39 research outputs found

    Fast Computation of Small Cuts via Cycle Space Sampling

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    We describe a new sampling-based method to determine cuts in an undirected graph. For a graph (V, E), its cycle space is the family of all subsets of E that have even degree at each vertex. We prove that with high probability, sampling the cycle space identifies the cuts of a graph. This leads to simple new linear-time sequential algorithms for finding all cut edges and cut pairs (a set of 2 edges that form a cut) of a graph. In the model of distributed computing in a graph G=(V, E) with O(log V)-bit messages, our approach yields faster algorithms for several problems. The diameter of G is denoted by Diam, and the maximum degree by Delta. We obtain simple O(Diam)-time distributed algorithms to find all cut edges, 2-edge-connected components, and cut pairs, matching or improving upon previous time bounds. Under natural conditions these new algorithms are universally optimal --- i.e. a Omega(Diam)-time lower bound holds on every graph. We obtain a O(Diam+Delta/log V)-time distributed algorithm for finding cut vertices; this is faster than the best previous algorithm when Delta, Diam = O(sqrt(V)). A simple extension of our work yields the first distributed algorithm with sub-linear time for 3-edge-connected components. The basic distributed algorithms are Monte Carlo, but they can be made Las Vegas without increasing the asymptotic complexity. In the model of parallel computing on the EREW PRAM our approach yields a simple algorithm with optimal time complexity O(log V) for finding cut pairs and 3-edge-connected components.Comment: Previous version appeared in Proc. 35th ICALP, pages 145--160, 200

    Some Optimally Adaptive Parallel Graph Algorithms on EREW PRAM Model

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    The study of graph algorithms is an important area of research in computer science, since graphs offer useful tools to model many real-world situations. The commercial availability of parallel computers have led to the development of efficient parallel graph algorithms. Using an exclusive-read and exclusive-write (EREW) parallel random access machine (PRAM) as the computation model with a fixed number of processors, we design and analyze parallel algorithms for seven undirected graph problems, such as, connected components, spanning forest, fundamental cycle set, bridges, bipartiteness, assignment problems, and approximate vertex coloring. For all but the last two problems, the input data structure is an unordered list of edges, and divide-and-conquer is the paradigm for designing algorithms. One of the algorithms to solve the assignment problem makes use of an appropriate variant of dynamic programming strategy. An elegant data structure, called the adjacency list matrix, used in a vertex-coloring algorithm avoids the sequential nature of linked adjacency lists. Each of the proposed algorithms achieves optimal speedup, choosing an optimal granularity (thus exploiting maximum parallelism) which depends on the density or the number of vertices of the given graph. The processor-(time)2 product has been identified as a useful parameter to measure the cost-effectiveness of a parallel algorithm. We derive a lower bound on this measure for each of our algorithms

    On coding labeled trees

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    Trees are probably the most studied class of graphs in Computer Science. In this thesis we study bijective codes that represent labeled trees by means of string of node labels. We contribute to the understanding of their algorithmic tractability, their properties, and their applications. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we focus on two types of tree codes, namely Prufer-like codes and Transformation codes. We study optimal encoding and decoding algorithms, both in a sequential and in a parallel setting. We propose a unified approach that works for all Prufer-like codes and a more generic scheme based on the transformation of a tree into a functional digraph suitable for all bijective codes. Our results in this area close a variety of open problems. We also consider possible applications of tree encodings, discussing how to exploit these codes in Genetic Algorithms and in the generation of random trees. Moreover, we introduce a modified version of a known code that, in Genetic Algorithms, outperform all the other known codes. In the second part of the thesis we focus on two possible generalizations of our work. We first take into account the classes of k-trees and k-arch graphs (both superclasses of trees): we study bijective codes for this classes of graphs and their algorithmic feasibility. Then, we shift our attention to Informative Labeling Schemes. In this context labels are no longer considered as simple unique node identifiers, they rather convey information useful to achieve efficient computations on the tree. We exploit this idea to design a concurrent data structure for the lowest common ancestor problem on dynamic trees. We also present an experimental comparison between our labeling scheme and the one proposed by Peleg for static trees

