7 research outputs found

    Robotisering in de landbouw: autonome agrarische voertuigen

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    Robotisering in de landbouw is een thema waaraan op verschillende plaatsen wordt gewerkt. De uitdaging van automatisering in de landbouw is gelegen in de specifieke kenmerken van het systeem, waardoor het probleem zich onderscheidt van automatisering in meer technische systemen. Deze kenmerken zijn: matig gestructureerde omgeving, variabiliteit in ruimte en tijd van het product waar het om gaat, en een variabele omgeving (zie bijdrage Van Henten in dit nummer). Een deel van de huidige ontwikkeling heeft betrekking op gesloten teelten en de veeteelt, terwijl een ander deel zich richt op de open teelt. In deze trend past de Wageningse autonome wiedrobot, waarvan de ontwikkeling in dit artikel wordt beschreven

    Projeto e desenvolvimento da arquitetura de um robô agrícola móvel

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    Parameters such as tolerance, scale and agility utilized in data sampling for using in Precision Agriculture required an expressive number of researches and development of techniques and instruments for automation. It is highlighted the employment of methodologies in remote sensing used in coupled to a Geographic Information System (GIS), adapted or developed for agricultural use. Aiming this, the application of Agricultural Mobile Robots is a strong tendency, mainly in the European Union, the USA and Japan. In Brazil, researches are necessary for the development of robotics platforms, serving as a basis for semi-autonomous and autonomous navigation systems. The aim of this work is to describe the project of an experimental platform for data acquisition in field for the study of the spatial variability and development of agricultural robotics technologies to operate in agricultural environments. The proposal is based on a systematization of scientific work to choose the design parameters utilized for the construction of the model. The kinematic study of the mechanical structure was made by the virtual prototyping process, based on modeling and simulating of the tension applied in frame, using the.Parâmetros, como tolerância, escala e agilidade empregados na amostragem de dados para uso em Agricultura de Precisão, exigem um expressivo número de pesquisas no desenvolvimento de instrumentos e técnicas para automação. Destacam-se a utilização de metodologias em sensoriamento remoto utilizadas em conjunto com o Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), adaptados ou desenvolvidos para o uso agrícola. Visando a isso, a aplicação de Robôs Agrícolas Móveis é uma forte tendência, principalmente na União Europeia, EUA e Japão. No Brasil, pesquisas são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de plataformas robóticas, que sirvam de base para sistemas de navegação autônomos ou semiautônomos. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever o projeto de uma plataforma experimental para a aquisição de dados em campo para o estudo da variabilidade espacial e desenvolvimento de tecnologias para operação de robôs em ambiente agrícola. A proposta baseia-se em uma sistematização de trabalhos científicos que norteiam a escolha dos parâmetros de projeto utilizados para a construção do modelo. O estudo cinemático da estrutura mecânica foi feito pelo processo de prototipagem virtual, baseado na modelagem e simulação das tensões aplicadas no chassi, utilizando o método dos elementos finitos, em função dos conceitos básicos de cinemática de robôs móveis e experiências em trabalhos anteriores.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundation(CNPq) National Council of Scientific and Technological Developmen

    Oportunidades e desafios da cadeia produtiva da produção de base ecológica de aves de corte e postura no Distrito Federal e RIDE

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Gestão de Agronegócios)—Universidade de Brasília, Planaltina-DF, 2018.Este relatório de estágio tem como objetivo verificar e analisar os principais desafios e oportunidades dos sistemas de produção animal de base ecológica no Distrito Federal e RIDE. Para isso foi utilizada metodologias de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa ex-post- facto, pesquisa-ação e a metodologia APOIA-Novo Rural. Foi realizada a análise da cadeia produtiva de duas propriedades produtoras de frango, uma produtora de aves orgânicas, a outra de ovos e aves caipiras. Foram identificados oportunidades e desafios condizentes às cadeias produtivas de ambas as propriedades. Após a análise dos resultados, verificou-se maior parte das oportunidades se deu na área de crescimento de demanda e os desafios ficaram a cargo do custo de produção e dos insumos necessários à produção

