12 research outputs found

    Pseudo Identities Based on Fingerprint Characteristics

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    This paper presents the integrated project TURBINE which is funded under the EU 7th research framework programme. This research is a multi-disciplinary effort on privacy enhancing technology, combining innovative developments in cryptography and fingerprint recognition. The objective of this project is to provide a breakthrough in electronic authentication for various applications in the physical world and on the Internet. On the one hand it will provide secure identity verification thanks to fingerprint recognition. On the other hand it will reliably protect the biometric data through advanced cryptography technology. In concrete terms, it will provide the assurance that (i) the data used for the authentication, generated from the fingerprint, cannot be used to restore the original fingerprint sample, (ii) the individual will be able to create different "pseudo-identities" for different applications with the same fingerprint, whilst ensuring that these different identities (and hence the related personal data) cannot be linked to each other, and (iii) the individual is enabled to revoke an biometric identifier (pseudo-identity) for a given application in case it should not be used anymore

    An Overview on Privacy Preserving Biometrics

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    The Internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the communication and business way. Nowadays, the number of users navigating through Internet is about 1,552 millions according to Internet World Stats. This large audience demands online commerce, e-government, knowledge sharing, social networks, online gaming . . . which grew exponentially over the past few years. The security of these transactions is very important considering the number of information that could be intercepted by an attacker. Within this context, authentication is one of the most important challenges in computer security. Indeed, the authentication step is often considered as the weakest link in the security of electronic transactions. In general, the protection of the message content is achieved by using cryptographic protocols that are well known and established. The well-known ID/password is far the most used authentication method, it is widely spread despite its obvious lack of security. This is mainly due to its implementation ease and to its ergonomic feature: the users are used to this system, which enhances its acceptance and deployment. Many more sophisticated solutions exist in the state of the art to secure logical access control (one time passwords tokens, certificates . . . ) but none of them are used by a large community of users for a lack of simplicity usage (O'Gorman, 2003)..

    Analysis of Biometric Authentication Protocols in the Blackbox Model

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    In this paper we analyze different biometric authentication protocols considering an internal adversary. Our contribution takes place at two levels. On the one hand, we introduce a new comprehensive framework that encompasses the various schemes we want to look at. On the other hand, we exhibit actual attacks on recent schemes such as those introduced at ACISP 2007, ACISP 2008, and SPIE 2010, and some others. We follow a blackbox approach in which we consider components that perform operations on the biometric data they contain and where only the input/output behavior of these components is analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Biometric privacy protection : guidelines and technologies

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    Compared with traditional techniques used to establish the identity of a person, biometric systems offer a greater confidence level that the authenticated individual is not impersonated by someone else. However, it is necessary to consider different privacy and security aspects in order to prevent possible thefts and misuses of biometric data. The effective protection of the privacy must encompass different aspects, such as the perceived and real risks pertaining to the users, the specificity of the application, the adoption of correct policies, and data protection methods as well. This chapter focuses on the most important privacy issues related to the use of biometrics, it presents actual guidelines for the implementation of privacy-protective biometric systems, and proposes a discussion of the methods for the protection of biometric data

    Minutiae Matching with Privacy Protection Based on the Combination of Garbled Circuit and Homomorphic Encryption

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    Biometrics plays an important role in authentication applications since they are strongly linked to holders. With an increasing growth of e-commerce and e-government, one can expect that biometric-based authentication systems are possibly deployed over the open networks in the near future. However, due to its openness, the Internet poses a great challenge to the security and privacy of biometric authentication. Biometric data cannot be revoked, so it is of paramount importance that biometric data should be handled in a secure way. In this paper we present a scheme achieving privacy-preserving fingerprint authentication between two parties, in which fingerprint minutiae matching algorithm is completed in the encrypted domain. To improve the efficiency, we exploit homomorphic encryption as well as garbled circuits to design the protocol. Our goal is to provide protection for the security of template in storage and data privacy of two parties in transaction. The experimental results show that the proposed authentication protocol runs efficiently. Therefore, the protocol can run over open networks and help to alleviate the concerns on security and privacy of biometric applications over the open networks

    Fast and Secure Linear Regression and Biometric Authentication with Security Update

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    We explicitly present a homomorphic encryption scheme with a flexible encoding of plaintexts. We prove its security under the LWE assumption, and innovatively show how the scheme can be used to handle computations over both binary strings and real numbers. In addition, using the scheme and its features, we build fast and secure systems of - linear regression using gradient descent, namely finding a reasonable linear relation between data items which remain encrypted. Compared to the best previous work over a simulated dataset of 10810^8 records each with 20 features, our system dramatically reduces the server running time from about 8.75 hours (of the previous work) to only about 10 minutes. - biometric authentication, in which we show how to reduce ciphertext sizes by half and to do the computation at the server very fast, compared with the state-of-the-art. Moreover, as key rotation is a vital task in practice and is recommended by many authorized organizations for key management, - we show how to do key rotation over encrypted data, without any decryption involved, and yet homomorphic properties of ciphertexts remain unchanged. In addition, our method of doing key rotation handles keys of different security levels (e.g., 80- and 128-bit securities), so that the security of ciphertexts and keys in our scheme can be updated , namely can be changed into a higher security level

    A Review on the Mechanism Mitigating and Eliminating Internet Crimes using Modern Technologies

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    There is no doubting that contemporary technology creates new hazards, and these threats are many and significant, directly harming people's lives and threatening their stability. Because of the increased use of computers and Internet-connected cellphones in recent years, the problem of cybercrime has expanded substantially. Unquestionably, this kind of crime is now a reality that jeopardizes people's reputations and lives, therefore we must be aware of it to prevent being a victim. The exponential growth in internet connectedness is closely tied to a rise in cyberattack incidences, frequently with significant consequences. Malware is the weapon of choice for carrying out malicious intent in cyberspace, whether by exploiting pre-existing flaws or exploiting the unique properties of new technology. There is an urgent need in the cybersecurity area to develop more inventive and effective virus defense techniques. To do this, we first give an overview of the most often exploited vulnerabilities in the current hardware, software, and network layers. This follows criticism of the most recent mitigation efforts and the reasons why they may or may not be helpful. Following that, We'll talk about new attack methods for cutting-edge technologies including social networking, cloud computing, mobile technology, as well as critical infrastructure. We conclude by sharing our speculative findings on potential future research avenues

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers