11 research outputs found

    Fast restoration of natural images corrupted by high-density impulse noise

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    In this paper, we suggest a general model for the fixed-valued impulse noise and propose a two-stage method for high density noise suppression while preserving the image details. In the first stage, we apply an iterative impulse detector, exploiting the image entropy, to identify the corrupted pixels and then employ an Adaptive Iterative Mean filter to restore them. The filter is adaptive in terms of the number of iterations, which is different for each noisy pixel, according to the Euclidean distance from the nearest uncorrupted pixel. Experimental results show that the proposed filter is fast and outperforms the best existing techniques in both objective and subjective performance measures

    High Density Impulse Noise Detection using Fuzzy C-means Algorithm

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    A new technique for detecting the high density impulse noise from corrupted images using Fuzzy C-means algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is iterative in nature and preserves more image details in high noise environment. Fuzzy C-means is initially used to cluster the image data. The application of Fuzzy C-means algorithm in the detection phase provides an optimum classification of noisy data and uncorrupted image data so that the pictorial information remains well preserved. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms existing well-known techniques. Results show that with the increase in percentage of noise density, the performance of the algorithm is not degraded. Furthermore, the varying window size in the two detection stages provides more efficient results in terms of low false alarm rate and miss detection rate. The simple structure of the algorithm to detect impulse noise makes it useful for various applications like satellite imaging, remote sensing, medical imaging diagnosis and military survillance. After the efficient detection of noise, the existing filtering techniques can be used for the removal of noise.

    Sorted Min-Max-Mean Filter for Removal of High Density Impulse Noise

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    This paper presents an improved Sorted-Min-Max-Mean Filter (SM3F) algorithm for detection and removal of impulse noise from highly corrupted image. This method uses a single algorithm for detection and removal of impulse noise. Identification of the corrupted pixels is performed by local extrema intensity in grayscale range and these corrupted pixels are removed from the image by applying SM3F operation. The uncorrupted pixels retain its value while corrupted pixel’s value will be changed by the mean value of noise-free pixels present within the selected window. Different images have been used to test the proposed method and it has been found better outcomes in terms of both quantitative measures and visual perception. For quantitative study of algorithm performance, Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and image enhancement factor (IEF) have been used. Experimental observations show that the presented technique effectively removes high density impulse noise and also keeps the originality of pixel’s value. The performance of proposed filter is tested by varying noise density from 10% to 90% and it is observed that for impulse noise having 90% noise density, the maximum PSNR value of 30.03 dB has been achieved indicating better performance of the SM3F algorithm even at 90% noise level. The proposed filter is simple and can be used for grayscale as well as color images for image restoration

    Medical Image Denoising Using Bilateral Filter

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    An Adaptive Non-linear Statistical Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm using Interquartile Range

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    This paper presents a salt-and-pepper noise removal scheme using modified mean filter. The proposed method is based on a simple basic concepts of mean filter, where each mean value is calculated from the mathematical formula of interquartile range (IQR). It replaces the noisy pixels using IQR based mathematical formula applied on the filter window. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency (quality of the image) of the method compared to other existing different types of impulse noise removal techniques

    Denoising of impulse noise using partition-supported median, interpolation and DWT in dental X-ray images

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    The impulse noise often damages the human dental X-Ray images, leading to improper dental diagnosis. Hence, impulse noise removal in dental images is essential for a better subjective evaluation of human teeth. The existing denoising methods suffer from less restoration performance and less capacity to handle massive noise levels. This method suggests a novel denoising scheme called "Noise removal using Partition supported Median, Interpolation, and Discrete Wavelet Transform (NRPMID)" to address these issues. To effectively reduce the salt and pepper noise up to a range of 98.3 percent noise corruption, this method is applied over the surface of dental X-ray images based on techniques like mean filter, median filter, Bi-linear interpolation, Bi-Cubic interpolation, Lanczos interpolation, and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In terms of PSNR, IEF, and other metrics, the proposed noise removal algorithm greatly enhances the quality of dental X-ray images