3 research outputs found

    Repositório de registos electrónicos de saúde baseado em OpenEHR

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaAn Electronic Health Record (EHR) aggregates all relevant medical information regarding a single patient, allowing a patient centric storage approach. This way the complete medical history of a patient is stored together in one record, making it possible to save time and work by allowing the sharing of information between health care institutions. To make this sharing possible there has to be agreed on the format in which the information is saved. There are many standards to de ne the way health information is stored, exchanged and retrieved. One of this standards is the Open Electronic Health Record (OpenEHR). The goal of this thesis is to create a repository which allows to store and manage patient records which follow the OpenEHR standard. The result of the implementation consists in three software parts, being them a Extensible Markup Language (XML) repository to store health information, a set of services allowing to manage and query the information stored and a web interface to demonstrate the implemented functionalities.Um registo electrónico de saúde agrega toda a informação médica relevante de um paciente, permitindo uma filosofia de armazenamento orientada ao mesmo. Desta forma todo o historial médico do paciente encontra-se armazenado num único registo, permitindo a optimização de custos e tempo gasto nas diferentes tarefas, através de partilha de informação entre diferentes instituições médicas. Para possibilitar esta partilha é necessário definir um formato comum em que a informação é armazenada. Para tal foram definidas diversas normas que ditam as regras de armazenamento, troca e recuperação de informação médica. Uma destas normas é o Open Electronic Health Record (OpenEHR). O objectivo desta dissertação e criar um reposit orio que permite o armazenamento de registos médicos que sigam a norma OpenEHR. A implementação dá origem a três componentes de software, sendo eles uma base de dados Extensible Markup Language (XML) para armazenamento de registos médicos, um conjunto de serviços para gestão e pesquisa da informação armazenada e uma interface web para demonstração das funcionalidades implementadas

    Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von XML-Werten in SQL-Anfrageergebnissen

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    Gemäß der aktuellen Version der SQL-Norm kann ein Anfrageergebnis beliebige XQuery-Sequenzen als Spaltenwerte enthalten. Dies schließt insbesondere auch aus mehreren Sequenzeinträgen bestehende XQuery-Sequenzen ein, deren Knoten mit Typinformationen angereichert sind. Auf die Frage, wie sich derartige (in einem SQL-Anfrageergebnis enthaltene) XQuery-Sequenzen adäquat mit Hilfe eines Anwendungsprogramms verarbeiten lassen, liefert bisher allerdings weder die SQL-Norm noch ein RDBMS-Produkt eine zufriedenstellende Antwort. Zum Schließen dieser Lücke wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Verfahren der Sequenzcursor-basierten Verarbeitung eingeführt. Die Grundidee dieses Verfahrens (welches eine angemessene und komfortable Verarbeitung der in einem SQL-Anfrageergebnis enthaltenen XQuery-Sequenzen ermöglicht) besteht darin, mit Hilfe einer neuen Cursorart, den so genannten Sequenzcursorn, in die XQuery-Sequenzen des aktuellen Ergebnistupels einzutauchen, um Sequenzausschnitte zu definieren. Diese Sequenzausschnitte werden dann ins Anwendungsprogramm übertragen und dort lokal verarbeitet. Sofern dabei Änderungen an den Sequenzausschnitten vorgenommen werden, kann das Anwendungsprogramm entscheiden, ob diese Änderungen in die Datenbank (wieder)eingebracht werden sollen

    Keyword-Based Querying for the Social Semantic Web

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    Enabling non-experts to publish data on the web is an important achievement of the social web and one of the primary goals of the social semantic web. Making the data easily accessible in turn has received only little attention, which is problematic from the point of view of incentives: users are likely to be less motivated to participate in the creation of content if the use of this content is mostly reserved to experts. Querying in semantic wikis, for example, is typically realized in terms of full text search over the textual content and a web query language such as SPARQL for the annotations. This approach has two shortcomings that limit the extent to which data can be leveraged by users: combined queries over content and annotations are not possible, and users either are restricted to expressing their query intent using simple but vague keyword queries or have to learn a complex web query language. The work presented in this dissertation investigates a more suitable form of querying for semantic wikis that consolidates two seemingly conflicting characteristics of query languages, ease of use and expressiveness. This work was carried out in the context of the semantic wiki KiWi, but the underlying ideas apply more generally to the social semantic and social web. We begin by defining a simple modular conceptual model for the KiWi wiki that enables rich and expressive knowledge representation. A component of this model are structured tags, an annotation formalism that is simple yet flexible and expressive, and aims at bridging the gap between atomic tags and RDF. The viability of the approach is confirmed by a user study, which finds that structured tags are suitable for quickly annotating evolving knowledge and are perceived well by the users. The main contribution of this dissertation is the design and implementation of KWQL, a query language for semantic wikis. KWQL combines keyword search and web querying to enable querying that scales with user experience and information need: basic queries are easy to express; as the search criteria become more complex, more expertise is needed to formulate the corresponding query. A novel aspect of KWQL is that it combines both paradigms in a bottom-up fashion. It treats neither of the two as an extension to the other, but instead integrates both in one framework. The language allows for rich combined queries of full text, metadata, document structure, and informal to formal semantic annotations. KWilt, the KWQL query engine, provides the full expressive power of first-order queries, but at the same time can evaluate basic queries at almost the speed of the underlying search engine. KWQL is accompanied by the visual query language visKWQL, and an editor that displays both the textual and visual form of the current query and reflects changes to either representation in the other. A user study shows that participants quickly learn to construct KWQL and visKWQL queries, even when given only a short introduction. KWQL allows users to sift the wealth of structure and annotations in an information system for relevant data. If relevant data constitutes a substantial fraction of all data, ranking becomes important. To this end, we propose PEST, a novel ranking method that propagates relevance among structurally related or similarly annotated data. Extensive experiments, including a user study on a real life wiki, show that pest improves the quality of the ranking over a range of existing ranking approaches