9,263 research outputs found

    Approximating multiple class queueing models with loss models

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    Multiple class queueing models arise in situations where some flexibility is sought through pooling of demands for different services. Earlier research has shown that most of the benefits of flexibility can be obtained with only a small proportion of cross-trained operators. Predicting the performance of a system with different types of demands and operator pools with different skills is very difficult. We present an approximation method that is based on equivalent loss systems. We successively develop approximations for the waiting probability, The average waiting time and the service level. Our approximations are validated using a series of simulations. Along the way we present some interesting insights into some similarities between queueing systems and equivalent loss systems that have to our knowledge never been reported in the literature.

    The MVA Priority Approximation

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    A Mean Value Analysis (MVA) approximation is presented for computing the average performance measures of closed-, open-, and mixed-type multiclass queuing networks containing Preemptive Resume (PR) and nonpreemptive Head-Of-Line (HOL) priority service centers. The approximation has essentially the same storage and computational requirements as MVA, thus allowing computationally efficient solutions of large priority queuing networks. The accuracy of the MVA approximation is systematically investigated and presented. It is shown that the approximation can compute the average performance measures of priority networks to within an accuracy of 5 percent for a large range of network parameter values. Accuracy of the method is shown to be superior to that of Sevcik's shadow approximation

    A Numerical Approach to Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks

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    The Multi-class Queueing Network (McQN) arises as a natural multi-class extension of the traditional (single-class) Jackson network. In a single-class network subcriticality (i.e. subunitary nominal workload at every station) entails stability, but this is no longer sufficient when jobs/customers of different classes (i.e. with different service requirements and/or routing scheme) visit the same server; therefore, analytical conditions for stability of McQNs are lacking, in general. In this note we design a numerical (simulation-based) method for determining the stability region of a McQN, in terms of arrival rate(s). Our method exploits certain (stochastic) monotonicity properties enjoyed by the associated Markovian queue-configuration process. Stochastic monotonicity is a quite common feature of queueing models and can be easily established in the single-class framework (Jackson networks); recently, also for a wide class of McQNs, including first-come-first-serve (FCFS) networks, monotonicity properties have been established. Here, we provide a minimal set of conditions under which the method performs correctly. Eventually, we illustrate the use of our numerical method by presenting a set of numerical experiments, covering both single and multi-class networks

    A Fixed-Point Algorithm for Closed Queueing Networks

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    In this paper we propose a new efficient iterative scheme for solving closed queueing networks with phase-type service time distributions. The method is especially efficient and accurate in case of large numbers of nodes and large customer populations. We present the method, put it in perspective, and validate it through a large number of test scenarios. In most cases, the method provides accuracies within 5% relative error (in comparison to discrete-event simulation)

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Closed Queueing Network Demands from Queue Length Data

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    Resource demand estimation is essential for the application of analyical models, such as queueing networks, to real-world systems. In this paper, we investigate maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for service demands in closed queueing networks with load-independent and load-dependent service times. Stemming from a characterization of necessary conditions for ML estimation, we propose new estimators that infer demands from queue-length measurements, which are inexpensive metrics to collect in real systems. One advantage of focusing on queue-length data compared to response times or utilizations is that confidence intervals can be rigorously derived from the equilibrium distribution of the queueing network model. Our estimators and their confidence intervals are validated against simulation and real system measurements for a multi-tier application

    Approximations for the Moments of Nonstationary and State Dependent Birth-Death Queues

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    In this paper we propose a new method for approximating the nonstationary moment dynamics of one dimensional Markovian birth-death processes. By expanding the transition probabilities of the Markov process in terms of Poisson-Charlier polynomials, we are able to estimate any moment of the Markov process even though the system of moment equations may not be closed. Using new weighted discrete Sobolev spaces, we derive explicit error bounds of the transition probabilities and new weak a priori estimates for approximating the moments of the Markov processs using a truncated form of the expansion. Using our error bounds and estimates, we are able to show that our approximations converge to the true stochastic process as we add more terms to the expansion and give explicit bounds on the truncation error. As a result, we are the first paper in the queueing literature to provide error bounds and estimates on the performance of a moment closure approximation. Lastly, we perform several numerical experiments for some important models in the queueing theory literature and show that our expansion techniques are accurate at estimating the moment dynamics of these Markov process with only a few terms of the expansion

    Stein's Method for the Single Server Queue in Heavy Traffic

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    Following recent developments in the application of Stein's method in queueing theory, this paper is intended to be a short treatment showing how Stein's method can be developed and applied to the single server queue in heavy traffic. Here we provide two approaches to this approximation: one based on equilibrium couplings and another involving comparison of generators.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in Statistics and Probability Letters, 2019

    The effective bandwidth problem revisited

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    The paper studies a single-server queueing system with autonomous service and \ell priority classes. Arrival and departure processes are governed by marked point processes. There are \ell buffers corresponding to priority classes, and upon arrival a unit of the kkth priority class occupies a place in the kkth buffer. Let N(k)N^{(k)}, k=1,2,...,k=1,2,...,\ell denote the quota for the total kkth buffer content. The values N(k)N^{(k)} are assumed to be large, and queueing systems both with finite and infinite buffers are studied. In the case of a system with finite buffers, the values N(k)N^{(k)} characterize buffer capacities. The paper discusses a circle of problems related to optimization of performance measures associated with overflowing the quota of buffer contents in particular buffers models. Our approach to this problem is new, and the presentation of our results is simple and clear for real applications.Comment: 29 pages, 11pt, Final version, that will be published as is in Stochastic Model