17,339 research outputs found

    Learning Image-Conditioned Dynamics Models for Control of Under-actuated Legged Millirobots

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    Millirobots are a promising robotic platform for many applications due to their small size and low manufacturing costs. Legged millirobots, in particular, can provide increased mobility in complex environments and improved scaling of obstacles. However, controlling these small, highly dynamic, and underactuated legged systems is difficult. Hand-engineered controllers can sometimes control these legged millirobots, but they have difficulties with dynamic maneuvers and complex terrains. We present an approach for controlling a real-world legged millirobot that is based on learned neural network models. Using less than 17 minutes of data, our method can learn a predictive model of the robot's dynamics that can enable effective gaits to be synthesized on the fly for following user-specified waypoints on a given terrain. Furthermore, by leveraging expressive, high-capacity neural network models, our approach allows for these predictions to be directly conditioned on camera images, endowing the robot with the ability to predict how different terrains might affect its dynamics. This enables sample-efficient and effective learning for locomotion of a dynamic legged millirobot on various terrains, including gravel, turf, carpet, and styrofoam. Experiment videos can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/imageconddy

    Design of an Elastic Actuation System for a Gait-Assistive Active Orthosis for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Subjects

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    A spinal cord injury severely reduces the quality of life of affected people. Following the injury, limitations of the ability to move may occur due to the disruption of the motor and sensory functions of the nervous system depending on the severity of the lesion. An active stance-control knee-ankle-foot orthosis was developed and tested in earlier works to aid incomplete SCI subjects by increasing their mobility and independence. This thesis aims at the incorporation of elastic actuation into the active orthosis to utilise advantages of the compliant system regarding efficiency and human-robot interaction as well as the reproduction of the phyisological compliance of the human joints. Therefore, a model-based procedure is adapted to the design of an elastic actuation system for a gait-assisitve active orthosis. A determination of the optimal structure and parameters is undertaken via optimisation of models representing compliant actuators with increasing level of detail. The minimisation of the energy calculated from the positive amount of power or from the absolute power of the actuator generating one human-like gait cycle yields an optimal series stiffness, which is similar to the physiological stiffness of the human knee during the stance phase. Including efficiency factors for components, especially the consideration of the electric model of an electric motor yields additional information. A human-like gait cycle contains high torque and low velocities in the stance phase and lower torque combined with high velocities during the swing. Hence, the efficiency of an electric motor with a gear unit is only high in one of the phases. This yields a conceptual design of a series elastic actuator with locking of the actuator position during the stance phase. The locked position combined with the series compliance allows a reproduction of the characteristics of the human gait cycle during the stance phase. Unlocking the actuator position for the swing phase enables the selection of an optimal gear ratio to maximise the recuperable energy. To evaluate the developed concept, a laboratory specimen based on an electric motor, a harmonic drive gearbox, a torsional series spring and an electromagnetic brake is designed and appropriate components are selected. A control strategy, based on impedance control, is investigated and extended with a finite state machine to activate the locking mechanism. The control scheme and the laboratory specimen are implemented at a test bench, modelling the foot and shank as a pendulum articulated at the knee. An identification of parameters yields high and nonlinear friction as a problem of the system, which reduces the energy efficiency of the system and requires appropriate compensation. A comparison between direct and elastic actuation shows similar results for both systems at the test bench, showing that the increased complexity due to the second degree of freedom and the elastic behaviour of the actuator is treated properly. The final proof of concept requires the implementation at the active orthosis to emulate uncertainties and variations occurring during the human gait

    Robust tuning of robot control systems

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    The computed torque control problem is examined for a robot arm with flexible, geared, joint drive systems which are typical in many industrial robots. The standard computed torque algorithm is not directly applicable to this class of manipulators because of the dynamics introduced by the joint drive system. The proposed approach to computed torque control combines a computed torque algorithm with torque controller at each joint. Three such control schemes are proposed. The first scheme uses the joint torque control system currently implemented on the robot arm and a novel form of the computed torque algorithm. The other two use the standard computed torque algorithm and a novel model following torque control system based on model following techniques. Standard tasks and performance indices are used to evaluate the performance of the controllers. Both numerical simulations and experiments are used in evaluation. The study shows that all three proposed systems lead to improved tracking performance over a conventional PD controller

