3 research outputs found

    Hybrid Reality-Based Education Expansion System for Non-Traditional Learning

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    Many educators utilize conventional coaching methods to coach and study behaviors in a classroom with face-to-face, verbal contact. But, the coaching with learning atmosphere has developed further than the classroom. The incorporation of technology at the coaching with learning procedure is the novel tendency at teaching, by a favorable result. Technologies present surroundings for learning behaviors to happen anytime also everywhere to advantages instructors with students universal. One of the skills to have been demonstrating feasibilities of the appliance at learning surroundings is Hybrid Reality (HR), which includes together Virtual Reality (VR) with Augmented Reality (AR). This work attempts to construct ahead the recent condition of hybrid reality also its appliance at learning. The initial section depicts the fundamental formation of hybrid reality also its various divisions. The subsequent sections provide the superior construction of a few innovative appliances that are implemented for the hybrid reality. Lastly, the paper shows the benefits of those applications over the traditional teaching methods and the essential user reactions. The outcomes have highly in assistance of taking mobile applications based on Hybrid Reality into a contemporary teaching scheme

    Hybrid Reality-Based Education Expansion System for Non-Traditional Learning

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    Many educators utilize conventional coaching methods to coach and study behaviors in a classroom with face-to-face, verbal contact. But, the coaching with learning atmosphere has developed further than the classroom. The incorporation of technology at the coaching with learning procedure is the novel tendency at teaching, by a favorable result. Technologies present surroundings for learning behaviors to happen anytime also everywhere to advantages instructors with students universal. One of the skills to have been demonstrating feasibilities of the appliance at learning surroundings is Hybrid Reality (HR), which includes together Virtual Reality (VR) with Augmented Reality (AR). This work attempts to construct ahead the recent condition of hybrid reality also its appliance at learning. The initial section depicts the fundamental formation of hybrid reality also its various divisions. The subsequent sections provide the superior construction of a few innovative appliances that are implemented for the hybrid reality. Lastly, the paper shows the benefits of those applications over the traditional teaching methods and the essential user reactions. The outcomes have highly in assistance of taking mobile applications based on Hybrid Reality into a contemporary teaching scheme

    Modelo de realidad aumentada que considere características cognitivas para aprendizaje de niños en edad escolar

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    Desarrolla el modelo de Realidad Aumentada denominado “Model for Augmented Reality Applications with Gestural Interface for Children (MARAGIC)”. El modelo considera las características cognitivas de niños en edad escolar, su validación y aplicación en el diseño y desarrollo de dos Recursos Educativos Digitales (RED) que se emplean como herramientas de apoyo en dos casos de estudio donde participan estudiantes que asisten al 3° grado de Educación General Básica (EGB) en la ciudad de Riobamba de Ecuador. El trabajo pretende ser un aporte que oriente el adecuado diseño y desarrollo de este tipo de herramientas tecnológicas educativas. Como método de estudio, se utiliza un enfoque de investigación cualitativa en el que la recolección de datos se realiza mediante la aplicación de una encuesta con elementos de referencia a la percepción tanto a los niños participantes del estudio como a un grupo de docentes de nivel medio y superior frente a la utilización de los recursos basados en MARAGIC. Se realiza además un análisis cuantitativo que permite comparar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes antes y después de usar dichos recursos para los dos casos de estudio ejecutados. Los resultados señalan que los docentes encuestados perciben al modelo desarrollado como una oportunidad para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje y que, la utilización de los recursos educativos desarrollados siguiendo las orientaciones del modelo MARAGIC mejora significativamente el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes participantes del estudio en sus clases de matemática. La aplicación de este tipo de recurso facilita los procesos de aprendizaje de los niños, mismos que se muestran motivados y participan activamente en las actividades propuestas en los recursos educativos diseñados a partir del modelo