25 research outputs found

    An Approximation Algorithm for Stackelberg Network Pricing

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    We consider the problem of maximizing the revenue raised from tolls set on the arcs of a transportation network, under the constraint that users are assigned to toll-compatible shortest paths. We first prove that this problem is strongly NP-hard. We then provide a polynomial time algorithm with a worst-case precision guarantee of 1/2log⁥2mT+1{1/2}\log_2 m_T+1, where mTm_T denotes the number of toll arcs. Finally we show that the approximation is tight with respect to a natural relaxation by constructing a family of instances for which the relaxation gap is reached.Comment: 38 page

    Stackelberg Network Pricing is Hard to Approximate

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    In the Stackelberg Network Pricing problem, one has to assign tariffs to a certain subset of the arcs of a given transportation network. The aim is to maximize the amount paid by the user of the network, knowing that the user will take a shortest st-path once the tariffs are fixed. Roch, Savard, and Marcotte (Networks, Vol. 46(1), 57-67, 2005) proved that this problem is NP-hard, and gave an O(log m)-approximation algorithm, where m denote the number of arcs to be priced. In this note, we show that the problem is also APX-hard

    Polynomial cases of the tarification problem

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    We consider the problem of determining a set of optimal tariffs for an agent in a network, who owns a subset of the arcs of the network, and who wishes to maximize his revenues on this subset from a set of clients that make use of the network.The general variant of this problem is NP-hard, already with a single client. This paper introduces several new polynomially solvable special cases. An important case is the following.For multiple clients, if the number of tariff arcs is bounded from above, we can solve the problem by a polynomial number of linear programs (each of which is of polynomial size). Furthermore, we show that the parametric tarification problem and the single arc fixed charge tarification problem can be solved in polynomial time.Economics ;

    Stackelberg Network Pricing Games

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    We study a multi-player one-round game termed Stackelberg Network Pricing Game, in which a leader can set prices for a subset of mm priceable edges in a graph. The other edges have a fixed cost. Based on the leader's decision one or more followers optimize a polynomial-time solvable combinatorial minimization problem and choose a minimum cost solution satisfying their requirements based on the fixed costs and the leader's prices. The leader receives as revenue the total amount of prices paid by the followers for priceable edges in their solutions, and the problem is to find revenue maximizing prices. Our model extends several known pricing problems, including single-minded and unit-demand pricing, as well as Stackelberg pricing for certain follower problems like shortest path or minimum spanning tree. Our first main result is a tight analysis of a single-price algorithm for the single follower game, which provides a (1+Ï”)log⁥m(1+\epsilon) \log m-approximation for any Ï”>0\epsilon >0. This can be extended to provide a (1+Ï”)(log⁥k+log⁥m)(1+\epsilon)(\log k + \log m)-approximation for the general problem and kk followers. The latter result is essentially best possible, as the problem is shown to be hard to approximate within \mathcal{O(\log^\epsilon k + \log^\epsilon m). If followers have demands, the single-price algorithm provides a (1+Ï”)m2(1+\epsilon)m^2-approximation, and the problem is hard to approximate within \mathcal{O(m^\epsilon) for some Ï”>0\epsilon >0. Our second main result is a polynomial time algorithm for revenue maximization in the special case of Stackelberg bipartite vertex cover, which is based on non-trivial max-flow and LP-duality techniques. Our results can be extended to provide constant-factor approximations for any constant number of followers

