24,543 research outputs found

    Morphological variation of Arabic queries

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    Although it has been shown that in test collection based studies, stemming improves retrieval effectiveness in an information retrieval system, morphological variations of queries searching on the same topic are less well understood. This work examines the broad morphological variation that searchers of an Arabic retrieval system put into their queries. In this study, 15 native Arabic speakers were asked to generate queries, morphological variants of query words were collated across users. Queries composed of either the commonest or rarest variants of each word were submitted to a retrieval system and the effectiveness of the searches was measured. It was found that queries composed of the more popular morphological variants were more likely to retrieve relevant documents that those composed of less popular

    Morfologi Bahasa Arab: Reformulasi Sistem Derivasi dan Infleksi

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    Morphology, in the study of Arabic linguistics known as the discipline ‘ilm al-áčŁarf, as part of grammar which examines the internal structure of words, has an urgency to be studied in depth. Especially in the context of Arabic studies that embrace typologies of complex inflective languages. This article examines the Arabic morphological system from a modern linguistic perspective, especially on derivational and inflectional changes. The discussion begins on the conception of derivation and inflection in the view of modern linguistics, as an introduction to see the system of derivation and inflection changes in Arabic linguistics. Morphological theories of Arabic grammars, in this article developed and communicated with modern linguistic theories. From this development a new formula was produced in the study of Arabic morphology which is expected to provide a more systematic description of the understanding of the Arabic morphological system

    A morphological generator for the indexing of Arabic audio

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    This paper presents a novel Arabic morphological generator (AMG) for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) which is designed and implemented using Prolog. The AMG is used to generate inflected forms of words used for the indexing of Arabic audio. These words are also the relevant terms in the Arab authority system (library information retrieval system) used in this study. The AMG generates inflected Arabic words from the root according to pre-specified morphological features that can be extended as needed. The Arabic word is represented as a feature structure which is handled through unification during the morphological generation process. The inflected forms can then be inserted automatically into a speech recognition grammar which is used to identify these words in an audio sequence or utterance

    Roots and patterns in Beja (Cushitic): the issue of language contact with Arabic

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    A large part of the morphology of Beja, the sole language of the Northern branch of Cushitic (Afroasiatic), belongs to the root and pattern system. This system is typologically similar to the Semitic one (particularly robust in Arabic) and is also found to a lesser extent in two neighboring Cushitic languages, Afar and Saho, but not in any other Cushitic language. This paper reviews the different patterns of the Beja morphological system, and compares them with the systems of its main Semitic contact language (Arabic) and with other Cushitic languages (Afar and Saho). No clear case of borrowing, copying, or replication from dominant and prestigious Arabic could be found, but sociolinguistic and linguistic data favors an interpretation in terms of a convergence phenomenon. The paper argues that contact with Arabic was a strong factor for the preservation of a crosslinguistically uncommon system in a large part of the Beja morphology. It also argues that intensive language contact between genetically related languages may help to preserve a morphological system which otherwise would have disappeared as is the case in most other Cushitic languages

    Arabic open information extraction system using dependency parsing

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    Arabic is a Semitic language and one of the most natural languages distinguished by the richness in morphological enunciation and derivation. This special and complex nature makes extracting information from the Arabic language difficult and always needs improvement. Open information extraction systems (OIE) have been emerged and used in different languages, especially in English. However, it has almost not been used for the Arabic language. Accordingly, this paper aims to introduce an OIE system that extracts the relation tuple from Arabic web text, exploiting Arabic dependency parsing and thinking carefully about all possible text relations. Based on clause types' propositions as extractable relations and constituents' grammatical functions, the identities of corresponding clause types are established. The proposed system named Arabic open information extraction(AOIE) can extract highly scalable Arabic text relations while being domain independent. Implementing the proposed system handles the problem using supervised strategies while the system relies on unsupervised extraction strategies. Also, the system has been implemented in several domains to avoid information extraction in a specific field. The results prove that the system achieves high efficiency in extracting clauses from large amounts of text
