64 research outputs found

    AMRA: Augmented Reality Assistance for Train Maintenance Tasks

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    International audienceThe AMRA project, carried out by a consortium including industrials and research partners, aims at implementing an Augmented Reality (AR) system for mobile use in industrial applications such as train maintenance and repairs in industrial sites. The adopted solution is a video see-through system where a tablet-PC is used as an augmented window. The overall architecture of a prototype is unfolded, and its key points are detailed. For instance, a visual registration system has been developed to accurately overlay a video stream with information. A robust, real time registration, using a single camera tied to the tablet-PC, is performed. Besides, a hierarchical description of maintenance procedure is set up and enriched by new media such as photos, video and/or 3D models. These 3D models have been specially tailored to meet maintenance tasks requirements. The obtained multimedia contents allow easy access to technical documentation through a man machine interface managing a multimedia engine. All these features have been combined in the AMRA prototype which have been evaluated by a maintenance operator

    ISO 55001 : diagnosis of the organization's state

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    ISO 55001 define um conjunto de requisitos que, quando implementados e mantidos, garantem o bom desempenho da gestão de activos de uma organização, respondendo às necessidades e expectativas das partes interessadas e garantindo a criação e manutenção de valor assim como uma visão global dos activos numa economia circular. As organizações para as quais a gestão de ativos físicos tem grande importância incluem todas aquelas que envolvem: instalações, máquinas, edifícios, estradas e pontes, serviços públicos, indústrias de transporte; extração e processamento de petróleo e gás; processamento de mineração e mineração; produtos químicos, fabricação, distribuição, aviação e defesa. No entanto, como a norma ISO 55001 é um novo padrão no mercado global, por ser intrinsecamente difícil a sua implementação, um modelo de diagnóstico sobre o estado das organizações pode ajudar muito na sua implementação. Porém, antes de começar a implementar a norma ISO 55001, é necessário avaliar se a organização está pronta para iniciar essa tarefa. Normalmente é necessário adequar muitos aspectos antes de iniciar uma grande tarefa como essa. Mas, de onde começar? Quais os aspectos são necessários para corrigir antes para iniciar a implementação padrão? O presente artigo propõe um modelo de diagnóstico para avaliar o estado das organizações em relação ao seu potencial para implementar a norma ISO 55001. O diagnóstico permite identificar os aspectos da organização que estão prontos para receber o novo padrão, o crítico, o frágil e os fracos pontos da empresa que devem ser corrigidos. O modelo de diagnóstico baseia-se em inquéritos, com várias questões e com cinco possibilidades de respostas. Cada possibilidade de resposta tem uma quantificação e uma classificação crítica. O resultado final é um posicionamento global da empresa com a identificação dos vários aspectos a serem corrigidos para ser possível a implementação da norma ISO 55001. Um gráfico de radar fornece uma “radiografia” global do diagnóstico da empresa. O modelo de diagnóstico foi validado e os resultados são apresentados no documento

    Social control in the process of agronomy education at the National Agrarian University in Peru, 1975/6.

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    The thesis explores the process of social control involved in the\ud teaching of agronomy at the National Agrarian University in Peru,\ud 1975/6. It is concerned with the social origins, the organisation,\ud the mechanisms, the implications and the consequences of the process\ud of social control.\ud It considers the agronomy course within its social context by\ud examining the Agrarian Reform under the Military Government and\ud the role of agronomists in the changing social division of labour.\ud The analysis is developed in a wider social context considering the\ud social policy of 'participation', and focusing on the role of\ud education in the process of social control. This is to place the\ud analysis of the subtle controls in the educational process within\ud a general theory of social control and also to begin to explore the\ud relationship between the educational experience,and power and\ud control in society.\ud It further considers:-\ud 1) The Education Reform\ud 2) The influence of 'financing'\ud 3) The influence and beneficiaries of research\ud at the University\ud 4) The influence of employment prospects.\ud While examining these issues the analysis of agronomists as part of a\ud coherent social group within the tmiddle class' in Peru, who have\ud acquired socially legitimate technical expertise and are committed to\ud the concept and practice of Idevelopmentalismt is developed.\ud It then develops the argument that the subtle controls inbedded in\ud the pedagogy and course structure are part of a wider process of\ud social control that can reproduce power relations.\ud A consequence of this is the social product of an agricultural model\ud which is 'scientifically' legitimated and yet intimately and\ud exclusively concerned with the problematics of Idvelopmentalism,\ud on both a social and technical level.\ud In conclusion, the teaching of agronomy is argued to be characterised\ud by the process of social control and reproduction, and closely\ud involved in the process of legitimating reproduced social relationships,\ud social positioning and social development