    An autonomous robot for weed control : design, navigation and control

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    In de biologische landbouw worden geen chemische middelen toegepast voor onkruidbestrijding. Een van de grootste knelpunten in de biologische open teelt (bv suikerbieten, uien) is het onkruidprobleem. Voor de onkruidbestrijding tussen de rijen zijn mechanische methodes voor onkruidbestrijding ontwikkeld (zoals bijvoorbeeld een schoffelmachine achter een trekker), maar het verwijderen van onkruid in de rij komt voor een groot deel neer op handmatig wieden omdat er geen goed alternatief is. Handmatig wieden brengt hoge kosten met zich mee en het is vaak moeilijk om voldoende mensen voor dit werk te krijgen. Als het wieden in de rij zou kunnen worden uitgevoerd door een intelligente autonome wieder kan dit een enorme stimulans zijn voor duurzame landbouw. Het doel van dit onderzoek is het realiseren van een intelligente autonome wieder die handmatig wieden kan vervangen. Deze robot moet autonoom een heel perceel kunnen wieden. De eerste stap van het onderzoek was de ontwikkeling van een 'rijdend platform' (foto is beschikbaar). Het voertuig is uitgerust met een dieselmotor en hydraulische transmissie, en heeft onafhankelijke vierwielbesturing en vier onafhankelijk aangedreven wielen. Het onderzoek concentreerde zich verder op autonome navigatie door plantenrijen te volgen met behulp van een camera en op autonome navigatie gebaseerd op RTK-DGPS, waarmee tot op 2 cm nauwkeurig de positie kan worden gemeten. Het onderzoek heeft verder geresulteerd in een praktisch toepasbare generieke besturing voor vierwielbestuurbare voertuigen, waarmee zo’n voertuig nauwkeurig langs een gedefinieerd pad kan worden gestuurd, gebruik maakt van alle vrijheidsgraden. Deze besturing is ook geschikt voor vierwielbestuurbare voertuigen voor andere toepassingen. De robot is autonoom op perceelsniveau, dat wil zeggen dat de robot in staat is met de ontwikkelde navigatie en besturing autonoom over een perceel te navigeren

    Exploring the Current Status and Future Potential of Robot, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in the Indonesian Tourism Industry

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    This paper examines the current state and potential future applications of robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation (RAISA) in the hospitality, travel, and tourism industry, with a focus on Indonesia. The study utilizes a comprehensive review of literature and empirical data, including case studies, industry reports, and scholarly articles, to gather relevant information. The findings reveal that while the implementation of RAISA in the Indonesian tourism industry is still in its introductory stage, advancements in RAISA technology and decreasing costs make it increasingly viable for substituting human labor in repetitive and high-risk tasks. However, it is important to consider that not all service processes are suitable for automation or delegation to robots. The decision to automate or retain human labor depends on factors such as economic efficiency, customer satisfaction, company competitiveness, and other internal and external considerations. This research contributes to the existing literature by addressing the specific context of Indonesia and providing insights into the current state and potential future applications of RAISA in the hospitality, travel, and tourism industry. It highlights the scarcity of research in this area and emphasizes the need for further investigation, particularly in areas such as the economic rationale of service automation, the readiness of businesses to adopt RAISA, stakeholder attitudes towards service robots, the impact of RAISA on service quality and company competitiveness, and the ethical considerations associated with its implementation. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for industry practitioners, policymakers, and researchers aiming to understand the benefits, challenges, and implications of integrating RAISA in the Indonesian tourism industry

    An autonomous weeding robot for organic farming

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    The objective of this research is the replacement of hand weeding in organic farming by a device working autonomously at ¯eld level. The autonomous weeding robot was designed using a structured design approach, giving a good overview of the total design. A vehicle was developed with a diesel engine, hydraulic transmission, four-wheel drive and four-wheel steering. The available power and the stability of the vehicle does not limit the freedom of research regarding solutions for intra-row weed detection and weeding actuators. To ful¯ll the function of navigation along the row a new machine vision algorithm was developed. A test in sugar beet in a greenhouse showed that the algorithm was able to ¯nd the crop row with an average error of less than 25 mm. The vehicle is a versatile design for an autonomous weeding robot in a research context. The result of the design has good potential for autonomous weeding in the near future

    An autonomous weeding robot for organic farming

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    The objective of this research is the replacement of hand weeding in organic farming by a device working autonomously at ¯eld level. The autonomous weeding robot was designed using a structured design approach, giving a good overview of the total design. A vehicle was developed with a diesel engine, hydraulic transmission, four-wheel drive and four-wheel steering. The available power and the stability of the vehicle does not limit the freedom of research regarding solutions for intra-row weed detection and weeding actuators. To ful¯ll the function of navigation along the row a new machine vision algorithm was developed. A test in sugar beet in a greenhouse showed that the algorithm was able to ¯nd the crop row with an average error of less than 25 mm. The vehicle is a versatile design for an autonomous weeding robot in a research context. The result of the design has good potential for autonomous weeding in the near future