3 research outputs found

    Evaluation Measures for Text Summarization

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    We explain the ideas of automatic text summarization approaches and the taxonomy of summary evaluation methods. Moreover, we propose a new evaluation measure for assessing the quality of a summary. The core of the measure is covered by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) which can capture the main topics of a document. The summarization systems are ranked according to the similarity of the main topics of their summaries and their reference documents. Results show a high correlation between human rankings and the LSA-based evaluation measure. The measure is designed to compare a summary with its full text. It can compare a summary with a human written abstract as well; however, in this case using a standard ROUGE measure gives more precise results. Nevertheless, if abstracts are not available for a given corpus, using the LSA-based measure is an appropriate choice

    Comparing Approaches for Weighting Applications Specific Data in Multi-Application User Interest Modeling

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    This thesis presents a framework known as User Interest Modeling and Personalization (UIMAP) which builds a model by identifying and aggregating an individual user's interest expressed through their interactions with different applications at different times. To do this, we have implemented a content consumer/producer architecture. For this thesis, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are treated as content producer applications while a web browser is used as a content consumer application. We unobtrusively observe user interactions with these applications as well as the actual content consumed/prepared in them. The challenge is to understand the importance of each application towards the user's real interest. Based on user activity data in these applications, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Weighted K-Nearest Neighborhood (WKNN) techniques are compared in their ability to combine these kinds of heterogeneous interest indicators into a single model. Thus, each application is weighted differently based on its contributing indicators to predict the relevant content for the specific need of an individual. We found that textual content from content producer applications plays an equally important role as content from consumer applications. Implicit feedbacks from consumer applications also have a major role in user's interest. The results indicated that WKNN is preferred if feature weighting is the primary goal while SVM is the preferred choice if identifying relevant content is the main objective

    Visualizaci贸n de esquemas de representaci贸n de conocimiento para el acceso a recursos en repositorios digitales

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    El siguiente documento presenta los resultados de investigaci贸n realizados a partir de estudios enfocados en el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de interfaces de b煤squeda de objetos de aprendizaje, a partir de t茅cnicas de visualizaci贸n sobre repositorios digitales. Actualmente existen una gran cantidad de recursos digitales sobre Internet, y el acceso a los mismos en gran medida dependen de las estrategias que puedan ofrecer motores de b煤squedas convencionales, o soluciones especializadas que permitan su clasificaci贸n, gesti贸n y administraci贸n, como es el caso de los repositorios digitales. Sin embargo, existen una serie de factores que influyen sobre el acceso a los mismos, partiendo de la definici贸n de los metadatos, y las estrategias de b煤squeda que se definan sobre grandes vol煤menes de informaci贸n. Una de las 谩reas de mayor aceptaci贸n a lo largo de los 煤ltimos a帽os es la visualizaci贸n de informaci贸n, 谩rea de trabajo que facilita la presentaci贸n visual de informaci贸n compleja haciendo uso adecuado de espacios y estructuras gr谩ficas, con el fin de facilitar su r谩pida asimilaci贸n y comprensi贸n. Por lo tanto, para los prop贸sitos espec铆ficos de esta investigaci贸n, abordaremos el 谩rea de visualizaci贸n de informaci贸n mediante el uso de metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n y estrategias de dise帽o para el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de interfaces de b煤squedas efectivas, para el acceso a colecciones de recursos digitales alojados en repositorios digitales. El prop贸sito fundamental de esta investigaci贸n es ofrecer alternativas de acceso a partir de t茅cnicas de visualizaci贸n, para facilitar a creadores de repositorios digitales el an谩lisis, desarrollo e implementaci贸n de interfaces de b煤squeda visual