    License to Supervise:Influence of Driving Automation on Driver Licensing

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    To use highly automated vehicles while a driver remains responsible for safe driving, places new – yet demanding, requirements on the human operator. This is because the automation creates a gap between drivers’ responsibility and the human capabilities to take responsibility, especially for unexpected or time-critical transitions of control. This gap is not being addressed by current practises of driver licensing. Based on literature review, this research collects drivers’ requirements to enable safe transitions in control attuned to human capabilities. This knowledge is intended to help system developers and authorities to identify the requirements on human operators to (re)take responsibility for safe driving after automation

    The role of public enterprises in development in eastern Africa

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    The Papers presented here were prepared for a Conference on The Role of Public Enterprises in Development in Eastern Africa, held at the Institute for Development Studies from 4 - 7 November 1980. The purpose of the Conference was to make an assessment of the research done so farcin the field in Eastern Africa, to analyse and compare the role of public enterprises and their problem in the countries of Eastern Africa and to give the participating researches some orientation for their further research and bring activities. The Conference outlined background, Powers and Objectives of Male participation and focussed on the analysis of constructions of public enterprises to economic development. Other section of the Conference dealt with the control aspect and the autonomy of public enterprises and work analyses for an improved performance. The participants were mainly researches from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia, but also from local officials and managers from public enterprises working in Kenya

    The impact of liquor on the working class (with particular focus on the Western Cape) : the implications of the structure of the liquor industry and the role of the state in this regard

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    Bibliography: pages 256-276.This thesis examines the role liquor has played in shaping both the rural and the urban 'Coloured' working class in the Western Cape. The dramatic events during the 1976 Soweto uprisings and the subsequent blatant and dramatic restructuring conveniently illustrate the complex interplay between the interests of liquor capital, the State, and the urban Black workforce. Furthermore, it exposed the blatancy with which liquor consumption was manipulated by the State to reproduce the work-force to the needs of capital in general. The Decriminalisation of shebeens, and the withdrawal of the State from overt liquor distribution, is seen as an attempt at co-optive strategies by which class stratification among urban Blacks is accelerated. A historical examination of the relationship between primary liquor capital (the wine farmers) and the State creates the context within which the contemporary role of liquor is explored. The power and influence of primary liquor capital has resulted in perennial over-production which of necessity had to be distributed through illicit channels. By a process of selective enforcement of liquor laws, the State has colluded with liquor capital to enable continued accumulation to take place. At the same time, this process co-opts the illicit distributors, the shebeeners of the Cape Flats, into an uneasy alliance in terms of which they assist in controlling the urban working class. In the rural context, the tot system forms part of coercive management, by which the agricultural labour force is kept underdeveloped, dependent, and both spatially and occupationally immobile. The processes of informal criminalisation and recriminalisation augment the control over the labour force achieved by the institutionalised administration of liquor


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    The report presents an overview of the evolution of ESA's ESRIN stablishment. The programs and activities carried out by ESRIN are then analyzed, with particular attention to the Earth Observation and VEGA programs. We then moved on to assessing the economic and strategic impact of ESRIN for Italy. In particular, an estimate was made of the direct and indirect economic impact and of the scientific value developed by ESRIN on the Italian territory

    Livelihoods and the transformative potential of the city of Rustenburg

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2015Cities are characterised by a contradictory dynamic of opportunities for and the suppression of the livelihoods of the poor. At the turn of the twentieth century, well into the first half of that century, Rustenburg was defined by a broad-based participation in the local economy. Although black people’s involvement in that economy was marked by the relation of dependency to the dominant, white social formations, they both managed their relationship with the city and contributed to its vibrancy. Today, the same is true for livelihood activities in this city. However, from the mid-1990s (as it was the case from the 1940s until the official end of apartheid) various forces are delivering Rustenburg into an elite space of formal cultural practices. With that said, such exercises of power are not generalisable to the whole city. Thus, the way various sites of the city are constituted and valorised affect whether or not ordinary people can build livelihoods and pursue other goals in and through such sites. Overall, the redevelopment practices in Rustenburg bring into focus the tensions of city life – urban residents and the city space are agents of social reproduction on the one hand and are resources for creating emancipatory spaces on the other. In this sense, living and making a living in the city involves mediating such tensions – although the new spaces produced by the body and the dream often cohere into real material landscape that shapes everyday practices and social identities, the sensual, rationality, history, and the landscape provide resources for continual exploration and reproduction of new spaces of emancipation from poverty and domination