    Learning the hidden human knowledge of UAV pilots when navigating in a cluttered environment for improving path planning

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksWe propose in this work a new model of how the hidden human knowledge (HHK) of UAV pilots can be incorporated in the UAVs path planning generation. We intuitively know that human’s pilots barely manage or even attempt to drive the UAV through a path that is optimal attending to some criteria as an optimal planner would suggest. Although human pilots might get close but not reach the optimal path proposed by some planner that optimizes over time or distance, the final effect of this differentiation could be not only surprisingly better, but also desirable. In the best scenario for optimality, the path that human pilots generate would deviate from the optimal path as much as the hidden knowledge that its perceives is injected into the path. The aim of our work is to use real human pilot paths to learn the hidden knowledge using repulsion fields and to incorporate this knowledge afterwards in the environment obstacles as cause of the deviation from optimality. We present a strategy of learning this knowledge based on attractor and repulsors, the learning method and a modified RRT* that can use this knowledge for path planning. Finally we do real-life tests and we compare the resulting paths with and without this knowledge.Accepted versio

    Comparing robot controllers through system identification

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    In the mobile robotics field, it is very common to find different control programs designed to achieve a particular robot task. Although there are many ways to evaluate these controllers qualitatively, there is a lack of formal methodology to compare them from a mathematical point of view. In this paper we present a novel approach to compare robot control codes quantitatively based on system identification: Initially the transparent mathematical models of the controllers are obtained using the NARMAX system identification process. Then we use these models to analyse the general characteristics of the cotrollers from a mathematical point of view. In this way, we are able to compare different control programs objectively based on quantitative measures. We demonstrate our approach by comparing two different robot control programs, which were designed to drive the robot through door-like openings

    Characterization of robotics parallel algorithms and mapping onto a reconfigurable SIMD machine

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    The kinematics, dynamics, Jacobian, and their corresponding inverse computations are six essential problems in the control of robot manipulators. Efficient parallel algorithms for these computations are discussed and analyzed. Their characteristics are identified and a scheme on the mapping of these algorithms to a reconfigurable parallel architecture is presented. Based on the characteristics including type of parallelism, degree of parallelism, uniformity of the operations, fundamental operations, data dependencies, and communication requirement, it is shown that most of the algorithms for robotic computations possess highly regular properties and some common structures, especially the linear recursive structure. Moreover, they are well-suited to be implemented on a single-instruction-stream multiple-data-stream (SIMD) computer with reconfigurable interconnection network. The model of a reconfigurable dual network SIMD machine with internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure to map these computations to the proposed machine is presented. A new scheduling problem for SIMD machines is investigated and a heuristic algorithm, called neighborhood scheduling, that reorders the processing sequence of subtasks to reduce the communication time is described. Mapping results of a benchmark algorithm are illustrated and discussed

    Recursive Least Squares Filtering Algorithms for On-Line Viscoelastic Characterization of Biosamples

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    The mechanical characterization of biological samples is a fundamental issue in biology and related fields, such as tissue and cell mechanics, regenerative medicine and diagnosis of diseases. In this paper, a novel approach for the identification of the stiffness and damping coefficients of biosamples is introduced. According to the proposed method, a MEMS-based microgripper in operational condition is used as a measurement tool. The mechanical model describing the dynamics of the gripper-sample system considers the pseudo-rigid body model for the microgripper, and the Kelvin–Voigt constitutive law of viscoelasticity for the sample. Then, two algorithms based on recursive least square (RLS) methods are implemented for the estimation of the mechanical coefficients, that are the forgetting factor based RLS and the normalised gradient based RLS algorithms. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Results confirm the feasibility of the method that enables the ability to perform simultaneously two tasks: sample manipulation and parameters identification

    Robustness analysis of evolutionary controller tuning using real systems

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    A genetic algorithm (GA) presents an excellent method for controller parameter tuning. In our work, we evolved the heading as well as the altitude controller for a small lightweight helicopter. We use the real flying robot to evaluate the GA's individuals rather than an artificially consistent simulator. By doing so we avoid the ldquoreality gaprdquo, taking the controller from the simulator to the real world. In this paper we analyze the evolutionary aspects of this technique and discuss the issues that need to be considered for it to perform well and result in robust controllers
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