5 research outputs found

    An educational HTTP proxy server

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    The efficiency and safety of Web access can be enhanced by the deployment of an http proxy server in many cases. The first part of this paper provides an introduction to the issue of an HTTP proxy server. The second part of the paper describes used technologies and an implementation of a multithreaded HTTP proxy server with an embedded WWW server used for the graphics user interface. In its current state, the developed proxy server can be used to monitor the WWW traffic of a local area network and, with further development of its functionalities, can include such areas as content filtering or access control. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Método de autoconfiguração para proxies corporativos

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    Introduction: The proxy servers offer many advantages in business and academia. One of their main uses is to protect both the network and its users, offering a secure and fast connection to multiple users who require a service such as Internet. However, manual proxy settings require time and expertise by the end user, which leads to the network being less user friendly. The article was written in 2016 in the faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia. Methology: The paper has been elaborated at Colombia using a Cascade Model. Results: The article presents an introduction to proxy auto configuration and proxy servers, as well as a detailed explanation of the configuration methods. Conclusions: The study demonstrates methods and times that can lead to the reduction in standard connection time through manual configuration vs. automatic proxy configuration. This was implemented as a real case study in a company.Introducción: los servidores proxy ofrecen muchas ventajas en los negocios y la academia. Uno de sus usos principales es proteger, tanto a la red como a sus usuarios, ofreciendo una conexión segura y rápida a múltiples usuarios que requieren un servicio como el Internet. Sin embargo, los ajustes manuales de los sevidores proxy requieren tiempo y experticia por parte del usuario final, lo que hace que la red sea menos fácil de usar. Este artículo fue escrito en el 2016 en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia. Metodología: el trabajo se elaboró en Colombia utilizando un modelo en cascada. Resultados: el artículo presenta una introducción a la configuración automática de proxy y servidores proxy, así como una explicación detallada de los métodos de configuración. Conclusiones: el estudio expone métodos y tiempos que pueden conducir a la reducción del tiempo de conexión estándar, comparando la configuración manual con la configuración automática de proxy. Los hallazgos fueron implementados como estudio de caso real en una empresa.Introdução: os servidores proxies oferecem muitas vantagens nos negócios e na academia. Um de seus usos principais é proteger tanto a rede quanto seus usuários e oferecer uma conexão segura e rápida para múltiplos usuários que requerem um serviço como a internet. Contudo, os ajustes manuais dos servidores proxies requerem tempo e destreza por parte do usuário final, o que faz com que a rede seja menos fácil de usar. Este artigo foi escrito em 2016 na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colômbia. Metodologia: o trabalho foi elaborado na Colômbia utilizando um modelo em cascata. Resultados: este artigo apresenta uma introdução à configuração automática de proxy e servidores proxies, bem como uma explicação detalhada dos métodos de configuração. Conclusões: o estudo expõe métodos e tempos que podem conduzir à redução do tempo de conexão padrão, comparando a configuração manual com a automática de proxy. Os achados foram implantados como estudo de caso real numa empresa

    Predicting content manipulations by open web proxies

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    The need for anonymity and privacy has given rise to open web proxies that act as gateways relaying traffic between web servers and their clients, allowing users to access otherwise not accessible content. As the open web proxy ecosystem continues to grow, more and more studies point out the extent of content alteration on the Internet. The content alterations applied by proxies include both benign and malicious modifications, such as adding crypto-mining scripts or adding injections. While some content modifications such as add injections can be prevented using blocker tools, adding scripts to JavaScript files cannot be detected with any antivirus or blocker tool. The widespread use of proxies and their malicious behaviour motivated us to focus on the feasibility of predicting these manipulations to choose a proxy for daily use carefully. While the previous studies focused on the detection and analysis of content manipulation by proxies, we present a novel approach for predicting the types of content alterations that might be silently applied by open proxies. Besides, this approach allows us to predict the injection of any extra file by open proxies. The predictions in this study indicate changes without a need to fetch the data through a proxy first. The leveraged dataset in this work is created by collecting website content of 1028 domains fetched through 1293 proxies as the initial steps of this study. Then, we derive 13 types of content modification through a detailed analysis of content manipulations on collected content. Then the detected content modification types are utilized to form our dataset for prediction analysis. This research allows us to accurately predict proxy behaviour over a particular website, enabling us to recognize malicious and benign proxies and cautiously select a proxy to connect to. This study predicted the type of content modifications with 92\% accuracy. In addition, the injection of extra files was predicted with 99\% accuracy. Besides, our study reveals an important observation that the majority of proxies manipulate website content based on technical information of the website and its web server

    Ανωνυμία στο διαδίκτυο – Οι διάφορες λειτουργίες των μεθόδων/εργαλείων που χρησιμοποιούνται για την επίτευξή της και η δρομολόγηση δεδομένων εντός του Onion δικτύου

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    Εξέταση διαφόρων πρωτοκόλλων και μεθόδων όπως και εργαλείων που μπορούν να παρέχουν σε έναν χρήστη ανωνυμία στο διαδίκτυο. Επιπλέον γίνεται η μελέτη του Onion δικτύου και της εσωτερικής δομής του, όπως και οι δυνατότητες ανωνυμίας που παρέχει. Ακόμη γίνεται μελέτη του I2P δικτύου για το αν μας παρέχει ανωνυμία, σε τι βαθμό και σε τι διαφέρει από το Onion δίκτυο.Untersuchung der verschiedenen Protokolle und Methoden sowie Tools, die dem Benutzer im Internet Anonymität bieten können. Darüber hinaus wird das Onion-Netzwerk und seine interne Struktur erkundet, sowie die Anonymitäts Fähigkeiten die es bietet. Wir untersuchen auch das I2P-Netzwerk. Ob es uns Anonymität gewährt, in welchem Umfang und was sich vom Onion-Netzwerk unterscheidet

    An educational HTTP proxy server

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    The efficiency and safety of Web access can be enhanced by the deployment of an http proxy server in many cases. The first part of this paper provides an introduction to the issue of an HTTP proxy server. The second part of the paper describes used technologies and an implementation of a multithreaded HTTP proxy server with an embedded WWW server used for the graphics user interface. In its current state, the developed proxy server can be used to monitor the WWW traffic of a local area network and, with further development of its functionalities, can include such areas as content filtering or access control