4 research outputs found


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    Decision-making processes increasingly use models based on various methods to ensure professional analysis and evaluation of the considered alternatives. However, the abundance of these methods makes it difficult to choose the proper method to solve a given problem. Also, it is worth noting whether different results can be obtained using different methods within a single decision problem. In this paper, we used three selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods called COMET, TOPSIS, and SPOTIS in order to examine how the obtained rankings vary. The selection of material suppliers was taken into consideration. The equal weights, entropy and standard deviation methods were used to determine the weights for criteria. Final preferences values were then compared with the WS similarity coefficient and weighted Spearman correlation coefficient to check the similarity of the received rankings. It was noticed that in the given problem, all of the methods provide highly correlated results, and the obtained positional rankings are not significantly different. However, practical conclusions indicate the need to look for improved solutions in the correct and accurate assessment of suppliers in a given period

    Current Application Fields of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE: A Literature Review

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    Multi-criteria decision making techniques are widely used today. In this study, it was examined the current usage areas of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, which are in the class of outranking-based multiple criteria decision techniques, in Turkey and the world. In this regard, the studies carried out in 2016 and the first four months of 2017 were scanned with the help of Google Scholar. Thus, it is aimed to put forward the latest state of development of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, and to give an idea about their future application forms and fields. As a result, it was seen that application problems of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE in various fields was tried to remove, and designed appropriate methods for special cases in studies. Furthermore, evaluation according to scenario variations, solving complex decision problems with metaheuristics, common usage of hesitant fuzzy implementations, proliferation of group decision preference, increasing the number of applications of hybrid techniques, used softwares, sensitivity analyses, two linguistic approaches taking an important place in fuzzification have been identified as remarkable results

    Adaptive model for supply chain management in small and medium enterprises

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    Osnovni istraživački problem ove disertacije predstavlja razvoj modela za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u cilju podizanje kvaliteta usluge. Stoga je razvijen adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja koji se sastoji od modela za: upravljanje lancima snabdevanja, upravljanje korisničkim zahtevima i ocenu kvaliteta pružene usluge. U svrhu primene adaptivni model je predstavljen algoritmom sa precizno definisanim koracima koje korisnik treba da sprovede da bi podigao nivo kvaliteta usluge i održao stabilnost lanca snabdevanja. Verifikacija modela je urađena na primeru 17 lanaca snabdevanja na teritoriji Republike Srbije, što je rezultiralo odgovorima na koji način se može podići kvalitet usluge. Doprinos istraživanja ogleda u mogućnosti direktne primene razvijenog modela i pružanja novih informacija za naučnu i stručnu javnost koje mogu predstavljati kvalitetnu podlogu daljem razvoju modela za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja.The basic research problem of this dissertation is the development of supply chain management model in order to improve the quality of service. Therefore, an adaptive supply chain management model has been developed that consists of a model for: supply chain management, management of user requirements and assessment of the quality of service provided. For the purpose of application the adaptive model, it is presented an algorithm with precisely defined steps that the user needs to implement in order to raise the level of service quality and maintain the stability of supply. The model verification was done on the example of 17 supply chains in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which resulted in answers on how to improve the quality of the service. The contribution of the research is reflected in the possibility of direct application of the developed model and providing new information for the scientific and professional public, which can represent a quality basis for the further development of the supply chain management model

    An integrated model for supplier evaluation in supply chains

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    U ovom radu predložen je model za vrednovanje i izbor dobavljača koji je razmatran u više od deset različitih proizvodnih oblasti. Model se sastoji od dvadeset kvantitavnih i kvalitativnih kriterijuma koji su primenom fuzzy AHP (Analitičko Hijerarhijski Proces) metode, a na osnovu ocenjivanja menadžera proizvodnih kompanija smanjeni na ukupno devet. Verifikacija datog modela predstavljena je kroz vrednovanje i izbor dobavljača u tri kompanije koje se bave različitom delatnošću. Pored doprinosa koji se ogleda u primenjivosti razvijenog modela u različitim lancima snabdevanja, veliki doprinos ovog rada je razvoj novih pristupa u oblasti višekriterijumskog odlučivanja koji može biti primenjen u svim lancima snabdevanja, naročito u procesima u kojima vladaju neizvesnosti i nejasnoće što je detaljno objašnjeno kroz rad.In this paper, a model for evaluation and supplier selection has been proposed, which has been considered in more than ten different production areas. The model consists of twenty quantitative and qualitative criteria which are reduced to a total of nine by the application of the fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method and the assessment of managers in production companies. The verification of the given model is presented through the evaluation and supplier selection in three companies that deal with different activities. In addition to the contribution reflected in the applicability of the developed model in various supply chains, the great contribution of this paper is the development of new approaches in the field of multi-criteria decision making that can be applied in all supply chains, especially in processes that are subject to uncertainty and vagueness, which is explained in detail through the work