    An overview of Stackelberg pricing in networks

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    The Stackelberg pricing problem has two levels of decision making: tariff setting by an operator, and then selection of the cheapest alternative by customers. In the network version, an operator determines tariffs on a subset of the arcs that he owns. Customers, who wish to connect two vertices with a path of a certain capacity, select the cheapest path. The revenue for the operator is determined by the tariff and the amount of usage of his arcs. The most natural model for the problem is a (bi-linear) bilevel program, where the upper level problem is the pricing problem of the operator, and the lower level problem is a shortest path problem for each of the customers. This manuscript contains a compilation of theoretical and algorithmic results on the Stackelberg pricing problem. The description of the theory and algorithms is generally informal and intuitive. We redefine the underlying network of the problem, to obtain a compact representation. Then, we describe a basic branch-and-bound enumeration procedure. Both concepts are used for complexity issues and the development of algorithms: establishing NP-hardness, approximability, and polynomially solvable cases, and an efficient exact branch-and-bound algorithm.mathematical applications;

    An overview of Stackelberg pricing in networks

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    The Stackelberg pricing problem has two levels of decision making: tariff setting by an operator, and then selection of the cheapest alternative by customers. In the network version, an operator determines tariffs on a subset of the arcs that he owns. Customers, who wish to connect two vertices with a path of a certain capacity, select the cheapest path. The revenue for the operator is determined by the tariff and the amount of usage of his arcs. The most natural model for the problem is a (bilinear) bilevel program, where the upper level problem is the pricing problem of the operator, and the lower level problem is a shortest path problem for each of the customers. This paper contains a compilation of theoretical and algorithmic results on the network Stackelberg pricing problem. The description of the theory and algorithms is generally informal and intuitive. We redefine the underlying network of the problem, to obtain a compact representation. Then we describe a basic branch-and-bound enumeration procedure. Both concepts are used for complexity issues and for the development of algorithms: establishing NP-hardness, approximability, special cases solvable in polynomial time, and an efficient exact branch-and-bound algorithm.Economics ;

    Pricing Network Edges to Cross a River.

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    We consider a Stackelberg pricing problem in directed networks:Tariffs (prices) have to be defined by an operator, the leader, for a subset of the arcs. Clients, the followers, choose paths to route their demand through the network selfishly and independently of each other, on the basis of minimal total cost. The problem is to find tariffs such as to maximize the operator''s revenue. We consider the case where each client takes at most one tariff arc to route the demand.The problem, which we refer to as the river tarification problem, is a special case of problems studied previously in the literature.We prove that the problem is strongly NP-hard.Moreover, we show that the polynomially solvable case of uniform tarification yields an m--approximation algorithm, and this is tight. We suggest a new type of analysis that allows to improve the result to \bigO{\log m}, whenever the input data is polynomially bounded. We furthermore derive an \bigO{m^{1-\varepsilon}}--inapproximability result for problems where the operator must serve all clients, and we discuss some polynomial special cases. Finally, a computational study with instances from France Telecom suggests that uniform pricing performs better in practice than theory would suggest.operations research and management science;

    Uso de un algoritmo Stackelberg-Evolutivo para resolver el problema de fijaciĂłn de cuotas en una red de transporte

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    El problema de fijaciĂłn de cuotas en una red de transporte de bienes mĂșltiples TOP (por sus siglas en inglĂ©s, Toll Optimization Problem) se modela como una problema binivel en el cual el lĂ­der busca determinar un conjunto de tarifas que se asignan a determinados arcos de dicha red y el seguidor debe elegir por cuĂĄles arcos transportar los bienes, sabiendo que debe pagar las cuotas establecidas por el lĂ­der. El siguiente trabajo presenta un algoritmo Stackelberg-Evolutivo para resolver el TOP que estudia la interacciĂłn entre el lĂ­der y el seguidor como un juego de Stackelberg; asimismo, explota los principios de la computaciĂłn evolutiva, en la cual se realizan cambios aleatorios entre los individuos de una poblaciĂłn de soluciones factibles del problema, seleccionando individuos que contribuyen en mayor medida a mejorar la utilidad de los agentes del juego de Stackelberg. Dicha selecciĂłn permite que en cada iteraciĂłn las mejores soluciones tengan mayor probabilidad de sobrevivir, permitiendo que las utilidades del lĂ­der y del seguidor vayan mejorando su calidad