6,361 research outputs found

    A posteriori metadata from automated provenance tracking: Integration of AiiDA and TCOD

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    In order to make results of computational scientific research findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable, it is necessary to decorate them with standardised metadata. However, there are a number of technical and practical challenges that make this process difficult to achieve in practice. Here the implementation of a protocol is presented to tag crystal structures with their computed properties, without the need of human intervention to curate the data. This protocol leverages the capabilities of AiiDA, an open-source platform to manage and automate scientific computational workflows, and TCOD, an open-access database storing computed materials properties using a well-defined and exhaustive ontology. Based on these, the complete procedure to deposit computed data in the TCOD database is automated. All relevant metadata are extracted from the full provenance information that AiiDA tracks and stores automatically while managing the calculations. Such a protocol also enables reproducibility of scientific data in the field of computational materials science. As a proof of concept, the AiiDA-TCOD interface is used to deposit 170 theoretical structures together with their computed properties and their full provenance graphs, consisting in over 4600 AiiDA nodes

    Embedding Web-based Statistical Translation Models in Cross-Language Information Retrieval

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    Although more and more language pairs are covered by machine translation services, there are still many pairs that lack translation resources. Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is an application which needs translation functionality of a relatively low level of sophistication since current models for information retrieval (IR) are still based on a bag-of-words. The Web provides a vast resource for the automatic construction of parallel corpora which can be used to train statistical translation models automatically. The resulting translation models can be embedded in several ways in a retrieval model. In this paper, we will investigate the problem of automatically mining parallel texts from the Web and different ways of integrating the translation models within the retrieval process. Our experiments on standard test collections for CLIR show that the Web-based translation models can surpass commercial MT systems in CLIR tasks. These results open the perspective of constructing a fully automatic query translation device for CLIR at a very low cost.Comment: 37 page

    Automatically generated, phonemic Arabic-IPA pronunciation tiers for the boundary annotated Qur'an dataset for machine learning (version 2.0)

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    In this paper, we augment the Boundary Annotated Qur?an dataset published at LREC 2012 (Brierley et al 2012; Sawalha et al 2012a) with automatically generated phonemic transcriptions of Arabic words. We have developed and evaluated a comprehensive grapheme-phoneme mapping from Standard Arabic \ensuremath> IPA (Brierley et al under review), and implemented the mapping in Arabic transcription technology which achieves 100% accuracy as measured against two gold standards: one for Qur?anic or Classical Arabic, and one for Modern Standard Arabic (Sawalha et al [1]). Our mapping algorithm has also been used to generate a pronunciation guide for a subset of Qur?anic words with heightened prosody (Brierley et al 2014). This is funded research under the EPSRC " Working Together" theme

    The Validation of Speech Corpora

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    1.2 Intended audience........................

    The Knowledge Graph Construction in the Educational Domain: Take an Australian School Science Course as an Example

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    The evolution of the Internet technology and artificial intelligence has changed the ways we gain knowledge, which has expanded to every aspect of our lives. In recent years, Knowledge Graphs technology as one of the artificial intelligence techniques has been widely used in the educational domain. However, there are few studies dedicating the construction of knowledge graphs for K-10 education in Australia, and most of the existing studies only focus on at the theory level, and little research shows practical pipeline steps to complete the complex flow of constructing the educational knowledge graph. Apart from that, most studies focused on concept entities and their relations but ignored the features of concept entities and the relations between learning knowledge points and required learning outcomes. To overcome these shortages and provide the data foundation for the development of downstream research and applications in this educational domain, the construction processes of building a knowledge graph for Australian K-10 education were analyzed at the theory level and implemented in a practical way in this research. We took the Year 9 science course as a typical data source example fed to the proposed method called K10EDU-RCF-KG to construct this educational knowledge graph and to enrich the features of entities in the knowledge graph. In the construction pipeline, a variety of techniques were employed to complete the building process. Firstly, the POI and OCR techniques were applied to convert Word and PDF format files into text, followed by developing an educational resources management platform where the machine-readable text could be stored in a relational database management system. Secondly, we designed an architecture framework as the guidance of the construction pipeline. According to this architecture, the educational ontology was initially designed, and a backend microservice was developed to process the entity extraction and relation extraction by NLP-NER and probabilistic association rule mining algorithms, respectively. We also adopted the NLP-POS technique to find out the neighbor adjectives related to entitles to enrich features of these concept entitles. In addition, a subject dictionary was introduced during the refinement process of the knowledge graph, which reduced the data noise rate of the knowledge graph entities. Furthermore, the connections between learning outcome entities and topic knowledge point entities were directly connected, which provides a clear and efficient way to identify what corresponding learning objectives are related to the learning unit. Finally, a set of REST APIs for querying this educational knowledge graph were developed
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