4 research outputs found

    An authentication scheme to defend against UDP DrDoS attacks in 5G networks

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    5th generation wireless systems are coming. While we are excited about the delay-free high speeds 5G will bring, security problems are becoming more and more serious. Increasingly rampant Distributed Denial of service (DDoS) attacks, particularly Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DrDoS) attacks with User Datagram Protocols (UDPs) have developed into a global problem. This article presents a design, implementation, analysis, and experimental evaluation of an authentication scheme, a defense against UDP DrDoS attacks, by which attackers cleverly use rebound server farms to bounce a flood of packets to a target host. We call our solution IEWA because it combines the concepts of increasing expenses and weak authentication. In this paper, we apply IEWA to Network Time Protocol (NTP). First, we simulate and compare the original and improved protocols. Next, we verify the effectiveness of our proposed scheme. We show that our improved scheme is safer than the original scheme. Finally, we compare our solution with existing state-of-the-art schemes, using indicators such as communication overhead, server storage costs, client storage costs, computation costs of server and computation costs of client. We find that our scheme improves system stability and security, reduces communication overhead, server storage cost and computational costs. Our solution not only improves the NTP protocol to mitigate DrDoS attacks, but also strengthens other UDP protocols that are vulnerable to DrDoS attacks. Therefore, our solution can be used as a solution to UDP DrDoS attacks in 5G Network

    Forensik Jaringan DDoS menggunakan Metode ADDIE dan HIDS pada Sistem Operasi Proprietary

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    Forensik jaringan sangat dibutuhkan dalam mempertahankan kinerja jaringan komputer dari serangan Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti digital keakurasian tool DDoS, keberhasilan metode HIDS dan implementasi firewall pada Network layer dalam menghentikan DDoS. Metode penelitian ini menerapkan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate) dan Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) Snort pada simulasi jaringan berbasis lokal dan luas. Hasil pengujian menyatakan Slowloris merupakan DDoS paling melumpuhkan web server IIS pada sistem operasi proprietary dengan penurunan performa server sebesar 78%, akurasi peningkatan trafik jaringan sebesar 92,84% alert 150 kali. Implementasi firewall pada network layer dalam menghentikan DDoS memiliki keberhasilan sebesar 98.91%. Hal ini menunjukkan metode ADDIE berhasil diterapkan dalam penelitian dan menyatakan DDoS pelumpuh server berhasil dideteksi pada metode HIDS dan berhasil dihentikan oleh firewall pada sistem operasi proprietary

    Distributed reflection denial of service attack: A critical review

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    As the world becomes increasingly connected and the number of users grows exponentially and “things” go online, the prospect of cyberspace becoming a significant target for cybercriminals is a reality. Any host or device that is exposed on the internet is a prime target for cyberattacks. A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is accountable for the majority of these cyberattacks. Although various solutions have been proposed by researchers to mitigate this issue, cybercriminals always adapt their attack approach to circumvent countermeasures. One of the modified DoS attacks is known as distributed reflection denial-of-service attack (DRDoS). This type of attack is considered to be a more severe variant of the DoS attack and can be conducted in transmission control protocol (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP). However, this attack is not effective in the TCP protocol due to the three-way handshake approach that prevents this type of attack from passing through the network layer to the upper layers in the network stack. On the other hand, UDP is a connectionless protocol, so most of these DRDoS attacks pass through UDP. This study aims to examine and identify the differences between TCP-based and UDP-based DRDoS attacks