    Efficient parallel processing with optical interconnections

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    With the advances in VLSI technology, it is now possible to build chips which can each contain thousands of processors. The efficiency of such chips in executing parallel algorithms heavily depends on the interconnection topology of the processors. It is not possible to build a fully interconnected network of processors with constant fan-in/fan-out using electrical interconnections. Free space optics is a remedy to this limitation. Qualities exclusive to the optical medium are its ability to be directed for propagation in free space and the property that optical channels can cross in space without any interference. In this thesis, we present an electro-optical interconnected architecture named Optical Reconfigurable Mesh (ORM). It is based on an existing optical model of computation. There are two layers in the architecture. The processing layer is a reconfigurable mesh and the deflecting layer contains optical devices to deflect light beams. ORM provides three types of communication mechanisms. The first is for arbitrary planar connections among sets of locally connected processors using the reconfigurable mesh. The second is for arbitrary connections among N of the processors using the electrical buses on the processing layer and N2 fixed passive deflecting units on the deflection layer. The third is for arbitrary connections among any of the N2 processors using the N2 mechanically reconfigurable deflectors in the deflection layer. The third type of communication mechanisms is significantly slower than the other two. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid reconfiguring this type of communication during the execution of the algorithms. Instead, the optical reconfiguration can be done before the execution of each algorithm begins. Determining a right configuration that would be suitable for the entire configuration of a task execution is studied in this thesis. The basic data movements for each of the mechanisms are studied. Finally, to show the power of ORM, we use all three types of communication mechanisms in the first O(logN) time algorithm for finding the convex hulls of all figures in an N x N binary image presented in this thesis

    (1) time Parallel Agorithm for Finding 2D Convex Hull on a Reconfigurable Mesh Computer Architecture

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    In this paper we propose a parallel algorithm in image processing in (1) time, intended for a parallel machine '' Reconfigurable Mesh Computer (RMC), of size n x n Elementary Processors (PE). The algorithm consists in determining the convex envelope of a two-level 2D image with a complexity in (1) time. The approach used is purely geometric. It is based solely on the projection of the coordinates of PEs retained in specific quadrants and on the application of the algorithm that determines the Min / Max in (1) time. This has reduced the complexity of the algorithm for determining the convex hull at (1) time

    Energy-Efficient Algorithms on Mesh-Connected Systems with Additional Communication Links.

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    Energy consumption has become a critical factor constraining the design of massively parallel computers, necessitating the development of new models and energy-efficient algorithms. In this work we take a fundamental abstract model of massive parallelism, the mesh-connected computer, and extend it with additional communication links motivated by recent advances in on-chip photonic interconnects. This new means of communication with optical signals rather than electrical signals can reduce the energy and/or time of calculations by providing faster communication between distant processing elements. Processors are arranged in a two-dimensional grid with wire connections between adjacent neighbors and an additional one or two layers of noncrossing optical connections. Varying constraints on the layout of optics affect how powerful the model can be. In this dissertation, three optical interconnection layouts are defined: the optical mesh, the optical mesh of trees, and the optical pyramid. For each layout, algorithms for solving important problems are presented. Since energy usage is an important factor, running times are given in terms of a peak-power constraint, where peak power is the maximum number of processors active at any one time. These results demonstrate advantages of optics in terms of improved time and energy usage over the standard mesh computer without optics. One of the most significant results shows an optimal nonlinear time/peak-power tradeoff for sorting on the optical pyramid. This work shows asymptotic theoretical limits of computation and energy usage on an abstract model which takes physical constraints and developing interconnection technology into account.PhDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102474/1/ppoon_1.pd

    Exploring the Design Space of Static and Incremental Graph Connectivity Algorithms on GPUs

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    Connected components and spanning forest are fundamental graph algorithms due to their use in many important applications, such as graph clustering and image segmentation. GPUs are an ideal platform for graph algorithms due to their high peak performance and memory bandwidth. While there exist several GPU connectivity algorithms in the literature, many design choices have not yet been explored. In this paper, we explore various design choices in GPU connectivity algorithms, including sampling, linking, and tree compression, for both the static as well as the incremental setting. Our various design choices lead to over 300 new GPU implementations of connectivity, many of which outperform state-of-the-art. We present an experimental evaluation, and show that we achieve an average speedup of 2.47x speedup over existing static algorithms. In the incremental setting, we achieve a throughput of up to 48.23 billion edges per second. Compared to state-of-the-art CPU implementations on a 72-core machine, we achieve a speedup of 8.26--14.51x for static connectivity and 1.85--13.36x for incremental connectivity using a Tesla V100 GPU