6 research outputs found

    Solving Infinite Games in the Baire Space

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    Infinite games (in the form of Gale-Stewart games) are studied where a play is a sequence of natural numbers chosen by two players in alternation, the winning condition being a subset of the Baire space ωω\omega^\omega. We consider such games defined by a natural kind of parity automata over the alphabet N\mathbb{N}, called N\mathbb{N}-MSO-automata, where transitions are specified by monadic second-order formulas over the successor structure of the natural numbers. We show that the classical B\"uchi-Landweber Theorem (for finite-state games in the Cantor space 2ω2^\omega) holds again for the present games: A game defined by a deterministic parity N\mathbb{N}-MSO-automaton is determined, the winner can be computed, and an N\mathbb{N}-MSO-transducer realizing a winning strategy for the winner can be constructed.Comment: Minor revision. 26 pages, 1 figur

    Pattern logics and auxiliary relations

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    A common theme in the study of logics over finite structures is adding auxiliary predicates to enhance expressiveness and convey additional information. Examples include adding an order or arith-metic for capturing complexity classes, or the power of real-life declarative languages. A recent trend is to add a data-value com-parison relation to words, trees, and graphs, for capturing modern data models such as XML and graph databases. Such additions often result in the loss of good properties of the underlying logic. Our goal is to show that such a loss can be avoided if we use pattern-based logics, standard in XML and graph data querying. The essence of such logics is that auxiliary relations are tested locally with respect to other relations in the structure. These logics are shown to admit strong versions of Hanf and Gaif-man locality theorems, which are used to prove a homomorphism preservation theorem, and a decidability result for the satisfiability problem. We discuss applications of these results to pattern logics over data forests, and consequently to querying XML data

    An Automata Model for Trees with Ordered Data Values

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    Abstract—Data trees are trees in which each node, besides carrying a label from a finite alphabet, also carries a data value from an infinite domain. They have been used as an abstraction model for reasoning tasks on XML and verification. However, most existing approaches consider the case where only equality test can be performed on the data values. In this paper we study data trees in which the data values come from a linearly ordered domain, and in addition to equality test, we can test whether the data value in a node is greater than the one in another node. We introduce an automata model for them which we call ordered-data tree automata (ODTA), provide its logical characterisation, and prove that its emptiness problem is decidable in 3-NEXPTIME. We also show that the twovariable logic on unranked trees, studied by Bojanczyk, Muscholl, Schwentick and Segoufin in 2009, corresponds precisely to a special subclass of this automata model. Then we define a slightly weaker version of ODTA, which we call weak ODTA, and provide its logical characterisation. The complexity of the emptiness problem drops to NP. However, a number of existing formalisms and models studied in the literature can be captured already by weak ODTA. We also show that the definition of ODTA can be easily modified, to the case where the data values come from a tree-like partially ordered domain, such as strings. I