3,785 research outputs found

    Hybrid Spam Filtering for Mobile Communication

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    Spam messages are an increasing threat to mobile communication. Several mitigation techniques have been proposed, including white and black listing, challenge-response and content-based filtering. However, none are perfect and it makes sense to use a combination rather than just one. We propose an anti-spam framework based on the hybrid of content-based filtering and challenge-response. There is the trade-offs between accuracy of anti-spam classifiers and the communication overhead. Experimental results show how, depending on the proportion of spam messages, different filtering %%@ parameters should be set.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers: 2nd Edition (with Python examples)

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    Perhaps the most straightforward classifier in the arsenal or machine learning techniques is the Nearest Neighbour Classifier -- classification is achieved by identifying the nearest neighbours to a query example and using those neighbours to determine the class of the query. This approach to classification is of particular importance because issues of poor run-time performance is not such a problem these days with the computational power that is available. This paper presents an overview of techniques for Nearest Neighbour classification focusing on; mechanisms for assessing similarity (distance), computational issues in identifying nearest neighbours and mechanisms for reducing the dimension of the data. This paper is the second edition of a paper previously published as a technical report. Sections on similarity measures for time-series, retrieval speed-up and intrinsic dimensionality have been added. An Appendix is included providing access to Python code for the key methods.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures: An updated edition of an older tutorial on kN

    Textual Case-based Reasoning for Spam Filtering: a Comparison of Feature-based and Feature-free Approaches

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    Spam filtering is a text classification task to which Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) has been successfully applied. We describe the ECUE system, which classifies emails using a feature-based form of textual CBR. Then, we describe an alternative way to compute the distances between cases in a feature-free fashion, using a distance measure based on text compression. This distance measure has the advantages of having no set-up costs and being resilient to concept drift. We report an empirical comparison, which shows the feature-free approach to be more accurate than the feature-based system. These results are fairly robust over different compression algorithms in that we find that the accuracy when using a Lempel-Ziv compressor (GZip) is approximately the same as when using a statistical compressor (PPM). We note, however, that the feature-free systems take much longer to classify emails than the feature-based system. Improvements in the classification time of both kinds of systems can be obtained by applying case base editing algorithms, which aim to remove noisy and redundant cases from a case base while maintaining, or even improving, generalisation accuracy. We report empirical results using the Competence-Based Editing (CBE) technique. We show that CBE removes more cases when we use the distance measure based on text compression (without significant changes in generalisation accuracy) than it does when we use the feature-based approach

    Entropy and Graph Based Modelling of Document Coherence using Discourse Entities: An Application

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    We present two novel models of document coherence and their application to information retrieval (IR). Both models approximate document coherence using discourse entities, e.g. the subject or object of a sentence. Our first model views text as a Markov process generating sequences of discourse entities (entity n-grams); we use the entropy of these entity n-grams to approximate the rate at which new information appears in text, reasoning that as more new words appear, the topic increasingly drifts and text coherence decreases. Our second model extends the work of Guinaudeau & Strube [28] that represents text as a graph of discourse entities, linked by different relations, such as their distance or adjacency in text. We use several graph topology metrics to approximate different aspects of the discourse flow that can indicate coherence, such as the average clustering or betweenness of discourse entities in text. Experiments with several instantiations of these models show that: (i) our models perform on a par with two other well-known models of text coherence even without any parameter tuning, and (ii) reranking retrieval results according to their coherence scores gives notable performance gains, confirming a relation between document coherence and relevance. This work contributes two novel models of document coherence, the application of which to IR complements recent work in the integration of document cohesiveness or comprehensibility to ranking [5, 56]

    Machine Learning and Law

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    Part I of this Article explains the basic concepts underlying machine learning. Part II will convey a more general principle: non-intelligent computer algorithms can sometimes produce intelligent results in complex tasks through the use of suitable proxies detected in data. Part III will explore how certain legal tasks might be amenable to partial automation under this principle by employing machine learning techniques. This Part will also emphasize the significant limitations of these automated methods as compared to the capabilities of similarly situated attorneys

    Polychotomiser for case-based reasoning beyond the traditional Bayesian classification approach

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    This work implements an enhanced Bayesian classifier with better performance as compared to the ordinary naïve Bayes classifier when used with domains and datasets of varying characteristics. Text classification is an active and on-going research field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Text classification is defined as the task of learning methods for categorising collections of electronic text documents into their annotated classes, based on its contents. An increasing number of statistical approaches have been developed for text classification, including k-nearest neighbor classification, naïve Bayes classification, decision tree, rules induction, and the algorithm implementing the structural risk minimisation theory called the support vector machine. Among the approaches used in these applications, naïve Bayes classifiers have been widely used because of its simplicity. However this generative method has been reported to be less accurate than the discriminative methods such as SVM. Some researches have proven that the naïve Bayes classifier performs surprisingly well in many other domains with certain specialised characteristics. The main aim of this work is to quantify the weakness of traditional naïve Bayes classification and introduce an enhance Bayesian classification approach with additional innovative techniques to perform better than the traditional naïve Bayes classifier. Our research goal is to develop an enhanced Bayesian probabilistic classifier by introducing different tournament structures ranking algorithms along with a high relevance keywords extraction facility and an accurately calculated weighting factors facility. These were done to improve the performance of the classification tasks for specific datasets with different characteristics. Other researches have used general datasets, such as Reuters-21578 and 20_newsgroups to validate the performance of their classifiers. Our approach is easily adapted to datasets with different characteristics in terms of the degree of similarity between classes, multi-categorised documents, and different dataset organisations. As previously mentioned we introduce several techniques such as tournament structures ranking algorithms, higher relevance keyword extraction, and automatically computed document dependent (ACDD) weighting factors. Each technique has unique response while been implemented in datasets with different characteristics but has shown to give outstanding performance in most cases. We have successfully optimised our techniques for individual datasets with different characteristics based on our experimental results