5 research outputs found

    An adaptive active queue management algorithm in Internet

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    An ECN Probe-Based Connection Acceptance Control

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    Connection acceptance control is a mechanism which can be used to moderate the load placed on a network by turning away connection requests during times of overload. Traditionally these mechanisms have been implemented by setting up state within a network using signalling protocols, such as the IETF's Resource Reservation Protocol. There have been recent proposals for admission control based on end-systems probing the network to infer network load. These distributed algorithms often have less router state and hence scale more easily. This paper discusses an ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) probe-based admission control protocol that is fast, scalable and robust. The protocol's performance is then studied through simulation. It is concluded that probe-based admission control is viable in both partitioned and integrated networks, but more research is needed to understand the implications for network policy control. 1

    Equation-Based Congestion Control for Unicast and Multicast Data Streams

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    We believe that the emergence of congestion control mechanisms for relatively-smooth congestion control for unicast and multicast traffic can play a key role in preventing the degradation of end-to-end congestion control in the public Internet, by providing a viable alternative for multimedia flows that would otherwise be tempted to avoid end-to-end congestion control altogether. The design of good congestion control mechanisms is a hard problem, even more so for multicast environments where scalability issues are much more of a concern than for unicast. In this dissertation, equation-based congestion control is presented as an alternative form of congestion control to the well-known TCP protocol. We focus on areas of equation-based congestion control which were not yet well understood and for which no adequate solutions existed. Starting from a unicast congestion control mechanism which in contrast to TCP provides smooth rate changes, we extend equation-based congestion control in several ways. We investigate how it can work together with applications which can only operate in a very limited region of available bandwidth and whose rate can thus not be adapted to the network conditions in the usual way. Such a congestion control mechanism can also complement conventional equation-based congestion control in regimes where available bandwidth is too low for further rate reduction. When extending unicast congestion control to multicast, it is of paramount importance to ensure that changes in the network conditions anywhere in the multicast tree are reported back to the sender as quickly as possible to allow the sender to adjust the rate accordingly. A scalable feedback mechanism that allows timely congestion feedback in the face of potentially very large receiver sets is one of the contributions of this dissertation. But also other components of a congestion control protocol, such as the rate increase/decrease policy or the slow-start mechanism, need to be adjusted to be able to use them in a multicast environment. Our resulting multicast congestion control protocol was implemented in a simulation environment for extensive protocol testing and turned into a library for the use in real-world applications. In addition, a simple video transmission tool was built for test purposes that uses this congestion control library

    Gestão de recursos em redes com suporte de qualidade de serviço

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaEsta Tese aborda a problemática da gestão de recursos em redes ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) e IP (Internet Protocol) com suporte de QdS (Qualidade de Serviço). As tecnologias ATM e IP permitem, hoje em dia, integrar diferentes tipos de serviços numa mesma infra -estrutura de rede. No entanto, a diversidade dos serviços a suportar e dos seus requisitos, coloca grandes desafios ao nível da gestão de recursos, a qual se pretende o mais eficiente possível. A Tese está dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte da Tese foca a gestão de recursos em redes de acesso ATM e IP com suporte de QdS. É dada inicialmente uma perspectiva histórica da evolução das redes de acesso. No que diz respeito às redes de acesso ATM, são propostas estratégias de gestão de recursos com base em VPs (Virtual Paths) e são definidas metodologias de dimensionamento que têm em conta requisitos de QdS tanto ao nível da chamada como da célula. As estratégias de gestão de recursos consideradas permitem estabelecer compromissos entre a utilização de recursos e a carga de sinalização. No que diz respeito às redes de acesso IP, é proposta uma nova arquitectura de rede, que constitui uma evolução face às redes de acesso tradicionais ao permitir uma maior partilha de recursos. Esta arquitectura permite diferenciação de QdS e suporte de aplicações multimédia. Em particular é proposta uma solução que inclui o suporte integrado de tecnologias recentemente introduzidas para iniciar e configurar sessões multimédia, gerir as políticas de QdS incluindo as funcionalidades de AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting), e reservar recursos. Na segunda parte da Tese é feita uma abordagem de dois mecanismos para controle de admissão de fluxos escaláveis: mecanismos de probing e mecanismos baseados em agregação de reservas individuais. Ambos os mecanismos permitem que a gestão de recursos seja feita sem necessidade de manutenção do estado dos fluxos activos em cada elemento de rede. O mecanismo de probing estima o nível de QdS da rede, através da inserção de fluxos de teste, por forma a decidir se um novo fluxo pode ou não ser aceite. É proposto um novo mecanismo de probing, denominado de ?-probing, que permite minimizar o problema do roubo de recursos que afecta o probing simples quando este é utilizado em sistemas com múltiplas classes de serviço. São desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e são efectuados estudos de simulação para analisar o problema do roubo de recursos e os factores que influenciam a estimativa do rácio de perdas efectuada pelos fluxos de probing e de ?-probing. Verificou-se que o mecanismo de ?-probing permite obter simultaneamente uma utilização elevada dos recursos e a diferenciação dos serviços sem roubo de recursos. Os resultados obtidos com este mecanismo foram também validados através do desenvolvimento de um protótipo laboratorial. No mecanismo baseado em agregação de reservas individuais, os elementos do núcleo da rede mantêm apenas o estado de agregados de fluxos (e não de fluxos individuais), sendo a largura de banda dos agregados ajustada de forma dinâmica. São desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e são efectuados estudos de simulação para analisar o compromisso entre a carga de sinalização e a utilização de recursos. Estes estudos mostram que a hierarquização da rede, ou seja, a sua divisão em áreas mais pequenas, e a configuração de agregados entre os routers fronteira das áreas, por oposição a agregados extremo-a-extremo entre os routers fronteira do domínio, permitem atingir uma utilização de recursos próxima da utilização com sinalização fluxo -a-fluxo, mas com uma carga de sinalização significativamente inferior.This Thesis addresses the problem of resource management in ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and IP (Internet Protocol) networks with QoS (Quality of Service) support. ATM and IP technologies allow, nowadays, the integration of different types of services in the same network infrastructure. However, the variety of services and their requirements, involve big challenges at the resource management level, which needs to be as efficient as possible. This Thesis is divided in two parts. The first part of the Thesis addresses the resource management of ATM and IP access networks with QoS support. It is presented an historical perspective of the access networks evolution. In terms of ATM access networks, resource management strategies based on VPs (Virtual Paths) are proposed, and dimensioning methodologies are defined, which take into account the QoS requirements at the call and cell level. The considered resource management strategies allow the establishment of trade-offs between the resource utilization and the signaling load. In terms of IP access networks, it is proposed a new network architecture that represents an evolution of the legacy access networks, allowing a larger resource sharing. This architecture allows QoS differentiation and support for multimedia applications. More specifically, it is proposed a solution that includes the integrated support of recently introduced technologies to establish and configure multimedia sessions, manage the QoS policies including AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) functions, and reserve network resources. In the second part of the Thesis, two scalable call admission control mechanisms are addressed: probing mechanisms and mechanisms based on the aggregation of individual reservations. Both mechanisms allow resource management without the maintenance of the per-flow state in each network element. The probing mechanism estimates the network QoS level, through the insertion of probe flows, to decide if a new flow can be accepted or not. A new probing mechanism is proposed, denoted by ?-probing, which minimizes the resource stealing problem that exists in the simple probing mechanism when it is applied to a system with multiple service classes. Analytical models are developed and simulation studies are performed to analyze the resource stealing problem and to determine the influencing factors on the estimation of the loss ratio performed by the probing and ?-probing flows. The ?-probing mechanism obtains, simultaneously, a high resource utilization and service differentiation without resource stealing. The results obtained with this mechanism were also validated through the development of a probing test-bed. In the mechanism based on the aggregation of individual reservations, the core network elements only need to maintain the state of the flows’ aggregate (instead of individual flows), and the aggregates’ bandwidth is dynamically adjusted. Analytical models are defined and simulation studies are performed to analyze the trade -off between signaling load and resource utilization. These studies show that the hierarquization of the network, that is, its partition in smaller areas, and the configuration of aggregates between area border routers, as opposed to end-to - end aggregates between domain border routers, reaches an utilization close to the one of per-flow signaling with a signaling load significantly smaller

    Modelos, mediciones y tarificación para redes con calidad de servicio

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    El problema general que se analiza en la tesis es cómo obtener información de la calidad de servicio a lo largo de un camino a los efectos de implementar mecanismos de control de admisión basados no sólo en la información de un enlace sino en la de todo el camino