321 research outputs found

    A Network-Based Enhanced Spectral Diversity Approach for TOPS Time-Series Analysis

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    For multitemporal analysis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired with a terrain observation by progressive scan (TOPS) mode, all acquisitions from a given satellite track must be coregistered to a reference coordinate system with accuracies better than 0.001 of a pixel (assuming full SAR resolution) in the azimuth direction. Such a high accuracy can be achieved through geometric coregistration, using precise satellite orbits and a digital elevation model, followed by a refinement step using a time-series analysis of coregistration errors. These errors represent the misregistration between all TOPS acquisitions relative to the reference coordinate system. We develop a workflow to estimate the time series of azimuth misregistration using a network-based enhanced spectral diversity (NESD) approach, in order to reduce the impact of temporal decorrelation on coregistration. Example time series of misregistration inferred for five tracks of Sentinel-1 TOPS acquisitions indicates a maximum relative azimuth misregistration of less than 0.01 of the full azimuth resolution between the TOPS acquisitions in the studied areas. Standard deviation of the estimated misregistration time series for different stacks varies from 1.1e-3 to 2e-3 of the azimuth resolution, equivalent to 1.6-2.8 cm orbital uncertainty in the azimuth direction. These values fall within the 1-sigma orbital uncertainty of the Sentinel-1 orbits and imply that orbital uncertainty is most likely the main source of the constant azimuth misregistration between different TOPS acquisitions. We propagate the uncertainty of individual misregistration estimated with ESD to the misregistration time series estimated with NESD and investigate the different challenges for operationalizing NESD

    Signal theory and processing for burst-mode and ScanSAR interferometry

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    The TerraSAR-X Mission and System Design

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    This paper describes the TerraSAR-X Mission Concept within the context of a public-private-partnership (PPP) agreement between the German Aerospace Center DLR and industry. It briefly describes the PPP-concept as well as the overall project organization. The paper then gives an overview of the satellite design, the corresponding Ground Segment as well as the main mission parameters. After a short introduction to the scientific and commercial exploitation scheme, the paper finally focuses on the mission accomplishments achieved so far during the ongoing mission

    Design Options For Low Cost, Low Power Microsatellite Based SAR.

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    This research aims at providing a system design that reduces the mass and cost of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) missions by a factor of two compared to current (TecSAR - 300 kg, ~ £ 127 M) or planned (NovaSAR-S — 400 kg, ~ £ 50 M) mission. This would enable the cost of a SAR constellation to approach that of the current optical constellation such as Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC). This research has identified that the mission cost can be reduced significantly by: focusing on a narrow range of applications (forestry and disasters monitoring); ensuring the final design has a compact stowage volume, which facilitates a shared launch; and building the payload around available platforms, rather than the platform around the payload. The central idea of the research has been to operate the SAR at a low instantaneous power level—a practical proposition for a micro-satellite based SAR. The use of a simple parabolic reflector with a single horn at L-band means that a single, reliable and efficient Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) can be used to lower the overall system cost, and to minimise the impact on the spacecraft power system. A detailed analysis of basic pulsed (~ 5 - 10 % duty cycle) and Continuous Wave (CW) SAR (100 % duty cycle) payloads has shown their inability to fit directly into existing microsatellite buses without involving major changes, or employing more than one platform. To circumvent the problems of pulsed and CW techniques, two approaches have been formulated. The first shows that a CW SAR can be implemented in a mono-static way with a single antenna on a single platform. In this technique, the SAR works in an Interrupted CW (ICW) mode, but these interruptions introduce periodic gaps in the raw data. On processing, these gapped data result in artefacts in the reconstructed images. By applying data based statistical estimation techniques to “fill in the gaps” in the simulated raw SAR data, this research has shown the possibility of minimising the effects of these artefacts. However, once the same techniques are applied to the real SAR data (in this case derived from RADARSAT-1), the artefacts are shown to be problematic. Because of this the ICW SAR design technique it is—set aside. The second shows that an extended chirp mode pulsed (ECMP) SAR (~ 20 - 54 % duty cycle) can be designed with a lowered peak power level which enables a single SSPA to feed a parabolic Cassegrain antenna. The detailed analysis shows the feasibility of developing a microsatellite based SAR design at a comparable price to those of optical missions

    Measuring Coseismic Deformation With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review

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    In the past 25 years, space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery has become an increasingly available data source for the study of crustal deformation associated with moderate to large earthquakes (M > 4.0). Coseismic surface deformation can be measured with several well-established techniques, the applicability of which depends on the ground displacement pattern, on several radar parameters, and on the surface properties at the time of the radar acquisitions. The state-of-the-art concerning the measurement techniques is reviewed, and their application to over 100 case-studies since the launch of the Sentinel-1a satellite is discussed, including the performance of the different methods and the data processing aspects, which still constitute topics of ongoing research

    SIGNAL: A Ka-band Digital Beam-Forming SAR System Concept to Monitor Topography Variations of Ice Caps and Glaciers

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an endto- end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator
