and implicit neural functions, which serve as important building blocks for differentiable algorithms in 3D vision. The contributions include SplineCNN, a neural network consisting of operators for continuous convolution on irregularly structured data, Local Spatial Graph Transformers, a GNN to infer local surface orientations on point clouds, and a parallel GPU solver for Eigendecomposition on a large number of symmetric matrices. For all methods, efficient forward and backward GPU implementations are provided. Consequently, two differentiable algorithms are introduced, composed of building blocks from these concept areas. The first algorithm, Differentiable Iterative Surface Normal Estimation, is an iterative algorithm for surface normal estimation on unstructured point clouds. The second algorithm, Group Equivariant Capsule Networks, is a version of capsule networks grounded in group theory for unsupervised pose estimation and, in general, for inferring disentangled representations from 2D and 3D data. The thesis concludes that a favorable trade-off in the metrics of efficiency, quality and interpretability can be found by combining prior geometric knowledge about algorithms and data types with the representational power of Deep Learning

    Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization

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    Visual localization, i.e., determining the position and orientation of a vehicle with respect to a map, is a key problem in autonomous driving. We present a multicamera visual inertial localization algorithm for large scale environments. To efficiently and effectively match features against a pre-built global 3D map, we propose a prioritized feature matching scheme for multi-camera systems. In contrast to existing works, designed for monocular cameras, we (1) tailor the prioritization function to the multi-camera setup and (2) run feature matching and pose estimation in parallel. This significantly accelerates the matching and pose estimation stages and allows us to dynamically adapt the matching efforts based on the surrounding environment. In addition, we show how pose priors can be integrated into the localization system to increase efficiency and robustness. Finally, we extend our algorithm by fusing the absolute pose estimates with motion estimates from a multi-camera visual inertial odometry pipeline (VIO). This results in a system that provides reliable and drift-less pose estimation. Extensive experiments show that our localization runs fast and robust under varying conditions, and that our extended algorithm enables reliable real-time pose estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    MLPnP - A Real-Time Maximum Likelihood Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem

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    In this paper, a statistically optimal solution to the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem is presented. Many solutions to the PnP problem are geometrically optimal, but do not consider the uncertainties of the observations. In addition, it would be desirable to have an internal estimation of the accuracy of the estimated rotation and translation parameters of the camera pose. Thus, we propose a novel maximum likelihood solution to the PnP problem, that incorporates image observation uncertainties and remains real-time capable at the same time. Further, the presented method is general, as is works with 3D direction vectors instead of 2D image points and is thus able to cope with arbitrary central camera models. This is achieved by projecting (and thus reducing) the covariance matrices of the observations to the corresponding vector tangent space.Comment: Submitted to the ISPRS congress (2016) in Prague. Oral Presentation. Published in ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., III-3, 131-13

    Robust Stereo Visual Odometry through a Probabilistic Combination of Points and Line Segments

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    Most approaches to stereo visual odometry reconstruct the motion based on the tracking of point features along a sequence of images. However, in low-textured scenes it is often difficult to encounter a large set of point features, or it may happen that they are not well distributed over the image, so that the behavior of these algorithms deteriorates. This paper proposes a probabilistic approach to stereo visual odometry based on the combination of both point and line segment that works robustly in a wide variety of scenarios. The camera motion is recovered through non-linear minimization of the projection errors of both point and line segment features. In order to effectively combine both types of features, their associated errors are weighted according to their covariance matrices, computed from the propagation of Gaussian distribution errors in the sensor measurements. The method, of course, is computationally more expensive that using only one type of feature, but still can run in real-time on a standard computer and provides interesting advantages, including a straightforward integration into any probabilistic framework commonly employed in mobile robotics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Project "PROMOVE: Advances in mobile robotics for promoting independent life of elders", funded by the Spanish Government and the "European Regional Development Fund ERDF" under contract DPI2014-55826-R

    3-D Hand Pose Estimation from Kinect's Point Cloud Using Appearance Matching

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    We present a novel appearance-based approach for pose estimation of a human hand using the point clouds provided by the low-cost Microsoft Kinect sensor. Both the free-hand case, in which the hand is isolated from the surrounding environment, and the hand-object case, in which the different types of interactions are classified, have been considered. The hand-object case is clearly the most challenging task having to deal with multiple tracks. The approach proposed here belongs to the class of partial pose estimation where the estimated pose in a frame is used for the initialization of the next one. The pose estimation is obtained by applying a modified version of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm to synthetic models to obtain the rigid transformation that aligns each model with respect to the input data. The proposed framework uses a "pure" point cloud as provided by the Kinect sensor without any other information such as RGB values or normal vector components. For this reason, the proposed method can also be applied to data obtained from other types of depth sensor, or RGB-D camera

    Non-iterative RGB-D-inertial Odometry

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    This paper presents a non-iterative solution to RGB-D-inertial odometry system. Traditional odometry methods resort to iterative algorithms which are usually computationally expensive or require well-designed initialization. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes to combine a non-iterative front-end (odometry) with an iterative back-end (loop closure) for the RGB-D-inertial SLAM system. The main contribution lies in the novel non-iterative front-end, which leverages on inertial fusion and kernel cross-correlators (KCC) to match point clouds in frequency domain. Dominated by the fast Fourier transform (FFT), our method is only of complexity O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n\log{n}), where nn is the number of points. Map fusion is conducted by element-wise operations, so that both time and space complexity are further reduced. Extensive experiments show that, due to the lightweight of the proposed front-end, the framework is able to run at a much faster speed yet still with comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-arts